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Search results for: American Airlines 1800-299-7264 Customer Service Numbers

Lord of the Rings… present day! Part 2 (in Fanfiction)

…Personae: Baggins, Fredrick: Male American, Teenager and Ring bearer Baggins, Robert: Male American, Special Assistant to the President Beard, Terrance: Male Indonesian, Farmer Bell, Caleb: Male American, Military Commander Bell,…

Isildur, a novel (in Fanfiction)

…I tell you the Umbardrim are the agents of Sauron — if not actually in his service, they are at best working his will for their own ends. Listen not…

Bibliography — Journal Articles (in Subject Articles)

…Unknown Heroes?. Bulles, Marcel. Amon Hen 1996 Mar; 138: 15-17. Note: Cirdan. Cirdan the Shipwright. Blackwelder, Richard. Minas Tirith Evening-Star: Journal of the American Tolkien Society 1987 Winter; 16 (4):…

The Amazing Race (in Fanfiction)

…“What do you mean there is no more cameras?” she growled. The attendant sighed. “A customer came in a while ago and bought all the cameras,” he explained. Galadriel paled…

23 Number words (in Language Readings)

Cardinal numbers 0..cúma (literally: “void”) 1… minë 2… atta 3… neldë 4… canta 5… lempë 6… enquë 7… otso 8… tolto 9… nertë 10. quain The numbers 11 to 19…

Where the Stars are Strange (in Fanfiction)

…their city and build up their numbers.” “They have had twenty five years to build up their numbers,” said Imrahil grimly. “And their defenses. There are a great many Haradrim…

The Epic of Merrisil & the Scourge of the Scarlet Maiden (in Fanfiction)

…gift from Merrisil’s father who was a smith in service of the King. The blade is not magical as such, but is of fine quality and does not rust or…

Return of the King, Extended Edition (in Subject Articles)

…and service to Gondor, in peace or war, in living or dying, from…from this hour henceforth, until my lord release me, or death take me. Denethor: (stands up with an…

Elven And Proud About It (in Fanfiction)

…totally inconspicuous first names,” Frodo suggested. “Something long and…” “American?” Legolas finished sarcastically. The hobbit scoffed. “You can keep American. I’ll go with Christian. No one would expect me to…

Something Scary (in Fanfiction)

…don’t steal, don’t do drugs, and stay in school!” GANDALF: “Thank you for that public service announcement. Now can we get back to sleep?” ARAGORN: “Hey, dude – that Stone…