Disclaimer: . . .

Okay, now things start to get more fun.

Chapter 2: Reunions and Flushed Greetings


Legolas and Araré reached the front entrance to the Palace that lead out to the great gate in a few moments. The entrance had a high ceiling opening out into a long, slowly descending staircase that lead directly to the gates. All of Legolas’ family was already present, as well as the March-warden and the first steward.

On their short trip from the dining hall to the entryway, Legolas had endured and endless barrage of questions. He had begun to think that telling her of Elrohir’s affections had been a mistake. It was true, Elrohir had inquired of her numerous times when Legolas had spent a month in Rivendell last summer. Like so many others, he had been impressed with her performance in the tournament the year before, to say nothing of her physical attractiveness. And Legolas had to admit that she was ver beautiful, with her reddish brown curls, and eyes a very exotic shade of green. In letters that he occasionally received from his friends and the twins, Elrohir continued to show an interest in Araré. Legolas supposed that he was simply waiting for an opportunity to say something to her personally of his feelings, not to mention the courage to do so.

Still, even though his ears grew weary, he was very glad he had told her. As they strolled through the corridors, never once had her eyes connected with the marble floor, as the were so apt to do. She was exuberant and cheerful, and Legolas could not have been more happy to see her thus if he had been in her own position. Perhaps this was just the catalyst needed to help her open back up to the world.

In fact, Araré had been so cheerful and conversational on their way to the gates, that Legolas had almost become irritated. This was a terrible thought, he knew. He should be extremely happy for her. She deserved to feel such joy, so seldom could she find it. He had been more irritated with himself for having said anything about Elrohir, than with her, he realized. But he soon forgot, and was laughing along with her as she veritably skipped down the halls. At least, most of him was.

Reaching the ledge that sat at the top of the stair, Legolas and Araré parted ways, he going to stand beside his siblings, Mirkwood’s other two princes and only princess, and she beside her father, Culrûn, the March-warden. Araré’s exuberance lessened as she reached her father, Legolas observed, but a wide, cheerful smile remained on her face.

“How kind of you to grace us with your presence, brother,” the princess Tariâ pointedly greeted him youngest brother. “We thought perhaps you had gotten lost in the forest again, so scarce have you been of late.”

“Will you ever forget that?!” Legolas asked, vainly. “I was only 42 years old, of course I lost my way!”

“Silence, you two squabbling orcs!” his oldest brother, Arandil, demanded. “You can dispute the rather moot point later, when the Lord of Imladris cannot see you.”

Legolas watched while Elrond dismounted, as did the rest of the party, and their horses were lead to the stables. Lord Elrond, the sons of Elrond, and Arwen Undómiel, the Evenstar, ascended the stair and bowed before King Thranduil. The Elven Lords exchanged words of greeting, wishing each other peace and prosperity. The guests nodded in turn to the March-warden and the steward before the entire party was permitted to ascend and enter the halls.

Once the Lord and King had turned and were retreating to the Palace, Elrohir and Elladan wasted no time in rushing forward to greet their old friend. They calmly greeted Arandil, crown prince, and eldest son of Thranduil, then in turn Glanaur, second prince, and Tariâ, Mirkwood’s only princess. The three welcomed Rivendell’s twins, whom they were acquainted with, and then moved to follow the King back inside.

When the two reached the youngest Sindarin prince, all calm and composure was lost.

“Legolas!” Elrohir exclaimed, throwing an arm around him and clapping his back hard enough to drive the breath from his lungs. “You finally come of age, my friend! At last, the real fun begins!” He snickered, and tousled Legolas’ hair.

Legolas laughed, and smoothed his hair back down. “It is good to see you as well, son of Elrond,” he chuckled.

“Do not listen to my brother,Legolas,” Elladan interrupted. “Coming of age is not all fun and merriment.” Legolas and Elrohir exchanged disappointed looks, wondering why he felt he needed to spoil the mood.

“It is only mostly about such,” Elladan finished, a playful smile perking the edges of his mouth. He too favored Legolas with a hard clap to the back and tousled hair.

The three laughed heartily, in complete agreement. Legolas clasped a shoulder of each twin. “My friends, I’m so pleased you could come. It has been far too long since we last held company together.”

“Yes, far too long,” Elladan agreed. “You should come and visit us more often, Legolas. Perhaps you could come stay at Imladris in the spring.”

“That would be wonderful,” Elrohir voiced his concurrence. “I promise I shan’t shoot you in the back this time,” he added with an apologetic smile.

Legolas cringed, remembering that stray arrow that had embedded itself in his left shoulder on one of their hunting trips. He hoped that incident would not repeat itself.

“I shall give it some thought,” he promised. The two dark haired elves beamed at the possibility. “Meanwhile, though I am very glad you came, I know there are others that wish to greet you as well.” His eyes moved across the ledge to rest on Araré, who was greeting the Lady Arwen at the moment.

Elladan and Elrohir followed his gaze until they too stared at the elven maid. Elrohir immediately turned a light shade of red. Elladan and Legolas gave him sly smiles.

“That is the Lady Araré, is it not?” Elrohir asked, still staring at her.

“You are correct, my friend,” Legolas answered. “She has been anxiously awaiting your arrival,” he inched a little closer to Elrohir. “But I do not think she will come to greet us. She is a little . . . shy. I hope you don’t mind, but I took the liberty of telling her that you are . . . fond of her.”

Elrohir turned a slightly deeper shade of red. “And what was her reply?” he asked, cringing in expectation.

“She is fond of you as well, mellon nín,” he answered, watching as a new light danced in Elrohir’s eyes.

“Thank the Valar!” Elladan exclaimed, startling the other two. “ he spoke of nothing but the endless possibilities and probabilities of her answer to just such a question the entire way here! I am relieved beyond words to have that settled.”

“It was not the entire trip!” Elrohir protested. “It was only part of it.” Elladan and Legolas raised their eyebrows at this blatant lie. “All right, most of it,” he conceded. He stared at Araré for a moment longer.

“Perhaps I should go speak to her,” he thought aloud.

“Perhaps you should,” Legolas urged. “As she is unlikely to do so.”

He stared for another moment before straightening and turning to face his friend and brother once more. “I think I shall,” he stated. He turned round again, and began to ross the ledge in long, determined strides.

“He is truly bold,” Legolas remarked, watching Elrohir leave.

“Bold?” Elladan echoed. “Nay. He is enchanted.”


Elrohir had begun breaching the short distance between him and Araré with complete confidence, eager to simply speak with her. Yet, now as those first few determined strides took him away from the support of his brother and friend, he began to feel much more nervous.

He had not seen Araré since the tournament more than a year ago now. Even then he had spoke with her only briefly. Something about her had simply drawn him. Though she had placed very highly in the competition, she had not allowed the glory to go to her head, like so many others. And Legolas always spoke very highly of her.

With all this in mind, he silently took his place behind an Imladris elf that Araré was currently greeting, waiting patiently for an opportunity to speak. She exchanged a few more words of welcome before the elf bowed slightly and moved on. Araré watched as he left for a moment before turning her gaze back to the next visitor waiting to greet her. Her eyes grew wide with surprise and excitement, immediately bringing a fresh flush of color to her face, as she saw who stood before her. She had to fight the urge to fixate on the stone at her feet, as she always did when nervous.

“Welcome to Mirkwood, Lord Elrohir,” she managed to choke out in a rather high pitch. She bowed politely and gracefully, though she felt that her legs would give way.

Elrohir stood still for a moment, equally as overcome, but perhaps not quite so nervous. He wanted to tell her that she neednÂ’t be so formal, but decided against it at the moment. Instead he opted for a more conventional method of winning hearts . . .

“Thank you, my lady,” he accepted her welcome. “And might I say that if all this wood’s ladies are as beautiful as thee, I shall be very sad to ever leave.”

. . . flattery.

Araré turned a shade of red that reminisced of a strawberry, and could not help the beaming smile that pulled at her lips. “Thank you, my lord,” she struggled to think of something to say. Nothing graceful would come to mind, and her eyes drifted toward the floor again, but she refused to look down, and instead rested her gaze across the ledge on Legolas. She thought again of what he has told her, and since she could think of nothing else, decided to be honest with him. “I do not believe any have ever favored me with such a compliment.”

Elrohir looked surprised. “Surely that cannot be so. Any one can see that it is true,” he insisted, still wondering what had prompted the rather forward comment. It was not a lie, though, he truly felt thus.

Araré was surprised by the sincerity in his words, but also found that she was feeling more at ease. Her eyes no longer attempted to bore a hole in the stone floor. She opened her mouth to make a response, but did not get a chance.

“Yes, I would have to agree with my brother, lady,” Elladan said by way of greeting, stepping forward to stand beside his brother. “Your beauty cannot be ignored.” He bowed to her.

Araré freed herself from her infatuated daze, and was able to return the gesture. “You are too kind, my lord,” she said. “Welcome to our realm.”

“Please, you needn’t use such formalities,” Elrohir cut in, not able to keep his peace any longer. “Any friend of the young prince is a friend of ours.”

Araré smiled, beginning to feel a strange easiness with him that she normally reserved for family and close friends. “All right, then, Elrohir and Elladan,” she said, looking pointedly to each one as she spoke their name. “Thank you for journeying to visit our wood.”

The twins bowed their heads in unison. “The pleasure is entirely ours. We could not miss such in our young friends life,” Elrohir pulled Legolas out from behind Elladan, and threw and arm up on his shoulder.

Araré had not even noticed Legolas’ presence, which was probably his intention. She tended to use him as a shield in uncomfortable situations, and he was clearly determined to make her face this one head on. Still, as always, his presence eased her tension considerably.

“Yes, he has made quite an accomplishment, hasn’t he?” Araré remarked, feeling fully relaxed now. At that moment, an almost cruel idea entered her mind. Yet, he might deserve it, after all he put her through earlier . . . “Although, I’m not sure he is enjoying the added attention so much, especially from ceratin elves, is this not so, Legolas?” She eyed him evilly, as he brushed away Elrohir’s arm.

Legolas met her gaze, seeing her intent, and immediately wished to speak of something else. “Um, you must be tired after your long journey, my friends,” he stuttered. “Perhaps you would like to go inside and have some refreshment.” He frantically searched for a new conversational topic.

“I think we would like that,” Elladan answered looking to his brother.

“Indeed we would,” Elrohir agreed.

“Good. Will you accompany us, Ara?” Legolas asked. Araré gave him a look that plainly said he had avoided punishment this time, but would not escape again.

“Yes, won’t you come, Araré?” Elrohir echoed. “I wish to here more of this story Legolas is so loathe to tell.” He had noticed her previous stare directed at the Prince. Legolas cursed under his breath.

Araré thought for a moment. She favored Legolas another evil grin as she said, “I would to come . . . and tell more of this tale as well.”

“Wonderful,” said through gritted teeth. He held out an arm to Araré in escort as he was so accustom to doing, but this time found that he was not the only one. Elrohir, too, had extended his arm. “It appears it is lady’s choice,” he said, glancing at Elrohir who pretended to be furious with Legolas. Legolas feigned anger as well, but suddenly found himself truly taken aback as Araré’s arm entwined with that of his friend’s. Legolas should have expected as much, he realized. Yet, somehow, he had not.

“Lead the way, my prince.” Elrohir basked in his victory.
Legolas shook off his surprise. He brushed passed his two friends to take the lead of the small company. As he passed her, Araré gave him one last look . . . which he believed would have rendered any male mad with jealousy.


Okay, things are just getting started, Bear with me, it gets better. As always, R&R, and I will keep writing!

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