The Online Film Critics Awards have been announced and Return of the King won 9 awards including Best Picture and Best Director. To see the full list of winners go to O.F.C.S.
This is encouraging, even though Sam and Gollum were dissed. I hope it bodes well for the Oscars.
January 5, 2004
I’m glad Peter Jackson and the filming and writing crew finally got recognized for their incredible work. I am extremely dissappointed that the actors haven’t gotten the recognition they deserve. I think for a supporting cast everyone did so very well. They must know that their fans love them.
This is encouraging, even though Sam and Gollum were dissed. I hope it bodes well for the Oscars.
I’m glad Peter Jackson and the filming and writing crew finally got recognized for their incredible work. I am extremely dissappointed that the actors haven’t gotten the recognition they deserve. I think for a supporting cast everyone did so very well. They must know that their fans love them.