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Post RE: The One Bunny
on: September 18, 2003 11:02
((Ack!!!! Sorry, but I was SO completely lost for a time! But I am back! I'm back I promise!....at least...I'm back today, but then I'm gone all weekend and return Monday....))

Rosie came over to where Nuav was starting the game.

"Cool, so it's kinda like jacks, right?" Nuav nodded. "Great, I'll play!" Rosie sat down next to Jeanne.

((ok, so just a quick question...because of time limitations I have not been able to thouroughly read what has happened since we found Frodo and Sam Puppy....Do we still have them or not? And other than Pippin, have we run into any other fellowship members?))

[Edited on 18/9/2003 by Rosie_Gamgee]
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Post RE: The One Bunny
on: September 18, 2003 11:05
Jeanne tried and the result was the same as Nauv. She handed the ball to Eneth and saw her hand was healed. "Cool...", she said to her pointing at her hand. Suddenly she sensed something... her face became stern and her eyes began to look this way and that as if waiting for something.... she placed both of her hands close to her swords...
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Post RE: The One Bunny
on: September 18, 2003 11:09
"Yeah, I know. It's that pool of water that...." Nimeneth trailed off and set the ball on the ground, her own hands reaching for her sword. "What is it, Jeanne?" she asked, concerned.
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Post RE: The One Bunny
on: September 18, 2003 11:42
Galadria was just dipping her hand into the pool when she saw the other girls looking extremely tense. She lowered her voice. "Don't pull your swords just yet. We want to seem friendly." Still she couldn't help but pull her bow and arows a little closer to hand.
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Post RE: The One Bunny
on: September 18, 2003 04:09
((Aw come on now people... you forgot about me. *Feels terribly forgotten* Let's say that the pickle was sitting in a corner... alone and forgotten, spacing out as she had no one to talk to... :cry: ))

Fosh picked a dry corner and sat down, curling up in a little ball and instantly falling asleep. The others were playing some sort of game, but she hadn't wanted to bother them and as she hadn't been invited, she just decided to take a nap. But soon she was awoken by the strange feeling of not being the only ones there anymore... she drew her too-heavy-for-her sword and stood, hoping that there wasn't going to be trouble, because she most certainly wasn't much of a fighter.
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Post RE: The One Bunny
on: September 18, 2003 06:51
Jeanne looked around as she replied, "I feel a dark presence here. We need to get out of here at once...", she said in a low and steady voice...
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Post RE: The One Bunny
on: September 19, 2003 12:47
"Umm.. about the pool that I stumbled into... do you think that we'll need that water again, or should be take a canteen of it, or do you think that we'll find some more of it?" Nimeneth asked, in a really long run-on sentence that her English teacher would have hated. She drew her sword closer to her body and set her hand on the hilt.
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Post RE: The One Bunny
on: September 19, 2003 04:45
Nuav blinked, she could sense something, she immeditatly hid behind her shield, peering from behind it, clutching her bow and arrows. "We should leave indeed, what great evil would evil off such a feeling?" Nuav slowly and carefully made her way to Moralata and got on. "Foshpickle? Where are ya?" she said, not being able to her anywhere in the cave. "Do you think the rain stopped?" she asked, wary and slightly frightened.



[Edited on 19/9/2003 by Happy_Hobbit]
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Post RE: The One Bunny
on: September 19, 2003 06:09
Jeanne went over and looked outside. "The rain is a lite drizzle now. It shouldn't harm anyone. Now lets get going...", she said as she mounted her horse as well...
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Post RE: The One Bunny
on: September 19, 2003 10:56
Siona mounted her horse (whom I will simply call Roch, for lack of creativity... :dizzy: )) and followed the others. "So, where are we going now? I forgot..." :blush:

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Post RE: The One Bunny
on: September 19, 2003 01:07
"Umm.... me too." Nimeneth replied. She mounted Vornfanyar, who snorted as if to say 'You forgot?' Slapping the horse lightly on the neck, Nimeneth bent over and whispered to him. "Keep your opinions to yourself, Fanyar."
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Post RE: The One Bunny
on: September 19, 2003 05:42
"I'm right here," Fosh said in a small voice. "We were going to go to Mordor. We stopped in here because it was raining, I think. And take some of the water, Eneth... I think the moss gets to it somehow and that might be part of the cure. But we don't know how long it lasts, so take a bunch," she said, fiddling with her sword until it was back in it's sheath. "Hm... always thought I'd impale my leg if I tried that," she muttered.

She was about to step out of her dark corner, when something reached out form the shadows... she attempted screaming but it covered her mouth with a furry hand and dragged her off through what was apparently a tunnel. It was completely dark, and as soon as they were at what seemed to be the bottom the fuzzy hand dissapeared.

"Guys... hey where'd you all go? It's all dark down here," she called out.Image

[Edited on 20/9/2003 by PotbellyHairyfoot]
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Post RE: The One Bunny
on: September 20, 2003 02:11
"Fosh?" Nimeneth called, glancing around as she filled a few waterskins with the water. "Where exactly is here?" she glanced around. "Guys, does anyone happen to have a match or a lighter and a piece of dry wood for a torch? Because I think we just lost Fosh..." she trailed off.
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Post RE: The One Bunny
on: September 20, 2003 03:35
Jeanne looked around as she muffled noises. She dismounted and reaching in her pack found an extra shirt which she took and wrapped it around the top of a stick. Then pulling out her Zippo lighter (don't ask why she had it with her.... )) she torched the shirt. It gave enough light to see exactly where they were going for about 2-3 feet all around.
Suddenly she looked down at the ground and saw some very unnatural looking footprints in the ground. "Guys... you better take a look at this..."
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Post RE: The One Bunny
on: September 20, 2003 03:45
(((I'm sry it took me so long!!!)))

Galadria sat watching the others silently hoping she could put her archery lessons to good use. Suddenly a strange thought tok her, though it was extremely off topic. "Guys, do you realize we have been in middle Earth for a very short time and already we talk like we would in RPG or roleplaying? Since I know all of us were once in one?"

She saw the footprints and smiled. "Yeah maybe its a Balrog, thta would be a bunny twist."


[Edited on 20/9/2003 by Happy_Hobbit]
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Post RE: The One Bunny
on: September 20, 2003 11:30
"I think that a balrog would have much bigger feet." Nimeneth said. "I think Fosh disappeared down this way..." she pointed to a tunnel where the footprints disappeared. "Fosh! Could you give us a shout! And Jeanne, can I see that torch. By the way, nice thinking."
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Post RE: The One Bunny
on: September 20, 2003 12:34
Siona looked down into the darkness and shivered. Fosh'd been the first real friend she'd met on CoE, and she didn't want to see her get killed by some bunny-diseased Balrog! "So, are we going in or not?"
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Post RE: The One Bunny
on: September 20, 2003 05:05
Jeanne looked at them and then shrugging she jumped into the hole first yelling, "Boooooonnnnnnnnnzzzzzzzzaaaaaaaaaaiiiii!"


[Edited on 21/9/2003 by Happy_Hobbit]
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Post RE: The One Bunny
on: September 21, 2003 03:01
Shrugging, Nimeneth waited for the yelling to stop and also jumped down the hole. "GEEEEERRRROOONNEEEEMOOOOO!"
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Post RE: The One Bunny
on: September 21, 2003 05:20
Galadria stared at her insane friends. "What the heck." she said before jumping in and yelling, "OOOOORRRRRRLLLLLLIIIIII!!!!!!"

(((hahaha mine beats all ya'lls )))
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Post RE: The One Bunny
on: September 21, 2003 06:33
Siona sighed. "GOD, I hate stuff like this..." Instead like her fool-hardy friends, she kneeled and crawled backwards into the hole before finding that, much to her dismay, there were no handholds.

"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!" she screamed at the top of her lungs until she landed on something soft and...warm?

"GET. OFF," Jeanne, Galadria, and Nimeneth said simultaneously, all three girls in a cross manner; Siona wasn't exactly a light-weight ((I weigh around 140. :blush: )).

"Er, sooooo sorry!" Siona said, crawling off her companions. Blinking in the dark, she muttered for a flashlight or something.
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Post RE: The One Bunny
on: September 21, 2003 08:42
((Oh please... I can bench press 140... nothing to it hun.. ))

Jeanne got up and looked around and then turned to the others. "Hey where's the torch?", she asked as she looked around for it. The others got up and brushed themselves off as Jeanne pulled out her lighter and looked around for their friend...
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Post RE: The One Bunny
on: September 21, 2003 10:04

Siona pulled out her own Zippo ((Yeah, I admit it, I carry around that and a switch-blade; I'm paranoid. :dizzy: )) and looked around. "FOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOSH?! Where are you?!"

A squeaky voice sounded out, "Fosh? We've heard of no Fosheses, precious...what's a Fosh, my love?"

"Holy crap, GOLLUM?!" Siona shrieked.
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Post RE: The One Bunny
on: September 21, 2003 11:08
Jeanne whirled around and there before them was the creature Gollum... but slightly different than what he would normally look like...


[Edited on 21/9/2003 by Happy_Hobbit]
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Post RE: The One Bunny
on: September 21, 2003 12:16
Ooc- Been gone a few dayz, back nowz. Need humour, getting too serious.

Nuav peered down the hole. Then jumped.

"EEEEEELLLLLLLLFFFF!"....she didn't know what else to say. She landed thud on a rock, while the others where looking at Gollum. She stood up, rubbing her bottom and staring wide eyed at Gollum. "Uh....loppy rabbit ears are no longer in style Gollum, if they ever were...." she muttered. Gollum, in place of his normal ears, had two long brown lop-bunny ears that flopped as he moved and a fluffy white bunny. Nuav let out a giggle of laughter. "They must've gotten him." SHe said. "We're lookin for a girl about so tall, with big round glass pieces on her." she said, trying to explain Fosh.

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Post RE: The One Bunny
on: September 21, 2003 01:32
"Oooh... Gollum, you are the coolest evil creature in Middle-Earth! We lovessss you, yesss we doesss..." with a grin, Nimeneth bounded to her feet and crouched like Gollum. "You havesss a fan, my precioussss." looking at the other girls, she let out a small grin. "What? Gollum is the coolest baddie ever!"
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Post RE: The One Bunny
on: September 21, 2003 05:32
((Yes, but can you benchpress 150? Haha... I can't even do 40... lol...))

Fosh looked at the other with an open mouth, not believing what she saw, ignoring gollum for the moment.

"Guys... he-llo! There isn't another way out! How are we supposed to climb that thing? She asked, pointing to the smooth rock slide-type of thing they had fallen down. She looked to Gollum. "Oh great... the bunny got him, too. And speaking of the bunny... did you leave it up there?!?!?!?!?" she screached.


[Edited on 22/9/2003 by Happy_Hobbit]
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Post RE: The One Bunny
on: September 22, 2003 03:43
((The heaviest I've ever benched pressed is 170... so ya...))

Jeanne looked at the others wondering if any of them had the bunny. Then she looked at Gollum and crouching down to his level asked, "Is there any other way to get in or out of here?"
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Post RE: The One Bunny
on: September 22, 2003 09:08
"Oopsss... we're sorry, my precioussss...." with a cough, Nimeneth came back to her normal self, which was anything but normal. "Sorry about that... bad habbit of mine, ever since I saw Gollum in The Two Towers."

((Seriously, I can do a pretty good 'Gollum' if I tried hard. I scare my friends with it.))
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Post RE: The One Bunny
on: September 22, 2003 09:34
((Ya... I like to try and do animated voices like on Veggie Tales and some other cartoon shows. So when I did Gollum the first time I scared the crap out of my parents and siblings.. sounded just like him...))

Gollum seemed to ponder the question when finally Jeanne said, "If you help us, we promise you we'll change you back to normal." He seemed to not trust them but finally he waved his long, slimey hand to follow him...
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Post RE: The One Bunny
on: September 22, 2003 11:24
(((*cries* I haven't benchpressed anything or even excersised moderately since I've been in a cast!!!! *since June and am in a wlaking boot now if anyone would like to know.* )))

Galadria flinched. They HAD left the bunny up there. She walked over to where Gollum was but inched away from him and farther down into the tunnel. "FOSHHHHH!!!!!"
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Post RE: The One Bunny
on: September 22, 2003 12:36
((I do two kinds of Gollum: A good version of the animated "The Hobbit" version, and one that sounds like poor Smeagol was involved in a freak helium accident...

Speaking of imitations, my brother does Stitch from Lilo & Stitch PERFECTLY. Damned creepy to hear him yell "BUT I LIKE FLUFFY!" O_O' ))

"Yay!" Siona yelled at the site of Fosh before snickering at the bunny-Gollum. "Let's go, mon amies!
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Post RE: The One Bunny
on: September 22, 2003 01:04
"Ack! Don't leave me up here!!!!" Rosie called down, having been too scared to jump, initially. She reached over and grabbed her bag and the bunny cage(with a shiver) and pondered what to yell as she jumped. Having gone through many silly or already used options (Geronimo, Arapaho, Navajo, and Pocahontas) she made up her mind and jumped.

"I LOVE YOU BEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEN!" Then she landed with a thump, the bunny cage (thank the Vala) was unbroken, and Rosie had a severely bruised backside. She ran down the passage to where the others were standing around a frighteningly fuzzy Gollum. Siona raised an eyebrow at her as she entered.

"Who in the world is Ben?"


"Um...just a...that is to say..." Rosie giggled nervously. The others rolled their eyes and shook their heads, and Rosie muttered to herself. "Abbannalis Took, if I ever speak to you again, I'm going to give you a piece of my mind for making me fall in love with you!"
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Post RE: The One Bunny
on: September 22, 2003 01:16
((OMG! My brothers do Stitch too... "Blue punch buggy!" It's so creepy!))

"Well, Siona... where shall we go?" She asked, looking around and still seeing nothing... no ways out, no ladders, no anything. Except...

"Perhaps, just this once... we should let the bunny out? You know, use it and have it make a ladder or something?" seh said, eyeing the bunny, who seemed to be getting cuter by the second.
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Post RE: The One Bunny
on: September 22, 2003 01:27
"AHHHHH! NO! NO TOUCHING THE BUNNY REMEMBER WHAT IT DID TO LEGOLAS!!!!!" Rosie stood between Foshy and the bunny cage, frightened at the prospect of letting the bunny loose.
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