*The four hobbits go out for recess, talking and playing. Merry and Pippin suddenly slip from the little group and go behind a tree*

Merry: Alright! We are going to do the best prank in the whole school, Pip! You got it?

Pippin: Yeah………ummm what is the prank anyway?

Merry: *Rolls his eyes, then sighs* Pippin, remember I told you yesterday about the prank or were you just not listening.

Pippin: *He thinks for a minute, then finally answers* Ummm I was eating some delicious toast with jam. I don’t think I remember.

Merry: Well, I’ll tell you again. First, we will try to sneak out of class and get the supplies…….balloons, a net, some other things. Then, we will put the balloons in the net then set it up where everybody meets. After that, we could drop the balloons on everybody! Does that sound great?

Pippin: Yeah but how are we going to get the balloons and net up on the ceiling?

Merry: We’ll use a rope, and pull it up, Pip. Got it now?

Pippin: *He nods* Yeah, yeah I got it! This will be great! And we will be the bestest pranksters ever! The whole 1st grade will be talking about us, kindergarteners will be looking up to us and…..and we will be great!

Merry: *Snickers* Yes, we will Pippin. Ok, you bring the balloons and net to my house, while I get the rope and stuff. Do you think you could remember that?

Pippin: I think so. Can you write that down?

Merry: I don’t even know how to write! Just try to remember the stuff you have to bring.

Pippin: Ok, I will try!

*After talking about the plan, they go back to Frodo and Sam. The two hobbits look at Merry and Pippin, cocking their eyebrows*

Frodo: Merry, Pippin. What were you doing behind the tree?

Sam: Yeah, were you having a picnic or something? *He chuckles a little*

Merry: No, no! We were just ummm thinking about tomorrow! Yeah, that’s it! Right Pippin?

Pippin: I thought we were talking about the……..*Merry nudges his arm into Pippin* I mean, yeah we were talking about tomorrow.

*Frodo and Sam still eye them, but then sigh and forget about it*

Frodo: Ok, but don’t forget, tomorrow is the story telling of great uncle Bilbo’s adventure. The whole school will be down there!

Merry & Pippin: Ok. We won’t

*Suddenly, Ms. Trample calls them all back. Recess was over. The whole class lined up in two lines, one for boys and one for girls. Merry and Pippin stayed in the back of the line, snickering, getting excited about tomorrow*

Will Merry and Pippin suceed in their prank? Will Pippin forget to bring the stuff? Find out in the next chapter………Prank Time! R&R

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