Born of Hope
Filming has started on Born of Hope, a prequel to the Lord of the Rings movies. The film will tell the story of Arathorn and Gilraen (Aragorn’s parents) and will be released on the internet in 2009.
Director Kate Robinson has commented; “We want to show people more of a back-story for Aragorn. Based on Tolkien’s writings in the Appendices of the books we look at Aragorn’s people and show the relationship between his parents.” You can read the full story here.
awsome! cant wait to see it!
Here’s a link to the Born of Hope Website;
Also note that the sister Prequel, ‘The Hunt For Gollum’ has finished filming and is now in post-production;
Uhh, I’d never heard of either of these, can’t wait to see them, should be interesting!
I’m sooo v. excited for both of these 😀 To feed the appetite whilst we wait for the Hobbit 😀