New six-minute RotK EE preview!
The previously-reported RotK Extended Edition preview has appeared on the official site, featuring six minutes of new footage, both from the film itself and from the DVD appendices. The Extended Edition will be available on December 10th in Europe and Australia/New Zealand, and on December 14th in North America.
Weeeeeeee, this is so great<:o), however we do have a tiny question yessss we do preciousssss -where exactly can it be found on the site? Browsed around and couldn't find it:(:'(
For those having difficulty accessing the preview:
If you have a pop-up blocker, turn it off and refresh the site — it should open up in a new window. If not, you can click on the ‘Sneak Preview’ link on the left hand side of the page.
I’m very confused as the video that is coming up for me on the official site is one that I have already seen before, over a week ago in fact, on the official site. That trailer that is on there now is not new *sighs and grumbles a lot*
AH!!!!!!!! That was soooooooo awsome!!!!! I can’t wait any longer!!!!!! *runs around wildly, and then hits a wall*
I had to clear my cookies before the video worked if some of you still are having trouble. By the way —– IT ROCKS!!!!!!!!!!!!
Yay, I see it now -there wasn’t a Sneak Preview box when I visited the site earlier, very very weird, but now we havesssss it and the trailer is great, uhhhh can’t wait till the DVD comes out -and am especially happy to her about the release date in Europe:D:P;) Weeeeeeeeeee:D
Can you watch this with Windows Media Player? It’s the only thing I’ve got. 🙁
Just so anyone who uses Netscape knows, I figured out at least _my_ problem. If you open the Official Site using Netscape, there is no Sneak Preview link, there is only, at this time, the link to the short trailer that has been there for a week or more. In Internet Explorer, it works just fine *grins*
Though, in reality, there is only a bit more real ‘footage’ than was in the short trailer…yet still it is something 🙂
Amazing!!! I can’t wait for it!
I still can’t find it!! where oh where??
Oohhhheeee! Way too exciting… Can hardly wait now! Must get ready for viewing party precioussssss!
*dies a happy death*
When I heard Merry’s voiceover I just lost it. It was so sweet I couldn’t stand it… the words “I can’t wait” don’t even come close to describing what I’m feeling.
I have viewed the preview, and have just two questions. Who’s the naked guy? + Why is there a naked guy on the EE DVD? SOMEBODY HEELP ME!!!
Well I’m one of the late ones posting about this because I watched it Over, and over, and over again. I just couldn’t stop watching it. I never thought a great movie could be made even better. Dec.14, I can’t wait to get here. I asked my Husband if he would get me an early Christmas gift. So I will be at my Wal-Mart store at midnight to get mine. Yesssss! ^_^
OMG!!!!! I can’t wait! 15 more days!!!!!!!
yay! finnally got to watch it. i was nearly breaking into tears.
Just 10 more days… *big grin*
Whooooo…. totally awesome! I can’t wait till the 10th!
Only… WHERE ARE ELROND AND ARWEN???? *cries* Still no sign of them. 🙁 I so hope PJ didn’t leave those scenes out!!!
Oh, btw, Legolas citing ‘Who shall call them from the grey twilight, the forgotten people?’ etc… sooooo cool! It nearly made me cry. 😀
Here’s a better quality version:
I saw it illegally at school (in school time) without the sound. So I was thinking, I’ll watsh it at home with sound. There was a pop-up. I couldn’t see it with sound!!!! But it is a very nice preview, altough I didn’t hear anything. (I hope there was sound.) Awesome, v. awesome.