So…I’ve decided that I am, in fact, going to finish this story. I’ve come too far now to abandon Fred and the others to the trash bin. But it will be a while before I can post more chapters, but until then, enjoy this, and feel free to check out “The Perfect Present”, a Christmas-themed fic using these characters.

Chapter 13

They say that in the seconds before death, your senses are heightened. You hear what you could never hear before. You see what was invisible. You can touch what was untouchable. You can say what was unthinkable.

If that was true, than for Eric Ronald, this was the moment before death.

He saw it all as clearly as if he was studying a painting. His closest advisor lying unconscious in the back of the room, passed out from sheer terror. And his archenemy was standing right in front of him, eyes blazing with hate. Eric’s reaction was being broadcast to the entire nation. He must not show fear. He must not show any emotion at all. Instead, he cleared his throat.

“I… am still making a decision on that,” Eric said as calmly as he could muster. “Your government is very new. I don’t quite know what to make of it.”

Warren King smiled. “That’s alright, President Ronald. I understand. You are an important man, with important business. But please, consider dropping me a line in the near future. Russia knows who her friends are…” His smile turned icy. “And her enemies.”

Then he snapped his fingers. There was a sudden, blinding flash of light. Then came a shock wave that sent Eric flying back into the wall. He smashed into the drywall and slid down to the floor. When his vision returned, he could see the press fleeing the room and the secret service running his way. Warren King was gone, vanished into thin air. Eric could barely feel the secret service hoist him to his feet and lead him away.

When they reached his office, the secret service deposited him on one of the couches. He lay for there a moment, breathing heavily. Then the door opened and Adrianna entered, carrying a cup of coffee. “Daddy?” she asked, concern in her voice. “Are you feeling okay?” He nodded. She set the coffee down next to him. “I brought you some coffee.”

“Thanks,” Eric groaned. He took the cup and sipped at the steaming liquid. Then he smiled at his daughter. “Adrianna?”

“Yes, Daddy?” She eyed him curiously.

“I love you, my daughter. I love you with all my heart. And I never want to lose you.”

Adrianna looked shocked. She had not expected that to come out of Eric’s mouth. Then she smiled, and tears sprang to her eyes. “I love you too, Daddy.” Eric set the coffee down and embraced his daughter, still smiling. A near death experience makes you appreciate those you love even more.

* * *

Thing had gone from bad to worse in a matter of seconds. Of all the things that Aaron expected to hear come from Theodore Winn’s cracked lips, the voice of Sean White was not on the top of the list. It wasn’t even on the list. Even Greg seemed impacted by the voice, but it seemed that he was more worried than surprised. But, to his credit, Greg handled the situation with relative calm.

“Sean,” Greg commanded, “What have you done?”

“You know.” The cold voice came out of the Prime Minister’s lips mockingly. “You were there when we tested it.”

Greg stepped forward. “You do a brilliant job hiding it. How did you get it… wait…” He looked over at Greta. “Now I understand. But you fail to realize one thing.”

“What is that?” Theodore hissed with Sean’s voice.

“I was there when we tested it.” Greg raised his phone and pressed a series of buttons. There was a sudden, high-pitched beep. Theodore screamed, not just yelled, but truly screamed, howling and rocking in his chair.

The door flew open and a young woman rushed in. When she saw Prime Minister Winn, she screamed and tried to run to him. Aaron lunged forward and caught her, holding her back. She screamed louder and hit Aaron’s arms, trying to get free. But he held on.

Greg approached Prime Minister Winn, phone still outstretched. He pressed the series of buttons again, and there was another high-pitched beep. Theodore screamed again, thrashing in his chair and sending books and papers flying. Blood started to run down his forehead. Greg pressed the buttons a final time, and Theodore seemed to lift a few inches out of his chair. Then he collapsed into a heap and was silent.

Aaron let the woman go, and she rushed to Theodore’s side. Greg crossed around to the other side of the desk and stood next to the pair. Aaron joined him, and then whispered in his old friend’s ear. “What was that?”

“In a minute,” Greg said, for Theodore’s eyes were opening. He looked right at the woman, then raised a hand and cupped her cheek in it.

“I know your face.” he said weakly. “Erika.” She dissolved into tears. Theodore stood and took in the entire scene. Then he turned to face Greg. “Greg… my friend…”

“You are free,” Greg said, smiling.

Theodore touched the top of his head. “What happened?”

“Brain probe,” Greg explained. “It was originally designed for use as a tracking device, but Sean must have modified it so that he could make your ability to think become damaged. That must also be how he could talk using your mouth. So, basically… it was a mind control device inside your head.”

“Who put it there?” Theodore asked. Greg didn’t answer. He just turned and looked at Greta. Theodore looked too, and Aaron saw a terrible light come to his eyes. Greta saw it too, and her face paled even more.

Theodore motioned to one of his guards. “Bring me a gun.” The guard left and returned several seconds later with a rifle. Theodore took it and pointed it at Greta. “Give me one reason why I shouldn’t shoot you right now.”

“I have…” Greta moaned. “…only ever… helped you… please…”

Theodore motioned to George this time. “I would move.” George nodded and moved off to the side. Greta, free, crawled towards the door, sobbing. Theodore advanced on her and placed the barrel of the gun on the back of her neck. “Good night, spy.”

“Wait!” Aaron called. He hurried over to Theodore and put a hand on his shoulder. “She can’t do any more harm here. Besides, too many people have died already. Let her go.”

Theodore thought about that for a long time. Then he lowered the gun. Greta stood and bolted out the door. Aaron could hear her screams all the way down to the parking lot. Then there was the noise of a car engine and she was gone.

Theodore looked around. “Where is my son?” he asked slowly. No one dared to meet his gaze.

* * *

That evening, Greg found Theodore standing near his son’s grave. He had been buried some nights previously. Theodore was holding a flower. Greg came to stand beside him.

“This flower grows on the graves of my ancestors,” Theodore said sadly. “Now, it covers the grave of my son.” Then he started to sob uncontrollably. “No parent should have to bury their child!”

Greg put a hand on his friend’s shoulder and looked off into the distance. Something caught his eye. It was a broken-down old car with lots of dents and burns in it. It was swerving dangerously on the deserted road. Finally, it went off the road entirely and came to a stop in a grassy field.

Before he knew what was happening, Greg found himself running towards the car. Then he realized why. He had seen dents and burns like those on a car before, in only one place, and caused by only one thing.

In a war zone. Caused by bombs.

To Be Continued…

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