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Post RE: The One Bunny
on: September 04, 2003 06:40
Jaid had explored and with delight had found herself in the library. Unfortuanately, most of the litreture was written in Elvish, which at best, Jaid had a small grasp. Shrugging, she had left and eventually had been given clothes to wear; including shoes which she had been with out.

Jaid was very pleased that she had been given trousers rather than a skirt; along with a leather jerkin and a lovely elvish sword. Her hair now back in a braid, she began looking for her other comrades; after all, shouldn't they be discussing about how to get to Mordor? And they needed to figure out how they were going to split up carrying bunny and all; a cover would definately be needed to avoid any more mishaps. And there was the problem of feeding it; would it starve if not fed?

Jaid perched on a balconey and let her legs swing in the air, almost before she noticed that this balconey was much higher...getting back on the stone ground, she went off in search of Elrond and maybe a glimspe of the twins...

Up ahead she saw Foshpickle again. "hey, fosh!" she called waving. "I'm trying to find Lord Elrond; care to join?"
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Post RE: The One Bunny
on: September 04, 2003 11:10
((Nuavar~Lily~Lorin, hoping that you don't mind if I came up with a name for your horse.))

Glancing around the stalls, Nimeneth's eyes finally settled on a very elegant looking black horse. "Ooooohhh.... purrrrrdy horsie." Sighing dreamily, she entered the stall and proceded to place a hand on the horse's nose. The same stable elf that had offered to help Nuav offered her help, and she acccepted, making sure that she watched closely so that she understood how to saddle a horse, having never saddled one before.

"Ummm.... excuse me... I was just wondering... what are these horses' names?" she asked, pointing to her own and Nuav's horse.

"Yours is called Vornfan. Hers is Moralata." The elf said, turning back to the horse that he was looking at.

"Thank you... I guess." Nimeneth shrugged. Approaching Nuav, she shrugged again and patted the horse's nose again. Vornfanyar snorted. "Your horse is called Moralata." Carefully putting her foot in the stirrup, Nimeneth swung almost gracefully into the saddle. "Shall we go show off?" she asked with a grin.

((BTW, if anyone wants a decent Elvish name, come to me, because I'm the insane Tolkien fan who wants to learn Elvish. Also, Moralata means 'Dark Raidiance', and Vornfanyar means 'Black Cloud'. Hope you like!))
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Post RE: The One Bunny
on: September 04, 2003 11:49
((V. nice... I like the name generator sites, the decent ones give you the elvish equivalent for just about any name. I'm switching to writing in the third person, as I seem to be the only one not... :S))

Alright," Fosh said, smiling. "Let's go see if we can find him." The two started off, giggling at every other male elf that went by. "Do you have any idea where he might be?" she asked after a half hour of not finding him and hardly even getting down one hallway.
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Post RE: The One Bunny
on: September 04, 2003 01:57
(((Yes ma'am! *salutes* Of course I don't blame him I don't get on for a little less than 48 hours! *grumbles* ok well I better catch up. Oh and by the way he is NOT a PONCY- elf!!! So maybe he nances a bit, but come one! and he is MIIINE!)))

Galadria looked carefully through the selection of bows. "I want... this....one...." she said, picking up a silver engraved longbow, with stars encircled.

The bowsmith (((is there such?))) stutterd. "But...I made that one for Lady arwen."

She glared at him. "Well Lady Arwen doesn't seem to be able to use it does she?" then Galadria suddenly smiled prettily. " Of course I could just borrow Prince Legolas's?"

Legolas blinked in shock. "No, no noe. Um look sr, you can give the lady the bow. You can always make another one."

"Thank you prince." Galadria gave him her most dazzling smile. "Now.. what next...." she quickly choice two long daggers (to be worn like Legolas's) and a sword. Not her favorite weapon but useful.

She quickly followed the other girls outside to the horses. Walking quietly to a different stable away from the others, Galadria saw Shadowfax, nickering quietly in his stall. "Oh you just don't have enough attention do you?" she crooned petting his nose softly. Glancing around quickly she leaped onto Shadowfax. The horse didn't move. She released the gate and rode with Shadowfax into the courtyard. "Such a beautiful horse..." she whispered loving every moment.

"WHAT ARE YOU DOING ON MY HORSE?" she heard an old but powerful voice yell.

"It would seem Gandalf has gained an angry side..." Galadria whispered eyes wide.
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Post RE: The One Bunny
on: September 04, 2003 02:06
Hearing Gandalf's yell, Nimeneth winced and turned to see who had made him angry, guiding Vornfanyar towards the other girl.

"One thing of advice to you: never, NEVER steal Gandalf's horse. He's very protective." She grinned apologetically at the other. "I think you'll have to find another." turning and starting back towards the gate, she started to mutter in a very Gollum fashion again. "We wondersss where the othersss are, my precioussss, yesss we doesss." quickly coughing, she hoped that no one had heard her. "They better get here soon. I don't think that I can stand this much longer." she muttered, reffering to the weight of the weapons that she had.
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Post RE: The One Bunny
on: September 04, 2003 02:49
((Where are these generator sites, Fosh?))

Siona stepped out of the dressing room, now clad in a good set of blue pants under a leather assortement of armor on her chest, elbows, and knees. The daggers had been hidden in her boots with the axe strapped to her back for easy reach.

She saw the horses and squealed in delight. I haven't ridden in YEARS!

Being careful not to spook them, she wandered over to a small, but muscled dapple. "How about this one, what's his name?"

"Just Roch," a stable boy answered.

"Roch? As in 'horse'?"

"Yes. It's hard to think up many original names nowadays."

"Oh." Siona stuck a finger in her mouth. "Well, I guess he'll do."
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Post RE: The One Bunny
on: September 04, 2003 02:55
Jaid frowned. "I dunno." She thought for a moment. "Hey, think he'd be in the library or something?"

Fosh shrugged. "It's worth a try."

"All rightie then!" Jaid proclaimed. "To the library." She cheerfully began to march in one direction.

"Er, Jaid, do you know where the library is?" Fosh asked. Jaid paused mid-step.

"Eh..." the blonde girl sweatdropped. "Not exactly. But what are all these handsome elf guys around here for? Let's ask for directions!"
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Post RE: The One Bunny
on: September 04, 2003 05:37
Fosh smiled. "Well, I see no reason to stand around then. Let's go!" Te two started off, wandering aimlessly in a random direction, hoping to run into an elf... male, that is. Before they knew it, they had run into an elf... Legolas.

"Erm, hello..." Fosh said, wondering what to do. They had been looking for guy elves... and while Leggy was still the hottest, (at least to her) it wouldn't exactly work, as he was now a she. The blonde elf smiled.

"How might I help you?" she asked, her voice sounding a bit higher than it had the last time she had talked to them.

"Um... we were looking for something," Fosh stammered.


"Uh... um... erm..."

"The library," Jaid said.

"Aha. it's that way," Legolas said, pointing. They walked off.

"Why does he have to be a woman?" Fosh cried as soon as they were out of earshot. She sank to the floor and put her head in her hands. "The one chance I get to see him, he's a she," she sobbed. Jaid patted her on the shoulder. "I mean, slash is great, but not with myself..." she muttered. Jaid gave her a strange look. "Oops! I didn't say that out loud, did I?"

"Not at all," Jaid said, winking.

"Great, lets go then." They wandered off in the opposite direction of what they had been told, looking for more elves.

((Yawn... I'd continue but I'm tired... <- Yawn face.))
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Post RE: The One Bunny
on: September 04, 2003 05:44
Ooc- Thanks for the horses name. And isn't Shadowfax a free horse, from what I read, he does sound like the horse to elt jsut any one hop onto his back...

Nuav put her foot in the stirrup and gracefully swung herself over. Seating herself on Moralata's back, "Careful Maiden, you have Chosen Moralata, he is very spririted." warned the Stable Elf. "He is perfect." she says with a big smile on her face as she makes a sound with her tongue and he starts walking at a swift pace. "Let get back Eneth, I want to pick up a set of daggars if there is any left." she said gleefully and he lightly kicked a bit and Moralata started to trot smoothly. "Siona, are you going to join us?" she called back.

Moralata on the other hand was eyeing Lord Elronds prize Petunias. Since Nuav wasn't paying attention. he carried on over to the plants, Nuav notice when he suddenly stopped. She looked down and muttered 'uh-oh' nuder her breath as Moralata chomped down some of the flowers. "Sour cream! Get your booty moving Moralata!" she kicked her heels and he started off, joing Eneth again, 'hehehing' nervousely.

Soon they came back to the council place. Nuav slid off Moralata and tied him to a chair as she peered over the remaining things. "Rats and double rats. No Daggars left..." she mumbled, but her eye lit up as she spotted her kind of weapon, a sling with thrity sling stones. She grabbed it and stuck it in a pouch on the saddle then jumped back on Moralata.

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Post RE: The One Bunny
on: September 04, 2003 06:35
Jeanne knelt down to look at Frodo. He smiled and bowed slightly in respect to her. Suddenly Sam came up as well. They looked normal... until they opened their mouths that is. "Well m'lady, seems you have quite a ride ahead of you?", Frodo said but it wasn't Frodo's voice... it was Sam's voice instead!!
Sam nodded in agreement with Frodo. Frodo then handed her something. "Here.. You might want this.", he said smiling. She looked down and unwrapped it to reveal a book. "Its a journal, just like the one Bilbo used on his adventure.", he said smiling. She smiled and looked down on it. It had a red leather cover and tons of empty pages. She stuck out her hand shook both of theirs' in graditude. "Hope to see you again...", she said as she turned and left. She looked down at the book not paying much attention where she was going and ran into none other than Aragon...
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Post RE: The One Bunny
on: September 05, 2003 12:49
Nimeneth joined Nuav. "Why not? There's no harm in it..." noticing that Moralata was eating Elrond's petunias. "I spoke too soon. Let's just hope that he doesn't notice that." she grinned. Waiting for Nuav, she studied Moralata. As the other mounted, she reached out and patted Moralata's neck. "Looks like your horse needs some lessons in obeying commands." Nimeneth grinned again and adjusted the sword from where it was on her back. "Blasted armor, makes it hard to move." she muttered under her breath.
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Post RE: The One Bunny
on: September 05, 2003 06:15
"Fosh!!!" Jaid squealed. "Look at those two down there! They have got to be twins, right?"

The other girl looked over. "Uh, yeah, I'd say so."

Jaid grinned wider. "Elrond's sons." her blue/green eyes twinkled. "And they're still male. Come on!"

(O.o That sentence sound a little strange; oh well!)

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Post RE: The One Bunny
on: September 05, 2003 06:22
Jeanne falls backwards as does Aragon. They looked at each other and smiled. Aragon got up first and then helped Jeanne up. "Are you alright, M'lady?", he asked as she got up and stood quite close to him.... :blush: :blush:
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Post RE: The One Bunny
on: September 05, 2003 09:12
Nuav keeps on riding in the company of Eneth, as they are a good distance away a sudden screech of horror fills the air. They look at each other as Nuav says "He noticed."

Moralata prances in his graceful way, showing off Nuav supposes. She looks at Eneth's steed, admiring it's grace. "Too bad they don't have horses commonly like this in the real world.." Nuav sighed, bobbing along on Moralata's back as he trotted. "Ay! Jeanne!" Nuav calls spotting Jeanne's Strawberry blond hair in the distance, as she gets closer, she notices Aragon near Jeanne. "Boy, he changes his tune fast..." she mutters bitterly.

"So Eneth,would I happen to know you from a thread I'm in or something?" she asked. Now getting use to the shield's weight, she wasn't tilting backwards so much.

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Post RE: The One Bunny
on: September 05, 2003 09:43
Jeanne waved slightly to Nuav and Eneth as they pass. She turns back and looks at Aragon blushing slightly. "Thanks... sorry about running into you like that...", she said looking up at him. He smiled his rugged smile and looked down replying, "No problem... especially if its you...", he said with a slightly bigger smile this time. Jeanne smiled as she bit her bottom lip and looked down. "Well I better go..", she said as she placed her hand on top of Aragon's hand that held her other one. She smiled and quickly kissed him on the cheek and then ran off to find Fosh and the others...
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Post RE: The One Bunny
on: September 05, 2003 11:34
((Ugh, where IS everyone?! Everyone's doing different stuff! Can we, say, meet up the next day and ride off?))
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Post RE: The One Bunny
on: September 05, 2003 02:47
((Why not? It sounds like a good idea to me. Mind if I change the time of day to sunset?))

"Hmmm... do you know me from a thread..." Nimeneth tried to think back to the many threads that she was in. "Umm.... I think so.... I played Cael in The Silver Moon Divided, and I think you were that strange horse/merthingie that I will never remember what it's called in it...." wincing slightly as Elronds screech resounded in her head, she gave a small grin. "Sorry... seems like Elrond can screech louder than I thought he could." Noticing that the sun was setting, she rode back to the stables. "Looks to me like we're setting off in the morning." Dismounting, she unsaddled Vornfanyar and put him in his stall, turning to Nuav. "Let's go see if we can get somewhere to sleep for the night. I am not a fan of sleeping in the gardens when everyone has changed, and I am in no mood to sleep in hay." she grinned again, her unusual attitude as bright as the setting sun, and twice as demonic.
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Post RE: The One Bunny
on: September 05, 2003 03:10
((Hey just letting you know I'm leaving tomorrow and won't be back till Sunday afternoon. I'm going down to Panama City to see some friends get married.))
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Post RE: The One Bunny
on: September 05, 2003 04:11
(((have fun. Ya that sounds like fun.)))

Galadria leaped off Shadowfax effortlessly, grumblng. "Gandalf, this horse is the one I'm riding!"

Gandalf glared at her but relized that Shadofax had let her ride him. "He.... likes you....."

"Ya duh." she replied. She quickly walked past him before saying quickly. "Would you please put MY Shadowfax in the stable? Thanks doll."
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Post RE: The One Bunny
on: September 05, 2003 05:30
Fosh cahsed after the very exicted Jaid.

"But how do you know they're still guys?" she asked, panting after her. Well... as soon as they got there, it seemed not to matter, Jaid went at flirting with them with no problem. FOsh sighed; she had never been too good at that- striking up conversations with random boys.

"They say we can stay the night the sun's setting," Jaid said after a few minutes. "They'll take us to our rooms." The two followed the twins down a few hallways, stairs, passages, past a fountain, a flower garden, and Legolas brushing her hair... until they came to a quiet hallway.

"You can have any of these rooms," one of the twins said. Fosh took the frist on the right, one of the twins giving her a little smile as she stepped insdie. She nearly fainted... :drool:

After she had looked around the beautiful room, she met Jaid in the hall. "Let's go find the others," she said.
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Post RE: The One Bunny
on: September 05, 2003 05:31
Ooc- *Shakes head* Galadria, don't get too cocky, remember, Gandalf can whoop your butt!

Nuav sighed as she rode back to the stables and un saddled Moralata. "OwWw.." she said, her butt sore form riding, but she knew she'd be use to it by tomorrow. "Right!" she said as they set off to find rooms, Spotting serveral elves and couldn't help but smile to herself. "Well..." she muttered, looking at the hallway they had arrived at. Doors went as far as the eye could see. "Shall we inspect them?" she asked with a grin.

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Post RE: The One Bunny
on: September 06, 2003 02:44
"Why not?" Nimeneth's grin was getting much more demonic by the minute. Practically skipping down the hall, she opened a few doors and found all the rooms empty. "Ummm... looks like these rooms are free..." she said, noting that there were no personal belongings in any. Turning around, she spotted Fosh and Jaid and the twins. Her mouth dropped. Shaking herself out of it, she skipped down to them. "Hi! Boy am I glad I found you guys. I've been looking all over for someone who's normal here. As if you could call any of us normal." she grinned sweetly at the twins. "So what have you been up to?"
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Post RE: The One Bunny
on: September 06, 2003 11:02
Siona turned the corner, wondering if and when Haldir ever visited Rivendell, when she ran into the back of the twins ((who's names I forget... :dizzy: )). "Oh! Hey, Fosh, Nimeneth, what's up?"
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Post RE: The One Bunny
on: September 06, 2003 03:59
(((Oh...that sweet old man won't do nothing to a poor little lost girl who just wanted to ride the pretty horse, Nuav.....))

Galadria skipped down the halls of Rivendell wondering who else hse would find. Of course she would run into the person she quite technically pretended to be.

"Hello." Galadriel chimed.

Galadria swallowed. It was one thing to pretend or at least have the same creen name as the lady of teh woods but to meet her? That was different. "Hello my lady." she replied faking her best elvish royalty voice.

"I'm glad I finally had a chance to speak with you. I believe I heard one of the otehr girls call you Galadriel?" she asked sweetly smiling, but the smile never quite reached her eyes.

Galadria could tell she was a bit peeved. She just hoped that the plot bunny wouldn't attck Galadriel in any serious harm... "Yes, ma'am but it is just a nickname. My real name is Galadria."

"Alright then." she said quietly, as if not exactly believing. She seemed to be about to say something else when Elrond peered around the corner. "I think you all are leaving tommorrow and you should get some rest."

Galadriel shut her mouth into a firm line but then nodded and smiled before heading along down the hall. Galadria shivered. Man, she was pretty, but spooky and she had the strangest feeling that Galadriel didn't like her. 'No....' she deleated the thought. 'Galadriel likes everyone. Or is suppossed to anyways...'
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Post RE: The One Bunny
on: September 07, 2003 01:46
((The twins are named Elladan and Elrohir. I read too much of LOTR.))

"Hi Siona!" Nimeneth grinned again, her smile reaching it's most demonic stage as night finally settled. "I was doing nothing, just looking for a room. In which I can sleep in." She peered around Siona to look at the twins and Fosh. "New friends?" she asked, seeming quite innocent. "And as I was saying, looking for a room. And staking out a horse in the stables." she sighed, remembering her horse. Snapping out of it, Nimeneth turned to Fosh. "So... what have you been up to?"
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Post RE: The One Bunny
on: September 07, 2003 07:50
Siona threw up her arms. "Trying to find everyone so we can get off on this mission of Elrond's. Like I said, I have to get home by tommorrow!!"
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Post RE: The One Bunny
on: September 07, 2003 08:08
Galadria walked in just as Siona mentioned that she had to be home tommorrow. "How do we even know how to get home? Or that our time even runs the same as it does here? We could be in Middle Earth for months and get hom to find uot we've only been gone an hour."
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Post RE: The One Bunny
on: September 07, 2003 08:14
Siona shrugged. "It might, and it might not. All I want to do is go home."
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Post RE: The One Bunny
on: September 07, 2003 08:58
Nuav listened to the Galadria's theory. She smiled sadly, "Well, if that's the case. I'd like to stay here forever...G'night gals." she said and dissappeared into a room, closing the door behind.

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Post RE: The One Bunny
on: September 07, 2003 11:05
((Hey... I'm Back!!))

Jeanne ran around the corner and saw some of the girls in the hallway. She came up just as Siona said she wanted to go home. Jeanne suddenly thought about it and then realized she needed to get home as well. She would have to explain this to her parents later... if they ever believed her...
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Post RE: The One Bunny
on: September 07, 2003 11:43
Galadria nodded and walked back to her room. She settled down and slept peacfully....................
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Post RE: The One Bunny
on: September 07, 2003 12:30

Siona yawned, sitting up in her bed. That was when she saw Elrohir's face sticking only inches from hers. "AAH! RAPE! RAPE!" she yelped, scrambling out.

Elrohir grabbed her wrist and pulled off the floor. "You Men truly are odd ones."

Siona snarled, "I'm a woman, thank you very much! Why are you in here, anyhow?"

"My father sent me to arouse you."


"Arouse you. Wake you up?"

"Oh..." Siona murmured, feeling incredibely foolish.

"I didn't mean to frighten you."

"Aw, it's all good. Let's go find the others."
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Post RE: The One Bunny
on: September 07, 2003 02:54
((Lol... tsk tsk, Siona, don't get me started on stuff like that... *cough* :evil: I believe I will go time-jumping things, as I'm starting to get confused. :dizzy: ))

Fosh sat up in bed and yawned. SHe looked at her watch- it couldn't have been any later than 6:30. But the watch wasn't working. She sighed and looked out the window- the sun wasn't up. Now that was odd... her being up before the sun. She crawled back in bed.

"Why did I get up?" she mumbled to herself.

"Because I came in to ar... *sound of someone being poked* Ow! I was sent to wake you," someone said. Fosh sat up to see one of Elrond's sons, she couldn't tell who, and Siona standing next to him. She got out of bed and rubbed her eyes.

"What an un-Godly hour in the morning," she muttered, yawning.
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Post RE: The One Bunny
on: September 07, 2003 03:15
Jeanne could somehow or another sense a commotion near her. She got out of her bed and went out into the hall way. She heard voices coming from Fosh's room and entered. There stood Siona, Elrohir and Fosh. "Hey guys... we having a going away party or something?", Jeanne said sarcastically as she came in. She was still in her traveling clothes and had her sword by her side. "When do we head out?", she asked Elrohir as the three of them headed towards the door...
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Post RE: The One Bunny
on: September 07, 2003 06:18
Nuav rested a few hours, but awoke when it was still dark. Being a nocturnal human, she felt wide awake and ready to go. She quietly dressed herself and packed her weapons and shield. A hour or so later, she ehard a commotion. She pounced across the room slyly and opened the door, peeking out, she walked into the hall. She saw Jeanne come out, and followed behind her. "Hey Jeanne, Fosh, Siona......elf?" she raised her eye brow at Elrohir. She stood at the doorway. "Whatcha doing?" she asked causuely.

Noticing the sun rising, she hissed under her breath. She was unuseul. During the day she was kluzty and always stumbling, but in the dark, she could run like the wind and move around swiftly and slyly, and was wide awaked. She stepped backward and stumbled, falling on her butt, she muttered to herself.

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