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Search results for: Open Sun Country Airlines 1800-299-7264 Customer Service Phone Number

The Return of the Fellowship of the Two Towers of the King’s Ring (in Subject Articles)

…black trench coat and sunglasses (Agent Smith). He can’t see with his sunglasses on, so he rips them off, then glares at Aragorn. He pulls the CD player’s plug out…

Shadow and Thought (in Fanfiction)

…bidding. The door opened and Faramir entered blushing furiously. She could hear the raucous shouts of the men outside. “Tonight you venture deep into Rohan, be sure to leave a…

The Amazing Race Part 2 (in Fanfiction)

…shut. Boromir and Merry stood stunned for a moment and then Boromir hurled himself at the Doors. “Open! Open! Open!” he wailed. Nothing happened. “Maybe you should apologize,” suggested Merry….

Riddermaid (in Fanfiction)

…not read the map. Once he came to the border of a strange country. It was green and beautiful and had no trace of Sackville-Bagginses. Besides, it looked like a…

Queer Eye for the Straight Guy… REVERSED: Chapter Four (in Fanfiction)

phone away from Arwen, but she clung tighter. “NO, THIS IS MY FAVORITE PART!” she yelled, but Sam had clicked off her cell phone. Arwen sobbed, hysterically. “How could you…

Smaug’s Solution (in Fanfiction)

…there. Galadriel: Bug off. Aragorn: (goes to the phone and dials Smaug’s number, looks around to see if anyone is watching, but Legolas and Boromir have everyone’s attention as they…

Gandalf Gets Promoted (in Fanfiction)

…and Rosie is still on the floor, unconcious. Pippin: Oh, my cell phone! (He answers it) Hello? Yes, this is he. Oh, boy! (He hangs up his cell phone.) Merry:…

The Long Journey Home (in Fanfiction)

opened since she left. Slowly Sam made his way to her room gently opening the door. He looked inside feeling a vast emptiness come over him. Sam came into the…

The Lady of Bree (in Fanfiction)

…her head upon her folded arms where she soon fell into a peaceful sleep. ******* As the sun slowly came over the distant horizon Lily opened her eyes upon the…

A Phone Call with Elrond PART TWO (in Fanfiction)

…for a minute, then: BOROMIR: I saw this really awesome movie the other day- MEANWHILE… Elrond is trying to turn on phone. ELROND: For the love of Elbereth!! Turn on!!…