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Post The One Bunny
on: August 31, 2003 08:16
((Ello there all! If you would like to join this here thread, please see the OOC... it's a wee bit scripted and I'd just like to know before you start posting. And the more the merrier, so anyone who wants to join can. And now, without further, um, stuff... The One Bunny. ))

Foshpickle sat down at her computer, turning it on as she did. The first thing she did was go onto Councilofelrond.com, her favorite website.

"Now... what to do first?" she muttered to herself. After posting in the 1,000 or so RPs she was in, she decided to take a look at the fanfiction section. After scanning through the new stories, she came across one that looked interesting.

"The One Bunny," she said. "Let's check it out." She clicked on it and watched as the story loaded. Finally, (after what seemed like an age on her slow computer) it came up.

One Bunny to rule them all, one Bunny to find them, she read. One Bunny to bring them all and in the darkness bind them...

Suddenly, there was a flash of green light and the page began glowing. She leaned in closer and looked at it...

...and with a poof she dissapeared from her chair.


"Oh, may aching head," I said, sitting up. I rubbed my head as I looked around, thinking that the fall out of my chair had made my vision funny, as what I saw before me definately wasn't my house. I rubbed my eyes and waited for the stars to dissapear. A small group of girls dressed in rather reniessance- looking clothes passed by, whispering something about being clumsy.....

The second thng I noticed was that despite the fact that it wasn't my home, the place looked very familiar for some reason... I stood up and began walking around, wondering where I was and why I couldn't remember what the heck the place was called. It was then that I stumbled into someone.

Oh, sorry," I said. I looked at the person and noticed that she seemed to be the only one here who was dressed like me... as in, not wearing a dress. "Um... do you have any idea where we are? I seem to be a bit lost," I asked, starting to worry I had suffered serious brain damage.

((The place is Rivendell, just before they are called to the council. The person I'm talking to can be any one of you. (Who is a girl, at least. :dizzy: )))

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Post RE: The One Bunny
on: August 31, 2003 08:31
((I'm gonna go by a nickname one of my BFs made up for me.)
Super Haldir woke up and ent straight to the computer. She turned it on and, what seemed like an hour later, was on the internet. She went straight to RP, only to find that not many posts had gone up. Oh well, maybe it was just her. She had some time to kill so she decided to check out the fanfic section. She cursed at the computer when the link wouldn't work, and had to reload the page all over again. Finally she was there. At the top was a fanfic called The ne Bunny. The title sounded stupid, but it was Humor so she checked it out. As she began to read it her computer began to glow afunn green color.
"Not now," she told the computer, echoing Arwen's line at the Bruinen Ford.
Then suddenly *POW* she was lying on her back. She opened her eyes and saw stars.
"Wow, I didn't know people actually saw stars," she said to herself in astonishment.
She got up and dusted herself off. Then she looked around. Her eyes suddenly became huge and her heart was soaring. Her mouth dropped open and then a humongous (sp?) smile spread across her face. She began to dance around in joy; she was in Rivendell. It was all she could do to keep from screaming. Then suddenly someone bumped into her, someone who didn't look like she belonged here by her clothes. Super Haldir, on the other hand, was dressed very similar to te elves. After all, her wardrobe was entirely inspired by Tolkien.
"Oh, sorry," the person said, "Um... do you have any idea where we are? I seem to be a bit lost."
"Of course I know where we are, though it must be a dream," Super Haldir answered, "It looks like we're in Rivendell."
As she said Rivendell a slightly crazed look passed across her face, after all this was where she had always thouht she belonged.
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Post RE: The One Bunny
on: August 31, 2003 08:33
((Begun, the Bunny Wars have!! :evil: ))

Siona sat at her computer, updating her site...as usual. The folks were gone until Monday, giving her more than enough time to rot her mind with the internet.

On another window, she strolled through CoE while waiting for slow-poke Foshpickle to RPG.

Wait...a new fanfiction?

"The One Bunny," she read aloud. "Oooookay..." *click!*

One Bunny to rule them all, one Bunny to find them, she read. One Bunny to bring them all and in the darkness bind them... "Oh, GOD, not another parody," she yelled. "Lame!"

A sudden flash of emerald light knocked her right off her chair and onto her poodle. "What the--"


"Oh, sorry! Um... do you have any idea where we are? I seem to be a bit lost," a girl said.

"Er...me too," I said, scratching my head. I looked around. "Wait a minute...trees...BIG waterfall..."
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Post RE: The One Bunny
on: August 31, 2003 08:43
((lol, Yoda. ))

I looked up as another person came up to them, looking more elfy than the one I was currently talking to.

"Of course I know where we are, though it must be a dream. It looks like we're in Rivendell." My mouth dropped and she was silent for a moment as I realized that it couldn't be anywhere else in the world

"How did I get here?" I asked myself. "What was I doing? Let me see... I had gone onto CoE, and then I went to that fanfic..."

"CoE?" the other two girls echoed.

"Yes..." I said slowly, looking at them suspiciously. "Why?"

"That happens to be the same site I was on before I got zapped," the one on the left said.

"Me, too," said the other.

"It was that fanfic... 'The One Bunny,'" said the one on the left. I nodded.

"So... both of you go on the site," I said slowly. "What are your names? I'm Jessie, but you can call me Fosh," I said, eyeing them suspiciously again and wondering if I was dreaming.
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Post RE: The One Bunny
on: August 31, 2003 08:49
I stretched my hand out. Okay...as soon as I touched her...the dream would be over! I'd wake up, on my desk, probably drooling on the math books...

We shook hands. "I'm Siona."

Wait for it...wait...for...it...

"Aw, CRAP."
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Post RE: The One Bunny
on: August 31, 2003 09:26
"JEANNNNNEEEEE!! COME ON! ITS TIME TO GET UP!!", a voice boomed from the lower half of a Ranch style home. A young woman no more than 20 sat up in her bed. Her curly strawberry blonde hair was in a loose bun as strands fell in front of the young woman's porcelin face. Her hazel-green eyes almost shut on her again as she yawned loudly. She stood and pulled at the 'tuckaleechee' she had recieved in the middle of the night. She walked out of her bed room and walked to the top of the stairs. The top of the stairs over looked the family room which was were her parents and her little siblings were at. Her mother looked up at her and smirked. She shook her head as she opened the door, "I have the kids while I run some errands and dad is heading to the office." She nodded and waved them off as she heard something along the lines of 'need to get the kitchen and laundry done before I get back'. She went into the study and shook the mouse gently to wake the computer up. She sighed as she logged onto the internet and then got onto Council of Elrond. She looked at the RP area and replied to all of them (God knows how many I'm on). She decided she would look around before she got off and got onto her chores. She went to the fanfic area (a place she had never gone before) and looked around. She found a page that sounded funny and clicked on it. She read the first line and then laughed slightly, "Oh gosh... One Bunny to rule them all, one Bunny to find them, she read. One Bunny to bring them all and in the darkness bind them..." She shook her head but suddenly stopped as the screen glowed emerald green. "Oh great...", she said as she reached for the menu button on the monitor to adjust the color but as she did her pinky finger touched the screen and went through it. "What the...", she began as she reached forward and put her whole hand in and before she knew it she was sucked in... then everything went black...
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Post RE: The One Bunny
on: August 31, 2003 09:48
I was about to ask the other girl what her name was, when suddenly there was a distant yell that seemed to be coming from above us. We looked up and watched as a large green hole opened up in the sky and another person dropped through and fell to the ground. As we watched the hole closed back up.

"Now that is definately not normal," I said, shaking my head.

"Neither is appearing suddenly in the middle of Rivendell," muttered Siona. I stepped over to where the girl lay on the ground, apparently still in her PJs. Kneeling next to her, I tapped her on the shoulder.

"Are you alright?" I asked.

((That would be you, Frodoslover. ))
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Post RE: The One Bunny
on: August 31, 2003 10:09
((Thanks... ))

"Huuu....", Jeanne moaned as she grabbed her head. Suddenly she sat straight up rubbed her head. "Ieeeieeeieeee... Last time I go to that fanfic section..." She looked up at the people standing around her. She stood up and studied them. They had normal day clothes and the clothes she saw on the other people were more Reniessence like. She looked them all up and down before reply, "I think I'm alright... but where I am and who are you girls?"
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Post RE: The One Bunny
on: August 31, 2003 11:31
((I really hope you don't mind if I join, it just looks funny and a nice place to really meet other people and make friends))

Courtney stomped to her dorm and slammed the door. She was having a genuinely bad day. Immediately heading to her computer, she threw her books across the room and clicked on her Fave's List. "Council of Elrond" she muttered. "Hopefully someone there can cheer me up." She scrolled through the news and posted in a few stories, and then went to the Roleplay. "Sigh" she said with a roll of her eyes. "One day gone, and no one has posted."

Being bored, she headed to the Fanfic section. "The One Bunny" she laughed, and clicked on it. "One bunny to rule them all, one bunny to find them. One bunny to bring them all and in the darkness bind them" She finished and rolled her eyes. "Whoever wrote this should be chopped in a million peices" she laughed, and began to get up when the emerald lights flashed on her computer.

Courtney landed on her face with her legs dangling over her head. "Owwww!" she cried, and rubbed her freckled face. She looked up and realized she was in Rivendell!!! She jumped up and gasped. "Oh my..." She grinned evilly. "My day is beginning to look up after all" She glanced at the others standing nearby. They were talking about CoE!

Courtney approached them. "HEY!" she cried in a histerical and giggly voice. "I'm Lady~Culin at council of Elrond" She stuck her tongue out. "So this is the face behind the stupidness ness" she couldn't stop laughing. It was all so funny! "Alright... now, who wants to come with me to see what Glorfindel REALLY looks like?!" She halted.

"Wait... first, I wanna know who all you are."
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Post RE: The One Bunny
on: August 31, 2003 03:18
((No problem Culin! ))

I looked up at the new arrival. Meeting people from CoE hadn't been on my list of things to do... but then again neither had been landing in Rivendell. And neither was a bad thing...

"Hello, Culin!" I said as I helped up the girl in her PJs. "I'm Foshpickle~Greenleaf. And about Glorfindel... let's go see if Legolas is around," I said, smiling wickedly. :evil: But then another thought came into my head. "I think first we need to find out why we're here, and who you all are," I said, frowning a bit. "I think Elrond would be the best one to see for why we're here... but who are you to?" I asked, nodding towards the two still-unintroduced girls.
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Post RE: The One Bunny
on: August 31, 2003 03:39
"Oh... sorry.", Jeanne stood and stuck out her hand. "I'm Jeanne but on CoE I'm known as Frodoslover... that's F-r-o-d-o-s-l-o-v-e-r. You know... the one that's on all the anime threads...", she said shaking Jessie's and Courtney's hands. "Nice to finally meet Foshpickle~Greenleaf and Lady Culin."
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Post RE: The One Bunny
on: August 31, 2003 04:11
Courtney smiled a mile wide as she saw two reeeeeally unexplicably hot elves pass by. She began to drool and followed them, only to have her restrained by Fosh. "Erm.. I was just... eh... kidding! You see, these elves are Real, and maybe if we follow them, they'll take us to Elrond. I hope he's hotter in reality" She muttered the last sentence and plopped down on the ground, rummaging through her pockets. She finally found an iced coffee and amused herself by trying to open the top.
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Post RE: The One Bunny
on: August 31, 2003 04:46
"You know... that might be a good idea," I said, watching as Cuiln tried to open the coffee. "And besides, I wouldn't mind following a few elves around," I said, taking Culin's hand and making her stand. "Come on," I said, and we began to tiptoe off after the elves. The two elves stopped their conversation and turned to see what the giggling behind them was, but the five of us quickly ducked behind the pillars that lined the hall and waited until they shrugged and began walking again. We crept out and continued stalking the elves.

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Post RE: The One Bunny
on: August 31, 2003 04:56
(ACK! I'm late. O.o Sorries!)

Jaid Skywalker, an eighteen year old girl, plopped soundly in front of her computer and eagerly called up CoE. RPing was her favorite part of the day, but to her dissapointment, there had not been many posts.

Jaid quickly wrapped up her business, and then wandered about the site for a bit, finally going to the fanfiction section,.

'The One Bunny?' Jaid's odd colored eyes blinked. 'A parody!' with a grin, she clicked on the link.

"One Bunny to rule them all, one Bunny to find them, One Bunny to bring them all and in the darkness bind them..." Jaid read aloud. She blinked, then felt a funny sensation as she blacked out.


Waking up suddenly, the girl sat up straight. She was in a very different place...voices floated on the air and Jaid sprang up. "Elves! Coolies!"

At 5'7", Jaid had a muscular build and very fair skin. She had good, if somewhat ordinary features, slender hands and long legs. Her long hair was somewhere between light brown and dark blonde. But it was her eyes that were her favorite feature. Nicely shaped, they were a green-blue till about the center, where they became a golden hazel.

Right now they were framed with dark brown glasses. Jaid thought them stylish; her younger brother zaiah, insisted that they were "60's". A turquoise tank top and blue jeans that were too big for her was also what she was wearing.

"Hm, can't stay here, I suppose." Jaid mused, then saw a group of girls down below wearing modern clothing like hers. "Yes, I'm saved!" Leaning over the stone balconey, Jaid waved her hand.


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Post RE: The One Bunny
on: August 31, 2003 05:05
Courtney grinned. "Why do we have to be quiet?" she asked, and drug them all into a deserted gazebo. She searched through the closet, shifting through numerous purple dresses, and found some that looked to be the sizes of everyone. She handed them out, and slipped hers on over her clothes (halter top, cloth shorts) She looked at herself with a grin in the mirror. Hiding her ears behind her red hair, she blinked curiously. "Well, I'd say we fit in now" she said with a giggle.
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Post RE: The One Bunny
on: August 31, 2003 05:21
I thought I heard a yell from somewhere on a balcony above, but Culin dragged us aside before I had a chance to reply to it.

"Wow! I've always wanted to dress like this," I said, looking at myself in the mirror in the beautiful, flowing blue dress. "I still don't think I can pass for an elf, though," I said, tapping the frame of my glasses. "I can't see wihtout them... maybe they won't notice?" Culin shrugged and we went back into the hallway to continue following the elvs.

"Hello!" someone said, rushing up behind us. I turned to see another girl with glasses, slightly shorter than me, with sandy-colored hair. "I was calling you from up there," she said, pointing to the balcony above.

"And who are you?" I asked.
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Post RE: The One Bunny
on: August 31, 2003 05:50
Jaid blinked as they girls went towards a gazebo. "Maybe they didn't hear me." she sighed. "Now, how to get down..."

It wasn't too far, so Jaid swung her legs over and screwed up her courage to jump. She landed and fell on her knees, knocking off her glasses. Picking them up, she placed them somewhat haphazardly back on her face, even as she jogged up to the gazebo.

"Hello!" she called. "I was calling you from up there." Jaid pointed to the balconey.

"And who are you?"

Jaid turned to the taller girl who also wore glasses and smiled politely. "Oh, I'm sorry! I am Jaid Skywalker." the girl gave a little bow. "Pleased to meet you!"
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Post RE: The One Bunny
on: August 31, 2003 06:09
"Well hello Jaid! Fancy metting you here... I'm Foshpickle. I suppose you read the fanfic as well? And by the way this is Frodoslover, Siona, Lady~Culin, and... um... goodness I haven't gotten your name yet!" I exclaimed, looking to the girl who's name I still didn't know.
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Post RE: The One Bunny
on: September 01, 2003 04:41
Jeanne looked through the closet until she found an emerald dress that seem to fit her. She looked around and then quietly slipped into the closet and closet. With in a few mintues she came out with the dress on, her pjs in her arms and her strawberry blonde hair pulled into a high ponytail. She came out and saw that another person joined the group. She nodded as she was introduced and then looked over at the girl who still didn't introduce herself when suddenly a familiar character came upon them... "Lord Elrond", she whispered to the others....
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Post RE: The One Bunny
on: September 01, 2003 05:08
((Finally found it))

The blonde hit the alarmclocck off. "Dang. I hate school." Rolling out of bed, she put on a t-shirt, shorts, and a sweatshirt and tromped out to the computer. Logging on to CoE, she decided to check out the RPGs, only to be disappointed to find that no one had posted. After a while, she decided to check out the fanfiction section. Glancing around, her eyes suddenly stopped on something titled 'The One Bunny'. "Why not. I have nothing better to do anyway." clicking on it, she noticed this line: One Bunny to rule them all, one Bunny to find them, she read. One Bunny to bring them all and in the darkness bind them... Then the screen started to glow green. She was sucked into a portal and fell through it, yelling "This is not my daaaaaaayyy.... owww." she hit the floor. Looking around, she brushed her hair out of her face. "I have a feeling that we're not in Kansas anymore, Toto." Glancing around, she noticed a bunch of girls staring at her like she was crazy. "What? So I happened to like that movie."
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Post RE: The One Bunny
on: September 01, 2003 05:51
(((hehehe me too. I posted in OOC earlier but I went to see Pirates of the Carrabean last night before I could post. And before anyone asks Prince Legolas of Mirkwood is MY HOTTIE!!!!)))

Galadriel ((Or we'll just call me Galadria so there isn't any mistakes because that is really what I've been trying to change my name too for weeks))) jumped out of bed and ran to her computer. "Come on come on!!!" she whispered, checking her e-mial. "Shoot." she sagged.

There wasn't anything new. She had thought that she had finally found Orlando Bloom's e-mail and was hurriedly awaiting conformation. 'Oh well' she thoguth sighing. 'I might as well go to CoE and check my stuff.'

Finding nothing knew she decided to check on the fanfics. They were so much fun to read. "Ah." she thought. There was a new one....The one bunny. She read the first line and felt the world go spinning.......

"Where am I?" I asked slowly standing up. I looked around me and found myself standing in a very familiar room, but one that should not have existed....

"Who are you?" Legolas asked knocking an arrom warningly.

I took one look at my hunk and fainted, leaving one very confused elf behind me.
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Post RE: The One Bunny
on: September 01, 2003 06:01
((galadriel_elf_queen1, beware. You have rivalry for said elf. :evil: Watch your back.))

I stood up. "Alright. First of all, I'm Nimeneth, but you can call me 'Eneth. Second of all, who are you people? And thirdly, where the fudge are we?" I cocked my head to the side and studied the surroundings. "Hold the phone. Blue skys... mountains... a river running nearby... beautiful architecture..." the metaphorical lightbulb went off over my head. "Wow... this is a dream come true! Who woulda thunk that I would have appeared in Rivendell one morning before school started... quite interesting." I sat down again and dug through the pockets of my sweatshirt, pulling out a tin of Ritz crackers and setting attention to opening it. Giving up, I pull out a hammer and begin pounding on the tin.

((Don't ask. I'm hungry right now.))
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Post RE: The One Bunny
on: September 01, 2003 06:34
(((Competitioon? I will kill anyone:evil: who comes close to my elf!!! :love::heart: )))

I awoke sometime later to find really beautiful blue eyes staring back at me. A blinked as LEgolas asked, "Are you alright my lady?"

I tried to stop from fainting again. "I .. I think so." suddenly realizing that I was still dressed in my pjs. I flushed. "mellon, may I be escused for just one moment?"

He looked confused as I ran down the hall and barged into Arwens room. Thak goodness she wasn't there. I went straight to her closet and changeed into a beautiful green gown, the color of the forests of Mirkwood. (((coincedential is it not?)) It was long sleeed and miraculaously fit me prefectly.

I ran back down the hall where prince Legolas was still sitting slightly dumbfounded. "I am back my lord."

He shook his head. "May I ask who you aer and why you suddenly were in my room?"

I opened my mouth to say I had no idea, when there was a knock at the door.

He rose and opened it. I sighed, Legolas was my elf and I had tried to make sure everyone knew that, but from the looks of it, I wasn't the only girl in our world that had been sucked into Middle Earth, just the only one who had landed in Prince Legolas' room.
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Post RE: The One Bunny
on: September 01, 2003 07:17
Ooc- Er, sorry I couldn't wait for your reply Foshpickle on teh OOC.

Nuav wakes up in her room, a kid is knocking at the door of her room as she gets up and puts her white robe over her night gown. She stumbles sleeply across the room and turns on the computer, her middle-length auburn hair sticking out all over like a fuzzball, she looks not too tall but in okay shape.Steps out the door to do her stuff while the computer wakes.

After a few minutes she comes back in, hair tamed down into pony tail. Her brown eyes open now, she takes a seat at the computer and turns it onto the internet and heads for CoE. Seeing no has posted, she heads for the FF. She saw the title, 'The One Bunny'. Raising a eye brow she clicks on it, "They're getting weirder by the second..." she mutters.

She read the first line outloud as her computer started glowing. "Great, dumb moniter!" she reaches over to tap the moniter and get's sucked in suddenly. Landing none to softly on a floor in a hallway.


I blink, shocked "Ah there's mars and jupiter, and venus, so bright this time of the year..." I mummer as the stars clear from my head. I stand up and look around, biting my lip in shock that I was no longer in my room. I see doors line the hallway, figuring that I should find out where I am, I knock on a randomn door. (That would be yours, Galadria) The door is opened by Legolas who looks puzzled even more. I make a silent scream and faint.

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Post RE: The One Bunny
on: September 01, 2003 08:04
Finally giving up on the crakcers, I pocket the dented tin and the hammer, noticing for the first time that everyone else is in a dress. Walking to the closet, I glance through the dresses and select one in at random. It turns out to be a sky blue one. I quickly put it on and turn around, noticing that Lord Elrond is coming. Carefully hiding my ears, I join the group of girls.
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Post RE: The One Bunny
on: September 01, 2003 09:47
Jeanne realizes that she didn't have her hair down hiding her ears like the others did. She quickly pulled her hair down and arranged it to hide her ears as well... "That was close...", she said to herself as Lord Elrond approached them...
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Post RE: The One Bunny
on: September 01, 2003 01:30
((Eek! I leave for half a day and you all post so much... lol. Oh, and Nim and Galadriel... you had better watch what you say. You're crossing into dangerous territory, talking about MY elf like that... :angry: ))

I sighed as another joined our group. Things were getting weirder by the second... and now Elrond was coming. Great.

"Lord Elrond," I said, nodding as he approached.

"You have finally arrived," he said, looking at us. "But we're missing a few... and it appears some others have been, *ahem* sidetracked," he said.

"What are you talking about?" I asked. The elf lord sighed.

"You have been summoned here... but I think it best that we discuss this elsewhere," he said, giving me a very serious look. He turned and led us away into a large porch-type room, where many important-looking people sat in chairs arranged in a circle. In the center was a stone table, and on top of it was a strange shape, covered in cloth. Along with the people who were obviously elves, there were a few more who seemed to be from our time. We took our seats and waited for him to begin.

Turning my head, I noticed someone I had been hoping to see there. "Look!" I said, grabbing Eneth's arm. I pointed to the blonde elf prince sitting across from us. "It's... Legolas..." I said, realizing that he was so much hotter in real life. I decided, however, to restrain myslef this time and not go into drooly fangirl mode, as it would probably scare him off. We could talk later. :evil:

"Strangers from distant lands, friends of old," Elrond began his all-too-familiar speech. "You have been summoned here to answer the threat of Mordor. Middle-Earth..."

"Stands upon the brink of destruction, none can escape it, you will unite or you will fall, each race is bound to this fate, this one doom" I finished, yawning. He turned to me, raising an eyebrow.

"How did you know I would say that?"

"You're going to tell us about the One Ring that has to be destroyed, then Gimli will try to destroy it himself, much arguing ensues, until Frodo finally offers to take it himself," I said.

"Ring? What ring?"

"This whole thing is about a ring, right?" I said, looking at the covered shape on the table.

"Um... no. I was going to say, if the One Bunny is not re-caged, it will kill us all by generating massive plot changes and chaning everything we know," he said slowly. My mouth dropped open, but there was a moment of silence before all of us (from the future) burst out laughing.

"Oh... the One Bunny... that's a good one..." I said, wiping a tear out of my eye. But Elrond seemed to have expected this, as he slowly shook his head.

"So we thought," Erlond said. He nodded to Legolas, who stood.

"I thought the Bunny was harmless... until it changed me into a woman," he (erm.. she) said. I gasped. Next Gimli stood.

"Thanks to the Bunny, my parents are Bilbo and Galadriel," he said sadly. Many people shook their heads sadly.

"You see? The Bunny is more powerful than we ever thought," Elrond siad, sighing. "Now behold... The One Bunny." He took the cloth off the oddly-shaped thing on the table, revealing a cage holding an adorible, fuzzy black bunny. Legolas fainted, Gimli covered his eyes, and the rest of us gasped.

"And perhaps the worst of all," a scruffly looking Aragorn said, standing. "The Bunny made it so I will never be King." A few cries went up, and he bowed his head sadly.

"What can we do against such injustice?" I asked angrily, now also standing.

"You'r group must bear this burden. You must take it to the Bunny Cage of Doom in the Mordor Pet Store," he said. There was silence.

"I will take it," I said quietly and slowly. Elrond shook his head.

"That cannot be... the cage is too heavy for you to carry yourself. You must all go, and carry it in shifts. The reason I called you all here is because you are not part of this world, so it cannot harm you... unless you take it out. You must never take it out! No matter how cute and fuzzy it looks, you must leave it in the cage. Feed it through the bars, and I'm sure you'll figure out some way to clean it. Now, who will go? If you wish not to, I can send you back home," he said, and suddenly an emerald-green glowing circle appeared next to him.

"I will go," I said. I turned to the others to see what they would say.
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Post RE: The One Bunny
on: September 01, 2003 01:48
I gaped as Legolas said he was a woman and Gimli stated that he was the offspring of Galadriel and Bilbo. I felt that I was going to faint when Aragorn said that he would never be king. As Elrond discribed the bunny to me, I felt my anger rising. I sprang to my feet.

"The whole plot of Lort of the Rings is ruined because of this... this... monster who is disguised as a bunny. If you think for one moment that I am going to tolerate this, you are absolutely wrong!" I yelled, glaring at the bunny. I broke into tears. "That's so not cool." I sniffled and glared at the few who dared to laugh at me. "I am coming, I must say. This cute but dangerous menace must be destroyed. I just hope that I can hold out against the cuteness for that long." I looked defiant even with my lower lip trembling.
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Post RE: The One Bunny
on: September 01, 2003 04:00
Jeanne shakes her head and then stands. "Guess its a good thing I use to hunt back in the day...", she said smirking at the bunny as it seemed to almost faint. "I'll go... I've been meaning to have an adventure for quite some time.", she said as she looked at Legalos, Gimli and Aragon. "Sorry that happened to you guys and we swear that will rectify these mistakes." She looks back over at the bunny.... causing it to run to the far corner of the cage...
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Post RE: The One Bunny
on: September 01, 2003 04:12
Legolas looked at Jeanne sullenly. "I'm not a guy, remember?" she muttered.

Elrond, catching the looks she was sending the bunny, shook his head and placed his hand on her shoulder. "You must not kill it... or nothing will ever be back to normal," he said, now speaking quietly to our whole group. "Sure, it would end the problems, but anything that already happened will stay as it is. And I'm starting to feel the strangest attraction to Gandalf..." he shuddered. "So you must not kill it." He straighted up and took his hand off Jeanne's shoulder. "So is this all of you that will go?" he asked, looking to the other non-Middle-earth girls.

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Post RE: The One Bunny
on: September 01, 2003 04:19
>.< "Sorry, Legalos...", Jeanne replied and placed a hand to block her view of him. She looked suddenly as she felt a hand on her shoulder.... You must not kill it... or nothing will ever be back to normal," Elrond said, now speaking quietly to our whole group. "Sure, it would end the problems, but anything that already happened will stay as it is. And I'm starting to feel the strangest attraction to Gandalf..." he shuddered. "So you must not kill it." He straighted up and took his hand off Jeanne's shoulder. She leaned over to him and replied, "Don't worry... I stopped hunt a long time ago.. actually 3 years ago." She smiled causing him to smile slightly and nod. "Well good..." He turned back to the group and waited to see if any other non-Middle-Earth girls were joining...
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Post RE: The One Bunny
on: September 02, 2003 04:00
"Heck yeah! I'm in!" Jaid jumped up and made a face at the cage. She never liked rabbits anyways; first they ate up her garden and now they were changing her favorite story! Although, she giggled a little thinking of the female Legolas. 'Hm, I wonder if Boromir would still be alive then?' she thought absently.

Turning to Elrond, eyes alight, she said, "Do we get swords? Or anything pointy? I mean to defend ourselves. And what about a map? I mean, I'm not sure if anyone really knows the way around here, so a map would be good. And we get at least one horse for a pack animal right?"

Something suddenly occured to her and she made a face. "We'll be camping...sleeping on the ground..." Jaid twitched. She was all ready an insomatic; sleeping on the ground would make it worse...

Jaid shook that off. "And we'll need provisions; The Gap of Rohan is safe to take isn't it? I don't look forward to going over Caradhras or through Moria. Also, is there any other 'surprises' we should know about? Like Sarumen dressed in pink and training the orcs to dance?"

(lol, sorry, got carried away. I just tend to think of practical things in these sort of moments. Also, yes I am insomatic, and I have trouble sleeping anywhere other than my own bed. Just for the record, I get grumpy when tired...so you will probably be hearing a good deal of my sarcasm in times to come...)
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Post RE: The One Bunny
on: September 02, 2003 04:21
Sweety yawned and sleepily logged onto the councilofelrond just as she got online. She went to the RPG forum and after posting went around the gallery and uploaded a few new avies for other people and went around to check on her fic.

"Hmmm...this looks..interesting" She thought as she saw "The one bunny" and clicked it. *POOF!THUMP*

She blinked again as she heard someone say in a muffled voice ," Would you mind oh so terribly to get off my head?" She jumped up and stares wildly at the people around her and gestured vaguley at Elrond muttering something in resemblence to "mimblewimble" and when turning to the person she had dropped on (Legolas) gasped, turned around and wailed, "Where am i?!"

She noticed the bunny, screamed "Ixnay on the unny bay!" and fainted.

((Sorry about the lateness....my net time has now been limited due to my A levels *grumbles))

[Edited on 2/9/2003 by elvish_angel015]
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Post RE: The One Bunny
on: September 02, 2003 04:23
"Oooohhh... pointy things..." Nimeneth blushed slightly when she realized what she had said. "Sorry." she had always had a strange facination with pointy things. Coughing slightly, she bit her lower lip to keep from laughing when she heard what Elrond had said. "Hey... good point. Where EXACTLY are we going?" I glanced around the council. And another good one... is there anything else that's not supposed to happen? Like.... the big thing in the lake outside Moria being something really strange?" Nimeneth asked, thinking of the Watcher in the Water. A shiver ran through her body. "Wait... we'll be sleeping on the ground... in mud... in the rain... with no protection... oh joy. I hate mud." Grumbling about getting dirty, she sat back down in her chair. This was just great. First she looks forward to this, and now she doesn't want to be here. What was wrong with her?

((Sorry... couldn't think of anything else to post. My brain's not functioning correctly.))
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Post RE: The One Bunny
on: September 02, 2003 05:21
Jeanne jumped back when she heard and saw Sweety fall and land on Legalos. She suddenly began to laugh and then she saw Sweety faint she kinda rolled her eyes. "Oh man... what next?"
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