Quenya names are not pronounced the same as in English; for more information on stress and pronunciation, see Quenya Lesson no. 1 at CoE.

Q. Quenya phrase, word, name, or term of Quenya form
NQ. Neo-Quenya phrase, word, name, or term of hypothetical, reconstructed or movie Quenya form

S. Sindarin phrase, word, name, or term of Sindarin form

NS. Neo-Sindarin phrase, word, name, or term of hypothetical, reconstructed or movie Sindarin form

lit. literal meaning
n. noun
adj. adjective
v. verb
pre. prefix; an affix added to the beginning of words
suff. suffix; an ending attached to words

masc. masculine

fem. feminine

Please note that not all Quenya names need to be genderised and not all endings in Quenya names represent gender suffixes.
-ndil: masculine suffix meaning “friend/lover of …”
-ndilmë and -ndildë: feminine varients of -ndil
-ndur: genderless suffix meaning “survant of …”
: suffix denoting femininity of a name.

-i: suffix denoting femininity of a name.

-ië: suffix denoting femininity of a name.

-ien: suffix denoting femininity of a name; can also mean ‘maiden’.

-iel: means ‘daughter’.

-issë: female agentive suffix.

-indë: female agentive suffix.

-llë: female diminutive suffix.

-më: rare feminine suffix.

-rë: female suffix.

-wen: not actually a suffix, but a short form of Q. vendë “maiden”.

-incë : masculine diminutive suffix.
-indo: masculine agentive suffix.

-ion: means ‘son’.

-mo: agentive masculine suffix.

-no/-do: masculine suffixes, latter used after consonants L & N.

-o: masculine suffix.

-on: suffix denoting masculinity of a name.

-ro: masculine agental suffix.

-u: masculine suffix.

-wë: masculine suffix.

For more information on some of these suffixes, please see Ardalambion’s article ‘Quenya Affixes’.

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