Tevildo, Prince of Cats
Tevildo was a mighty cat, coal-black and evil to look upon. His eyes were long and very narrow and slanted and gleamed both red and green, with great grey whiskers that were stout and sharp as needles. His purr was like the roll of drums and his growl like thunder.
In the Tale of Tinuviel (Lost Tales version) when Beren asks for mercy from Morgoth, Morgoth sends him to be a thrall of Tevildo, Prince of Cats. He was the mightiest cat of all. (Cats were servants of Morgoth who were chasers and getters of meat for his tables)
When Tevildo first saw Beren he smelt Beren's dogs on him and disliked him. Tevildo was insulted because Morgoth had sent Beren to him, and he gave the man many impossible tasks. Finally, the cats made him a servant in their kitchen.
When Luthien and Huan came to rescue Beren, she came to Tevildo's house and demanded to be taken to him, even though he was sleeping. She convinced him that she has seen Huan wounded near his halls, and Tevildo immediately set out with her and two other cats to kill him (Huan was Tevildo's worst enemy). As they pounced on him, Huan sprung up and killed one cat. Huan and Tevildo then fought fiercely, and after being wounded in the neck Tevildo scrambled up a tree and cursed Huan.
Tevildo was then forced by Huan to give up his magic golden collar, and to give up Beren. The cats of his house were shrunk and his power taken away. Ever since the humbling of the great Tevildo, cats have been diminished and they are no longer a threat against dogs or any other creatures.
Submitted by Newra
In the Tale of Tinuviel (Lost Tales version) when Beren asks for mercy from Morgoth, Morgoth sends him to be a thrall of Tevildo, Prince of Cats. He was the mightiest cat of all. (Cats were servants of Morgoth who were chasers and getters of meat for his tables)
When Tevildo first saw Beren he smelt Beren's dogs on him and disliked him. Tevildo was insulted because Morgoth had sent Beren to him, and he gave the man many impossible tasks. Finally, the cats made him a servant in their kitchen.
When Luthien and Huan came to rescue Beren, she came to Tevildo's house and demanded to be taken to him, even though he was sleeping. She convinced him that she has seen Huan wounded near his halls, and Tevildo immediately set out with her and two other cats to kill him (Huan was Tevildo's worst enemy). As they pounced on him, Huan sprung up and killed one cat. Huan and Tevildo then fought fiercely, and after being wounded in the neck Tevildo scrambled up a tree and cursed Huan.
Tevildo was then forced by Huan to give up his magic golden collar, and to give up Beren. The cats of his house were shrunk and his power taken away. Ever since the humbling of the great Tevildo, cats have been diminished and they are no longer a threat against dogs or any other creatures.
Submitted by Newra
Encyclopedia entry originally written by atalante_star