*The school is gathered in the auditorium. Grade range from the tiny little kindergarterners all the way to the 6th graders. They sit down quietly and wait. Meanwhile, Ms. Trample is talking to her class*

Ms. Trample: *counts* Ok, everybody is here. Now class, I want you to sit down quietly and be good little hobbits while Bilbo tells his great story! Ok? *the children nod* Good!

Frodo: Sam, Sam! This is it! Bilbo, my very own uncle is going to tell his story! Oh, I’m just so… so excited! How about you?

Sam: It’s always good hearing a story from him. But… now the whole school’s going to hear it! Everybody’s going to be talking about this!

*Meanwhile, Merry and Pippin are going over their plans*

Merry: Ok, Pip. This is it! The big prank! Everything all set?

Pippin: Yup, yup everything! The stuff is out in the back covered in a blanket… in a wheelbarrow. This is going to be the best prank ever! We’re going to be famous!

Merry: Yup, famous! We’ll be in history stuff! *chuckles* Now, when Frodo’s uncle comes on, we have to ask Tramps if we could, you know…..

Pippin: Go to the bathroom?

Merry: Yes, exactly, Pip! And- *is cut off now by Frodo*

Frodo: It’s going to start! Be quiet!

Merry: Fine, fine *winks to Pippin and they both raise their hands*

Ms. Trample: Yes?

Merry & Pippin: Can we… we have to go… BAD!

Ms. Trample: *sighs* Fine, fine! But be sure to be back!

*Merry and Pippin walk off. They look like they are heading to the bathrooms, but turn and head to the back where Pippin put the stuff needed for the prank*

Pippin: *giggles* Let’s go, let’s go!

Merry: Fine… but we need… did you ask your older friend?

Pippin: *Nods* He’s coming, don’t worry… he’ll help us. There he is now!

Fred: Hey, little Pip, Merry! Ready?

*They nod*

Fred: Good. Let’s get this ready!

*They prepare the prank. 20 minutes pass and they are done. There is a net full of water baloons hanging from a hook*

Fred: You two better go sit down… I’ll operate this thing!

Merry & Pippin: No… we’ll get in trouble!

Fred: Then hide!

*They sigh and hide in some barrels. Back at the gathering, Bilbo is telling his story while Frodo and Sam are beginning to worry*

Frodo: Where are they? They’ve been gone for too long!

Sam: They’re up to something! They’re up to something!

*And then a net full of water baloons goes into the gathering. Fred is trying to keep a tight grip on the rope, but it is heavy. He is having a hard time… and lets go. By now the net is in the middle. The net drops and water baloons are released. They drop, splashing hobbits left and right. Everything is a frenzy*

BIlbo: What the… water baloons?!?

Ms. Trample: Oh my word! Class, class! Everybody, out out! Hurry! Come on now!

*The class rambles out. Ms. Trample does a head count and notices that two hobbits are missing. She shakes her head*

Ms. Trample: Those two…

*Merry and Pippin are laughing hard*

Merry: Did you hear them! That was the best ever! Now we’re going to be treated like… like kings!

Pippin: I… I could imagine it now! Hobbits will be at our feet, bowing at us! We’re going to be… fam-

*They hear tapping and turn around, finding the principal*

Principal: You two to my office! NOW!

Merry & Pippin: But-

Principal: NOW!
What will happen to Merry and Pippin? Will the Principal notify their parents? Will they get in trouble? Will they be noted as the bestest pranksters ever by the other hobbit children? Find out next time in… Uh Oh!

R&R Thank you

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