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Life After Death (in Fanfiction)

…a likeness to a angel wrapped in golden flesh…united with a heavenly visage. We hadn’t been working out long, but he was looking flushed, saying perhaps he should rescind his…

Chapter 11: Diplomacy (in Fanfiction)

…“What does the United States propose to do about the terrorist attacks on Australian ports?” “The United States is preparing to send a detachment of troops to help restore order,”…

Chapter 15: The Old Name (in Fanfiction)

…Phil had complained about a simple walk across the kitchen to get a soda. But after several months of walking across at least three-quarters of the United States, Phil figured…

Chapter 10. Things That Go Bump in the Night (in Fanfiction)

…in code. Then taking the three hairs, he tightly rolled the parchment around them and inserted the missive into a silver cylinder. He quickly set to work writing another coded…

Chapter 16: Politics (in Fanfiction)

…“Oh, no. I assure you, it isn’t. That very ship, code-named NA2GU1, is in development in a secret lab in Moscow. Unfortunately, there aren’t enough for everyone. Just the most…

Chapter 16 The Lord of the Nazgul (in Fanfiction)

…he had returned from Rivendell and his lengthy sickbed, he had had the first real fight with Celeborn, imposing upon his foster father and Lord the warriorsÂ’ code of never…

Valentine Memoirs (in Fanfiction)

…about it.” Estel had promised he would, never knowing how fast his twentieth birthday would come. Now what? It was against the Ranger code of conduct to break a promise….

Chapter 9. The Aftermath of the Storm (in Fanfiction)

…that it contained. The script would be incomprehensible to anyone except those versed in reading the code. Alassar’s eyes skimmed over the message and, smiling, he rerolled the parchment, placed…


…administered it personally. The secrecy around the final challenge was considered part of the warrior’s code of honor. Legolas, being a Prince had not only been through the course of…

Chapter 18. Weregild Denied (in Fanfiction)

…Authon, who would see that one of their agents would take it to Broggha. He thought in his mind of what he would write in code but his thoughts were…