Theme Previews Gallery Added
Tired of having to choose a theme and reload the site just to see what it looks like? Tire no more! There’s now a new gallery in which you can browse thumbnails of the themes to see what they look like. Click here to see it. Feel free to comment on the themes, while you’re there.
That was a really cool idea! Thanks!
I must say, this is a brilliant idea! it’s annoying to have to apply all the themes to choose one. Thanks Toon! :oD
this is great! I love all of them, but do you have an Aragorn coming soon?!? thanks for all the hard work you did to put these together!
You know, I just changed my theme..
and I went THROUGH that whole
annoying process of re-loading the
website just so see which one I was
going to choose, lol
Soooo, THANKS TOON! This was
such an awesome idea. (:
Awesome! Its so much easier then haveing to go through all of them! Thanks!
P.S. you should make a Aragorn one and also a Eowyn one! 😀
While there are quite a few beautiful/elegant theme here, what about one for Gollum? Or Gimli?
One for the dwarf would be unique. 🙂
By the way, I figured I can choose different themes for different computers. Now I have one for my home computer and a “not so obviously non work-related” one at work!
It would be a good idea if the theme preview page came up when you click on the change theme link in hte section with your account stuff.