Sorry it took so long! I’m really, super, extremely sorry! Well, here’s the last chapter!


Legolas, Gimli, Eldarion, and the Hobbits

The seven got into their boat at Splash Mountain, sitting like this:
Frodo and Sam
Merry and Pippin
Legolas and Eldarion
Gimli and Fred (we donÂ’t know who Fred is)

The Hobbits and Eldarion bounced excitedly, and Legolas soon joined in.

The ride finally started and they were sent through rooms filled with cheesy animatronics in the form of rabbits and bears, and other creepy animals.

“Here comes the big drop!” Merry shouted. Everyone squealed, and they soon found themselves dropping nearly…………………… 2 feet.

“Big drop?” Frodo asked, “If that was a big drop, I’m getting off.”

“Gotcha, didn’t I?” Merry said, grinning. Everyone glared at him angrily, and Merry sunk down into his seat.

This pattern went on for some time, and just as they had decided there wasnÂ’t any drop larger than 5 feet, they were plunging down a giant drop into a huge wave and people shooting water cannonballs at them.

“Thank you!” Pippin said happily to the person who had hit him directly in the head with one.

Near the end of the ride, they animatronics began to sing a song. A song which everyone in the boat knew, except for Gimli and Fred. “Zippety doo da, zippity yay! My oh my what a wonderful day! Plenty of sunshine in my way! Zippety doo da, zippety yay!” they all sang. Fred looked at Gimli, and Gimli looked at Fred.

“You know these people?” Fred asked Gimli.

“Sadly… yes,” Gimli answered.

Boromir, Faramir, Eomer, and Eowyn

Eomer was ordering his lunch when the worker serving him noticed his hand. “Sir, shouldn’t you get your hand-” she began to say, but Eomer cut her off angrily.

“YES! I SHOULD!” he shouted, and stormed off to the medical tent. Eowyn followed after her brother, Faramir followed Eowyn, and Boromir followed Faramir.

In the medical tent, a paramedic looked at Eomer’s hand. “I’m gonna have to wrap it up,” the man said, “Don’t use it for the rest of the day.”

“What if it isn’t better by tomorrow?” Eomer asked nervously.

The paramedic sighed, “We’re gonna have to cut it off.”

“You WHAT?!” all four screamed.

“I’ll have to cut if off, I’m afraid,” Mr. Paramedic repeated, “How exactly did it happen?”

“I… uh… hit it on Thunder Mountain,” Eomer said sheepishly.

“Typical,” the man said, “But don’t worry too much, it’ll probably heal by tomorrow.” He wrapped Eomer’s hand in gauze, and the four companions went back to the café.

“I can’t believe you might have to get your hand cut off!” Eowyn said in horror. Eomer just swallowed, sweat pouring down his face.

“Isn’t that cool, Eomer?” Boromir exclaimed, “They might even let you keep your hand! And you could get a hook to replace it and-”

“SHUT UP BOROMIR!” Eowyn screamed. What Boromir said scared poor Eomer so much that he passed out. “Eomer!” Eowyn screamed, dropping down to her brother’s side, “QUICK! Drag him to a bench!” Boromir and Faramir drug him over to the nearest bench and threw him onto it.

“Where’s Eowyn?” Faramir wondered out loud. Just then, Eowyn re-entered the scene and dumped a glass of water onto Eomer’s face.

Eomer awoke sputtering, “Wha-wha-what happened?”

“You passed out!” Faramir answered.

“Okay… well, let’s go back to the hotel,” Eowyn said, “I’ll call Aragorn and tell him.”

Aragorn, Arwen, and Gandalf

The three were now sitting in a boat at Small World, Aragorn pouting about the chosen ride again. “It’s boring and weird!” he moaned.

“Oh, don’t be such a baby,” Arwen laughed.

“But this is a ride for babies!” Aragorn pointed out.

“Then I’m surprised you don’t like it,” Arwen said.

The boat started to move forward, and the three immediately began to hear the annoying song “It’s a small world after all”. Aragorn held his hands over his ears and clenched his teeth together. “You’d think there were Nazgul here,” Gandalf whispered to Arwen.

In the India section of the ride, Aragorn’s phone began to ring. “Hello?” he said. Arwen glared at his angrily for answering his phone, but he just shrugged.

“This is Eowyn,” said the voice on the other line.

“Oh, hi Eowyn,” Aragorn said, “What’s up?”

“Um, well… we’re going back to the resort, Eomer passed out,” said Eowyn.

“What? Why?” Aragorn asked.

“He’s getting his hand cut off!” Boromir shouted over Eowyn’s voice.

“EOMER”S WHAT?!” Aragorn screamed.

“No he’s not! He just hurt it on Thunder Mountain!” Eowyn corrected.

“Oh, okay. Well, bye,” Aragorn said, and hung up.

“What happened?” Arwen asked, worried about Eomer now.

“Nothing,” Aragorn answered.

By this time the ride was over, and Aragorn could breath. Once again, he heard Gandalf singing, only this time it was “It’s a Small World” he was singing. “GANDALF!!!” Aragorn screamed.

“What?” Gandalf questioned.

“I… YOU… IT… Nevermind,” Aragorn answered, giving up. Gandalf shrugged and began to sing again.

Legolas, Gimli, Eldarion, and the Hobbits

“Waddya wanna go on next?” Eldarion asked everyone.

“What about we call Aragorn and tell him we want to go to MGM?” Legolas suggested.

“MGM? Count me out,” Gimli said.

“Oh, fine Disney hater,” Legolas said, “IÂ’m calling Aragorn.” The elf dialed and Aragorn immediately answered.

“Aragorn! It’s Legolas. We were thinkin’ that maybe we should go to MGM, what do you think?”

There was a conversation on the other line between the three, and Aragorn answered, “That’s fine. Meet us at the entrance.” Legolas hung up, and led everyone to the entrance.

At the entrance

“Everyone here?” Aragorn asked.

“NO!” Sam announced, “Boromir, Faramir, Eomer and Eowyn aren’t here!”

“They went back to the resort. Eomer’s hand got hurt and they might have to remove it,” Aragorn said calmly.

“Remove it as in cut it off?!” Eldarion exclaimed.

“Erm… yeah, I guess,” Aragorn answered. This caused everyone to ask Aragorn questions, and it grew louder and louder, until Aragorn couldn’t understand a word anyone said. “I’ll take questions one at a time!” Aragorn shouted, “raise your hand and wait until I call on you!”

Merry immediately raised his hand. “Yes, Merry?” Aragorn said.

“Ummm… I was just wondering if I could have Eomer’s hand when they chop it off,” Merry said. There was dead silence amongst the 10 of them, until Frodo broke the eeriness.

“When can we go to MGM?” he asked.

“Thank you, Frodo. Let’s get on the bus,” Aragorn announced.

20 minutes later, everyone but Gimli (and the others who went to the resort) were in MGM. “Who wants to go where?” Aragorn asked.

“Rockin’ Roller Coaster!” Pippin shouted.

“Alright, come on!” Aragorn said, heading for the entrance.

“Just where do you think you’re going?” Arwen asked her husband.

“The roller coaster! Where else?” Aragorn said.

“Since when did you like thrill rides?” she nagged.

“Since forever. Now go enjoy yourself somewhere else,” Aragorn answered, continuing to walk, Legolas, Eldarion, and the Hobbits following him.

At the roller coaster, the seating was the same for the Hobbits, and Eldarion sat with Aragorn, and Legolas sat next to Karl (who he thought looked strangely familiar. Maybe a little like Eomer).

The countdown began in the speakers implanted in the cars, and they were instantly going from 0 to 60mph. in 2.8 seconds. Everyone heard someone scream like a girl, even though there werenÂ’t any girls in their car, but they never found out who it was.

At the end of the ride, everyone got out shaking like a leaf. Well, all except for Legolas, who was jumping up and down with excitement. “THAT WAS AWESOME!” he screamed, like an excited teenager. Soon the rest of them joined in, and all ran at top speed to the Twilight Zone Tower of Terror.

They took their seats and buckled up. The elevator began to rise, and projections of ghosts shown before them. Eldarion tugged on Aragorn’s sleeve, “Ada, are those real ghosts?”

“Of course not!” Aragorn laughed, “Real ghosts are scarier.”

“Oh,” Eldarion said, not even paying attention to the fact that his ada knew what ghosts looked like.

Soon, the elevator made its first drop, and the photo was taken. Drop after drop continued to strike fear into LegolasÂ’ heart, he wasnÂ’t used to dropping. When the ride finally ended, Legolas was still clutching his arm rests.

“Stop!” Aragorn said, “I’m buying the picture! It’s priceless! I’m not passing up this chance.” The photo showed Aragorn with his hands up, Eldarion copying his ada’s move, Legolas as pale as a ghost, clutching his arm rests, Frodo doing the peace sign with both of his hands up, Sam screaming his lungs out, and Merry and Pippin playing Patty Cake.

Thus ends the LotR Disney Road Trip. I know I ended at a strange time, but the rest was just your normal trip back home. Eomer didnÂ’t even get his hand chopped off, much to Merry and BoromirÂ’s sadness.



Sorry the ending was so lame. Please review!

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