
Sean White sat at his desk and brooded. His hand were locked together on the desk, and neither seemed to want to let go of the other. He was pale, and shaking, but not from fear. From anger. The phone rang, and Sean picked it up.

“This is Emperor White.”

“Sir? This is Ulrich Hood. We have some bad news.”

Sean’s voice was barely a whisper. “Speak it.”

“We killed one of the enemy, but five of them managed to escape us. We have two in custody.”

“Which two?” demanded Sean. “Mr. Baggins and Mr. Gamgee?”

“No, sir.” The voice at the other end was hesitant. “It’s the other two. Brooks and Taylor.”

Sean swore. “Maybe they can shed some light on the whole thing. Bring them here.” There was silence on the other end. “Any other developments?”

“Just… the one, sir.”

Now Sean was getting angry. “What one?”

“Ling… is dead, sir. The enemy killed him.”

“Ling was nothing more than an accessory,” Sean said coldly. “His death is nothing to me. You have been promoted to temporary commander, and will take over his mission.”

“Yes, sir. Captain… err… Commander Hood out.”

Sean slammed the phone down into the cradle. Not only were some of the fellowship still alive, and the ring escaped, but now his best man was dead. Sean tried to control his rage, but it was a losing battle. In desperation, he turned that rage on the only person he could think of: Greg.

“This isn’t over!” he screamed into nothing, almost as if he was screaming at his old friend. “Your plans are nothing! Your men are nothing! You are nothing! This isn’t over, Greg! This world is mine! My plans are perfect! My men are strong! I am everything!” His hand swept across his desk. Papers flew everywhere, and his coffee mug smashed on the hard floor. “You failed! I will win!” Sean screamed. “I am ruler of the world!” Then he slumped down in his chair and was silent.

Outside, the sun set on the world.


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