1) How did you find CoE?
Oh geeze, I don’t even remember. It was so long ago…

2) How did you become a Games Admin?
Basically I saw that there was an opening and I applied for the position, and I got it (much to my surprise!)

3) Are you much of a gamer yourself? Which is your favourite, both on CoE as concerning plain old bord games?
I don’t play the forum threads on CoE as much as I did in the past (before I became Games Assistant), but I enjoy The Songs Game and The Question Game. I don’t really play much in the way of board games; I’m more of a console/PC player. Usually I play The Sims 2 and Dead or Alive.

4) What do you like mostly about CoE?
Definately the community, it’s always a great feeling to meet people from all over the globe with the same interests as you. I’ve met some interesting people on this site.

5) How much time do you spend here?
An hour or two a day.

6) Which of Tolkien’s books do you like the most?
Definitely The Silmarillion.

7) If you could ask Tolkien one question, which would it be?
I’d really like to know what happens to the human race after death…

8) Who from the world of Middle-Earth would you like to meet?
Fëanor, not exactly a good guy, but that’s what makes him so intruiging.

9) Which character do you relate the most to?
I don’t really know, I mean, from the way my life has been laid out, I don’t think I can really relate to any of Tolkien’s characters.

10) Since the new year has just started; have you done anything special on New Year’s Eve?
Haha, no. I worked, but that was pretty much it.

11) What of the things you’ve done in 2006 are you most proud of?
Hmm, getting my Driver’s license, plus learning a stick shift (mostly – whether I could drive standard myself and not kill anyone might be another story ). Getting the mark I did in Social.

12) Have you made any resolutions?
No, I don’t really make New Year’s resolutions. But one of my goals for the year is to bring up all my marks in school, and find out what I want to do in life.

13) Finally; have you got any valuable life lesson you’d like to share with us?
I guess that you’re going to meet alot of people with different ideas, values and upbringings. Unfortunately some of those people are going to be close-minded, rude or intolerant of any ideas or opinions that go against theirs. You can’t really let those people get to you, no matter how rude they can be.

Thanks, Lady~Eowyn, and a Happy New Year! 😀

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