Chapter 20: Reach the bridge of Khazad-dûm, Gandalf fights the Balrog

After the stabbing of Frodo by the Cavetroll, Merry, Pippin, and Misao continue to attack and stab the creature wildly. The Troll grabbed Merry and Misao and threw them off. Aoshi swiftly catches them both. Pippin was the only one who continued his assault on top of the Troll…

Gandalf and Gimli fought the Troll head on. Saito then came in, using another Gatotsu to slash both of the troll’s legs. The creature cried out in pain. Legolas aimed his arrow at the troll, hoping not to shoot Pippin. Pippin then stabbed it again hard, making the troll lean back, screaming. Legolas shot his arrow…


And hit the Troll through the mouth through the brain. The Troll then began to swoon… and swoon even more until…

The Troll slowly collapsed onto the ground… with a loud thud, throwing Pippin off of the monstrous creature.

Everyone looked at the dead creature. Kenshin finally regained consciousness… and immediately looked down, sadly at the creature.

The giant creature’s death,’ thought Kenshin, with a sorrowful look on his face, ‘was really unnecessary, that it was. Judging by how it was carried in chains by the Orcs, I could instantly tell that it was a slave, under their control… there could’ve been another way.

As Kenshin continued to feel sorry for the creature… he looked to his side… and saw Frodo, lying dead on the ground.

“…Sir Frodo!” Kenshin gasped.

Kenshin and the Fellowship then rushed over to Frodo. They saw for themselves that Frodo was very much dead. Saito, as usual, doesn’t shed tears for the fallen… he never has, which was the reason why he was called, the Wolf of Mibu.

Sanosuke cursed under his breath as he tightened his fists in anger… as well as grief. Sam, Yahiko, Kenshin and Aragorn were the closest to him. Kenshin observed the dead Hobbit’s body… without saying a word.

‘…Sir Frodo… Kenshin thought sadly, bowing his head in great grief, ‘…in the end… I couldn’t even protect… an innocent Hobbit, that I could not.

Kenshin, still wallowing in his grief… tightened his hands into fists, cursing his mistake.

“Oh no,” said Aragorn in great shock.

As Aragorn started to roll Frodo over…

Frodo quickly sat up, panting for breath… he was still alive!

Kenshin quickly brought up his head and relaxed his hands. He hasn’t failed to protect Frodo after all. The rest of the Fellowship lightened their expressions knowing that Frodo was still alive, after being stabbed.

“Don’t you ever do that to us again Frodo,” said a reproachful, but relieved Misao, as she smiled brightly, “do you hear me, you knucklehead?”

“He’s alive,” said Sam in great relief.

“Thank goodness,” added Yahiko.

Kenshin and Kaoru were especially and greatly relieved to know this.

“Heh,” smirked Saito, “this little guy’s more tougher than I thought if he could survive being stabbed by a spear.”

Frodo placed his hand over the spot, where he was stabbed… but was miraculously unharmed by the troll’s weapon.

“…I’m alright,” said Frodo… continuing to gasp for breath, “…I’m not hurt.”

“You should be dead,” said a skeptical, but relieved Aragorn, “…that spear would’ve skewered a wild boar!”

“Indeed,” interjected Kenshin, still puzzled by the Hobbit’s survival, “…how is it… that you’ve survived, Sir Frodo?”

“I think,” opined Gandalf, “there is more to this Hobbit than meets the eye, Kenshin.”

Frodo showed them the reason for his survival as he pulled open his shirt to reveal… a protective undershirt made of Mithril that Bilbo gave him. The sight of its presence astounded everyone. Sam felt how soft the material was as it gleamed brightly.

“What the heck is that?” asked Saito.

“…Its Mithril,” answered Gimli in great awe.

It seems that Frodo came prepared,‘ thought Aoshi with a grin.

“You are full of surprises, Master Baggins,” Gimli added brightly.

“You sure are,” Sanosuke also added brightly.

But their celebration was about to be cut short…

They heard more loud noises coming. More Orcs are approaching!

“To the bridge of Khazad-dûm!” commanded Gandalf…

The Fellowship began running out of the tomb, through the giant cavern, following Gandalf’s lead. Greater numbers of Orcs were right behind them. And if that wasn’t all…

More Orcs sprang out of the cracks, numbering in thousands of creatures, both on the floor and on top of the ceiling…

The creatures crawled down the grandiose pillars like a swarm of spiders. The number of Orcs kept growing… and growing… and growing… until the Orcs became overwhelming for everyone, including Kenshin, to handle. Despite this, the Fellowship kept running throughout the cavern…

But alas… the Orcs came in front of the Fellowship… cutting them off from getting to the bridge. The swarming number of Orcs instantly surrounded the Fellowship. The Orcs and Goblins growled at the Fellowship, crying out for their blood. Pippin swallowed a gulp in fear. Everyone had his or her weapons at the ready… awaiting the final battle…

“Grr!” Gimli growled in anticipation…

As they all were ready to fight…


There came a loud, thunderous roar in the distance and the Orcs began to scatter away from the Fellowship…

Gimli cried out in great triumph, knowing that the Orcs ran away…

But the others knew that it was more trouble that was coming. The cavern was completely clear again, awaiting this new challenge…

The Fellowship then saw an incoming, fiery-red light, which lightens up the vast, high-towering caverns…

“What,” asked Boromir, “is this new devilry?”

A few moments of frightening silence began passing between the Fellowship…

Gandalf was concentrating…

Kenshin, Aragorn, and the rest of the Fellowship wait in surprise, as well as horror… to find out what this new threat is…

Gandalf… after a few, frightening moments of meditating… slowly opened his eyes as the roar became louder… and louder…


That growl made most of the Fellowship, including Saito and Aoshi, tremble in great fear and horror…

“…A Balrog,” Gandalf announced quietly, also in great shock and horror…

“…W… what’s that?” asked a trembling Misao…

“…A demon of the ancient world…” Gandalf answered, maintaining his horrified behavior…


The frightening roars became even louder as the horrifying fiery light got closer… and closer towards them, making them fear this inhuman creature…

“This foe is beyond any of you… RUN!” Gandalf commanded.

The Fellowship ran towards a passageway. Gandalf let the others pass before him. Boromir… while in the front… ran abruptly toward the edge of the path, dropped his torch… and teetered very dangerously on the edge of a very long drop. Legolas and Misao pulled Boromir back from the edge to keep him from falling.

“Whoa, easy Boromir,” said Misao, “you don’t want to go falling down now, do you?”

“Thanks,” replied Boromir, “for the belated warning, Misao.”

The others reached up to them, one by one, stopping at the edge of the path where Boromir almost fell. Kenshin, Aragorn, and Gandalf were the last ones through.

Aragorn tended to Gandalf. “Gandalf,” he said.

“…Lead them on, Aragorn,” said Gandalf, “…the bridge is near.”

The wizard pointed to the stone bridge, just ahead of him. Aragorn wanted to go and fight the creature… but Gandalf pushed him back.

“Do as I say!” cried Gandalf, “…swords are no more use here.”

“Sir Gandalf is right Aragorn, that he is,” agreed Kenshin, “we must flee!”

The Fellowship began running down the flight of endless staircases, trying to evade the Balrog. And as they continued going downstairs… they reached a gap and stopped. Legolas jumped the gap first. Sanosuke and Saito followed next. The Balrog’s roars became louder… and louder as everyone looked back.

Legolas beckoned to Gandalf, “Gandalf!”

Using all of his strength… Gandalf jumped the gap, as arrows started to whistle through the air, striking the stones at their feet.

“Miss Kaoru,” said Kenshin, “go on, I’ll be right behind you.”

Kaoru, after a pause, reluctantly jumped the gap. Sanosuke caught her.

“Gotcha, Missie,” he said.

As the arrows continued to whistle through the air, some of the Fellowship, who jumped the gap, moved back on the other side of the staircase to allow more room for the others. Aragorn and Legolas shoot back and hit a few Orcs, one of which… was shot in the head by Legolas and fell into the abyss.

“Merry, Pippin!” Boromir cried out, grabbing the two Hobbits and jumped across, causing the edge to crumble. Aoshi and Misao began to stumble… but they quickly jumped up high in the air… and managed to land safely on the other side.

“Misao!” cried Kaoru, “are you okay?”

“Yeah,” answered Misao, sticking out her thumb, “nothing to it, Miss Kaoru.”

More Orcs started to fire more arrows. And Legolas countered each of them…

Then Aragorn grabbed Sam and Yahiko, “Sam! Yahiko!” He said as he tossed them one at a time. Boromir caught Sam as Legolas caught Yahiko.

Aragorn proceeded to toss Gimli next but he stopped him, holding up a hand.

“Nobody tosses a Dwarf,” said Gimli.

The insistent Dwarf took a jump across the increased in size gap. He managed to land on the edge of the other side and nearly fell… but Legolas caught him by the beard, which Gimli didn’t appreciate very much…

“Arg! Not the beard!” he called out reproachfully. Legolas managed to pull the Dwarf onto the staircase from the chasm.

Only Kenshin, Frodo, and Aragorn were left to jump across. But that would be more difficult as more of the stone steps crumble and fall into the abyss. Misao and Kaoru’s concern grew.

“Himura!” cried Misao.

“Kenshin!” cried Kaoru.

They scramble back and struggle to their feet, looking at the widened gap that now is too far to jump. Kenshin could jump it, but he doesn’t want to leave Aragorn and Frodo behind…

“Steady,” Aragorn said to Frodo, laying a hand on his shoulder. Aragorn looked to Kenshin, as he remembered how he fought against the Orcs.

“Kenshin,” he said, “can you manage to jump that gap, holding me and Frodo?”

“…Perhaps Aragorn,” Kenshin replied, uncertainly, “…I’ve never actually done this sort of thing before, that I have not.”

Aragorn and Kenshin looked at each other for a moment… and nodded in agreement. Despite the very large gap that lies before them, Aragorn was ready to try to jump the gap with Kenshin… if he was ready to.

“Hold on!” Aragorn cried out to Frodo, preparing to jump…


The Balrog is heard approaching from the other hall, as its fiery light is seen, getting closer. Stone structures around the mine begin to collapse. As the Balrog draws near…

A huge rock falls from the ceiling and smashes down the steps behind Kenshin, Aragorn and Frodo…


Creating one more gap behind them and weakened the stairs’ foundation. The stairs begin to wobble… increasing more despair into the rest of the Fellowship…

Sanosuke and Yahiko cried out in unison, “Kenshin! Frodo!”

The stairs continued to wobble. It seemed that Kenshin wouldn’t be able to jump so easily after all. One mistake could cost them their lives…

“Kenshin, Frodo,” said Aragorn, “hold on.”

The trio began to balance themselves… and the stairs…

The stairs were still about to fall…

“Lean forward,” Aragorn commanded. They shifted their weight forward, tipping the stairs across the divide…

Everyone cried out to them, “come on.”

And then…


The wobbling stairs slammed onto the steps where their companions are. Kenshin, Frodo, and Aragorn leaped across to safety. Turning, the Fellowship kept running as the enormous section of the staircase… falls slowly into the abyss.

The Fellowship finally reached the end of the stairs, crossing onto the floor. Fire appeared behind them.

“Over the bridge,” commanded Gandalf, letting the others pass ahead of him, “…fly!”

Kenshin was right next to Gandalf as the Balrog began to emerge from the chasm behind them…

“Fly, Kenshin!” Gandalf commanded to Kenshin, “…fly!”

Kenshin began to run as well. Gandalf continued to stand where he is as the Balrog came out of the chasm and appeared standing right in front of Gandalf… and roared very loudly, blowing strong gusts of the creature’s hot breath at the wizard. Gandalf then ran along with the rest of the Fellowship.

The Fellowship, seeing the Balrog chasing after them, ran towards and finally… starts to cross the bridge. Saito and Sanosuke were in the lead, followed by Gimli, Frodo, Merry, Pippin, Kaoru, Yahiko, Sam, Misao, Aoshi, Legolas, Boromir, Aragorn, and Kenshin…

Gandalf, however, stopped at the center of the bridge to turn and face the Balrog with his staff and sword. Everyone gasped in shock.

“You cannot pass!” Gandalf called out to the demon…

“Gandalf!” cried Frodo.

“Sir Gandalf,” muttered Kenshin…

A wave of flame spreads across the Balrog as it readied itself for battle with the wizard. Gandalf began…

“I am the servant of the secret fire, wielder of the flame of Arnor… ”

He held out his staff as it illuminated the bridge. The Balrog then draws a flaming sword…

“…The dark fire shall not avail you, FLAME OF UDUN!”

Then the demon strikes his sword down at Gandalf, but Gandalf parried the blow with Glamdring, shattering the Balrog’s sword.

“Arg!” growled Gandalf.

Aragorn tried to rush over, but Kenshin stopped him…

Gandalf continued his assault, “Go back to the shadow…!”

…The Balrog began to step forward, brandishing a flaming whip and lashed it about menacingly…

“YOU…” Gandalf yelled as he raised his staff over his head, “…SHALL NOT… PASS…!”


Gandalf slammed his staff on the bridge, releasing a flash of white light that drove the Balrog back a little. The wizard holds his own against the monster. As the Balrog tried to step forward…

…The Bridge gives way… dropping the Balrog slowly into the chasm…

“He did it!” cheered out both Misao and Yahiko.

Gandalf, exhausted, leaned on his staff and watched the Balrog fall… then he turned around to follow the others, but…

The tail of the Balrog’s whip caught Gandalf’s ankle and pulled him down, dangling very dangerously over the edge of the wrecked bridge. Misao and Yahiko’s faces of victory had now turned into faces of despair…

Gandalf clings onto the bridge but strained to keep his grip…

“Gandalf!” Kaoru cried out…

Frodo began to rush towards the wizard, but Boromir restrained him.

“No, no!” Boromir said to Frodo.

“Gandalf!” Frodo cried out as he struggled against Boromir…

Gandalf continued to struggle on the edge, but then… he stopped to look at the faces of the shocked, frightened Fellowship… one last time…

“…Fly you fools!” said Gandalf before letting himself lose his grip… and fell right into the chasm, following his enemy, deep into the abyss…

“…NNOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!” Frodo screamed, with great anguish.

Kenshin and Aragorn looked with shocked, as well as saddened faces. Misao and Yahiko’s expressions were the same. Saito and Sanosuke led the others out as Boromir carried Frodo with him…

“Aragorn!” Boromir called as Frodo continued to scream in anguish of Gandalf’s sacrifice…

“Let’s go, Kenshin!” called out Sanosuke…

Kenshin and Aragorn both ran to the exit together, dodging Orc arrows shooting at them. They went up the stairs, following the others…

The Fellowship came streaming out of the East Gate of Moria, running as fast as they could… away from the Orcs…

Everyone was distraught over what happened to Gandalf…

Sam sat on the ground, bowing his head onto his hands and began to weep greatly…

Yahiko crouched over… pounding his fist many, many times… on the ground…

Kaoru went over and held Yahiko in her arms, as they both cried their hearts out in great sadness and sorrow…

Aoshi consoled a crying Misao in his arms… yet Aoshi himself… seemed to be shedding a tear…

Boromir tried to restrain Gimli as the Dwarf vents out his rage and sorrow…

Merry consoled Pippin, who lay crying on the ground…

Legolas wore a look of shock and disbelief…

Kenshin lowered his head in great sorrow and grief, watched only by Sanosuke who tightened his fist, cursing under his breath…

Sanosuke then turned to stare at Saito, who was smoking and staring at him with his emotionless expression in return. They may still have their differences… but they secretly shared the same, great loss of the wizard… deep down inside of themselves…

Aragorn wiped his sword clean. “…Legolas,” he said, “…get them up.”

“Misao,” Aoshi said softly to the sobbing Misao, lifting up her head, “…its time to get moving.”

Misao nodded slowly, still crying.

“Merry, Pippin… ”

The two grieving Hobbits looked up to see Kenshin standing over them.

“…We have to leave now, that we do,” stated Kenshin.

Legolas came over at Kenshin’s side and agreed, “he’s right… we cannot linger here.”

“…Okay, Kenshin,” replied Merry sadly, “…Pippin… let’s go.”

Pippin nodded, also crying.

Sanosuke came up to Kaoru and Yahiko.

“Missie, Yahiko, come on,” he said.

They both nodded at Sanosuke, with tears in their eyes.

“…Its,” muttered Yahiko, “…its not fair Sano… its just not fair!”

Sanosuke and Kaoru deeply share the youth’s grief.

Boromir objected, “give them a moment, for pity’s sake!”

“By nightfall,” Aragorn countered, “these hills will be swarming with Orcs! We must reach the woods of Lothlorien.”

Aragorn re-sheathed his sword as he ordered, “…come Boromir, Legolas, Gimli, everyone… get them up!”

Aragorn went up to Sam and picked him off the ground.

“On your feet, Sam,” Aragorn firmly said to the grieving Hobbit. Then he turned to Frodo, who was at a distance away from them… appearing to be leaving.

“Frodo!” Aragorn called out, “Frodo!”

Frodo stopped where he was.

“You weren’t thinking about leaving us now, were you Frodo?” added Saito…

Frodo was grieving alone as he slowly turned his head towards his companions… weeping silently.

Disclaimer: The Lord of the Rings and RK are not mine. They belong to their authors, respectively J.R.R. Tolkien and Watsuki Nobuhiro. This fanfiction is created just for fun, not for any commercial purposes.

A/n: For this sad occasion, I thought I could post this chapter on Father’s day, since Gandalf was like a father to Frodo…

This chapter is especially dedicated… to my father, John T. Jarrell, Jr… who died on October 21, 2001, suffering a heart attack.

Please… read and review.

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