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The Fellowship of the Ring at the White House (in Fanfiction)

…discuss the ring! Senator E: Don’t be silly, we already fixed the vice-presidents phone. Sam:(standing up and pulling out a frying pan.) Don’t you be funny with Mister Frodo!! Senator…

A Phone Call with Elrond PART TWO (in Fanfiction)

…for a minute, then: BOROMIR: I saw this really awesome movie the other day- MEANWHILE… Elrond is trying to turn on phone. ELROND: For the love of Elbereth!! Turn on!!…

FotR: The Quest for World Domination Episode II (in Fanfiction)

…~hobbitluver~: *sighs* Alright, fine. Somebody bring me a phone! The employee brings a phone to ~hobbitluver~. She answers it on speakerphone. ~hobbitluver~: Yeah, whaddaya want? A childish voice on the…

The Commandeering of the Cursed Aztec Gold Ring With a Black Pearl (in Fanfiction)

…a miracle Bilbo and Elrond: Bye bye! * Trying to cross mountains* Boromir: This will be the death of the hobbits! Gandalf: What?! (cell phone rings, LOTR ring tone) Legolas:…

Chapter 8 (in Fanfiction)

…Madril, observing the overwhelming number of Orcs, told Faramir, “we can’t hold them, the city is lost.” Faramir, whilst surveying his likely futile defense against the Orcs in despair, did…

Chapter 6 (in Fanfiction)

…heading off to his flat, while Spike walked back to the high school. Meanwhile, in Los Angeles… [ Wolfram & Hart ] “What do you mean, you lost the shipment?!”…

Chapter 16 (in Fanfiction)

city, just outside of bow range, with the siege towers that were as high as the lower walls of the city, being pushed by the gargantuan trolls. The Orcs began…

25 & 26 (in Fanfiction)

…Thengel, from inside the Tower. Sombre silence fell through the ranks of Men and Elves. The entire city of Minas Tirith seemed to have a reverent quiet to its white…

Chapter 7 (in Fanfiction)

…Sauron’s armies of allies and mercenaries outnumber even the population of this city. For Minas Tirith, Sauron will have the whole weight of his diverse army upon the city, consisting…

CHAPTER TWO: FAMILY (in Fanfiction)

…is BrazilÂ’s largest city and tourist attraction. Our economy would plummet. We cannot afford to let our city be destroyed byÂ… some Slayer.” The Council members were disturbed by that…