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Search results for: American Airlines Flight

Lord of the Rings… present day! Part 2 (in Fanfiction)

…Personae: Baggins, Fredrick: Male American, Teenager and Ring bearer Baggins, Robert: Male American, Special Assistant to the President Beard, Terrance: Male Indonesian, Farmer Bell, Caleb: Male American, Military Commander Bell,…

Bibliography — Journal Articles (in Subject Articles)

…Unknown Heroes?. Bulles, Marcel. Amon Hen 1996 Mar; 138: 15-17. Note: Cirdan. Cirdan the Shipwright. Blackwelder, Richard. Minas Tirith Evening-Star: Journal of the American Tolkien Society 1987 Winter; 16 (4):…

Something Scary (in Fanfiction)

…look backwards to where the Rohirrim are putting the armies of Sauron and Saruman to flight ? MERRY Well. That was a bundle of laughs wasn?t it. PIPPIN Oh, to…

Chapter 2: Flight from the Mire (in Fanfiction)

Chapter 2, Flight from the Mire. Spamdumb: Wait Mr. Author. Author: What is it, Spam? Spam: We canÂ’t fly. Why is this chapter called “Flight from the Mire”? Author: ummÂ……

Elven And Proud About It (in Fanfiction)

…totally inconspicuous first names,” Frodo suggested. “Something long and…” “American?” Legolas finished sarcastically. The hobbit scoffed. “You can keep American. I’ll go with Christian. No one would expect me to…

Isildur, a novel (in Fanfiction)

…of willow. In the center of the floor was a dark opening leading to a flight of dank and mossy stone steps. Water could be heard lapping gently below. The…

The Great Realm of Yavanna Wool-dyeing Experiment (in Crafts)

…A bit of information on preparing iron water too – in the American Colonial period, women would probably use rusty nails! ** Note advice from Zoe: I would advise against…

Flight and Fight (in Fanfiction)

Sorry for the long wait, everyone! I had computer problems. I hope this chappie is worth the wait! Please review and tell me what you all think! Chapter Three: Flight

The Haven of Rivendell: Chapter 1 Flight to Sanctuary (in Fanfiction)

Flight to Sanctuary The year was ever turning in its circle and spring had come again to Rivendell. Buds opened like white and pink gifts from the Valar on the…

Flight of the Lovelorn Hunter (in Fanfiction)

…her wake did he Pursue and call her ardently: “Fair Arien, be mine!” Arien halted not her flight, But turned her eyes; and now She looked upon the earnest wight…