Costumes of RotK
Take a virtual tour of the RotK costumes on display at The Fashion Institute for Design and Merchandising exhibition in LA. The pictures include Arwen’s coronation head dress and a close up of the King of the Dead costume. For more details of the exhibition and to begin the tour go to fidm.
I saw it! I saw it! Completely breathtaking.There are costumes from a number of different films as well, like Pirates of the Caribbean; Girl with a Pearl Earring; Last Samurai (also Ngila Dickson’s); Master and Commander; etc.,–all of them great. We kept going back to the RotK display again and again, naturally, because as wonderful as the others are, the RotK costumes blew the others away!
Anyone even remotely in the LA area ought to make sure you don’t miss this!
i saw it i saw it!!!! they are all breathtaking, and i will be checking back to look at rotk again, as well as teh upcoming cold mountain, charlies angels 2, and big fish costumes!!
Went through the tour and got to see Arwen’s coronation crown! Squeee! Oh, why can’t I jump into my computer monitor? I’ve already tried, and it hurt too much. I so wish I could go see the exhibit in person…
They costumes look absolutly gorgeous! I am sooooooooooooooo jealous of anybody who has the privaledge of going! Have tons of FUN! 😀
beautiful!I wish these types of exhibits would come to canada more often….
The costumes are beautiful, the detail on them is amazing. You can see why Ngila won the Oscar for her work.
They’re incredible!!! From Galadriel’s dress to Arwens corwn to Eowyns incredible dress from the coronation they are all so beautiful! You should not miss this if you get the chance to go!
Ooh the exhibit looks fantastic! Wish I could see it, those of you who did are so lucky! Ngila Dickson certainly deserved the award … what an incredible undertaking (and then for the Last Samurai as well), and the results are stunning.
Works of art in textile, metalic and image – the award was well placed.