In 1966, an animated, almost 12 minute long, version of The Hobbit was screened. For more information, and to watch the film, click this link to
I’m not sure what to say. I guess this makes me feel a whole lot better about what PJ is doing.
January 14, 2012
Lol, that is so loosely based on the book it’s like does have all the needed traits: major scenes in the book that were left out completely, mistakes in canonical facts and even an OC who turns out to be a love interest.
January 14, 2012
I’ve never actually seen this one, and from what I’ve heard, I have no desire to ever see it. XD
January 14, 2012
I watched maybe a couple of minutes and then shut it off, because it was already clear by then that the film won’t follow the book.
For example, Thorin being the survivor of first dragon attack instead of Thrain alongside with a princess (?), and the dragon was being either spelled of pronounced “Slag” instead of Smaug.
I got to admit it was funny and made me giggle, but no thanks. 🙂
January 16, 2012
I think I saw this back in 1966 on a “Rocky and Bullwinkle” Cartoon Show. I was 7 at the time.
No wonder I did not remember it when I read the book! They are nothing alike.
I’m not sure what to say. I guess this makes me feel a whole lot better about what PJ is doing.
Lol, that is so loosely based on the book it’s like does have all the needed traits: major scenes in the book that were left out completely, mistakes in canonical facts and even an OC who turns out to be a love interest.
I’ve never actually seen this one, and from what I’ve heard, I have no desire to ever see it. XD
I watched maybe a couple of minutes and then shut it off, because it was already clear by then that the film won’t follow the book.
For example, Thorin being the survivor of first dragon attack instead of Thrain alongside with a princess (?), and the dragon was being either spelled of pronounced “Slag” instead of Smaug.
I got to admit it was funny and made me giggle, but no thanks. 🙂
I think I saw this back in 1966 on a “Rocky and Bullwinkle” Cartoon Show. I was 7 at the time.
No wonder I did not remember it when I read the book! They are nothing alike.