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3.11. The Palantír (in Movies vs. Books)

…There’s also no lengthy and teary goodbye between Merry and Pippin. In the book, Aragorn puts a dazed Pippin on Shadowfax and watches the wizard and his new-found ‘pupil’ ride…

Peregrin Took (in Movies vs. Books)

…with Frodo and Sam. All in all the book tells a lot about Pippin’s time in Minas Tirith and it shows well the dark atmoshpere in the city and gives…

The Red Book (in Fanfiction)

…big book with red and black letters, years and years afterwards. And people will say, “Let’s hear about Frodo and the Ring!”‘ Sam smiled to himself. ‘And here is the…

The Fellowship of the Ring’s Destruction (in Subject Articles)

The Fellowship of the Ring’s Destruction A parody by ESM PROLOGUE: Once upon a time, there was a man named Hesildur. There was also a Maia called Sauron. And an…

A Phone Call with Elrond PART TWO (in Fanfiction)

Elrond is sitting on his throne, about to say something along the lines of, ‘We are all doomed! Doomed, I tell you, DOOMED!’ when something starts to ring. Everyone looks…

FotR: The Quest for World Domination Episode II (in Fanfiction)

…~hobbitluver~: *sighs* Alright, fine. Somebody bring me a phone! The employee brings a phone to ~hobbitluver~. She answers it on speakerphone. ~hobbitluver~: Yeah, whaddaya want? A childish voice on the…

The Commandeering of the Cursed Aztec Gold Ring With a Black Pearl (in Fanfiction)

…With sugar and pipeweed and beer and lembes and cookies and cake and fried rice and gummy bears and cream savers and chocolate kisses and popcorn and cheese sticks and

3.02. The Riders of Rohan (in Movies vs. Books)

…about Théoden and the bad times in the Riddermark, saying also that the white wizard walks abroad as an old man, hooded and cloaked. In the book, everyone is more…

Legolas Greenleaf (in Movies vs. Books)

…upcoming war against Sauron (see also Aragorn son of Arathorn). This again increases the importance of Legolas, and also shows some kind of connection between the Elf and Aragorn. Appearance…

The Fellowship of the Ring, Condensed. (in Subject Articles)

…myself… ARWEN: Nonsense. You’re totally helpless; didn’t you get the memo? ARWEN picks him up and whisks him away. RIVENDELL FRODO awakens and looks around. FRODO: Where am I? A…