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Post RE: The One Bunny
on: September 22, 2003 02:24
"But we need to get out somehow!" Fosh said, flopping on the ground in dissapointment.
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Post RE: The One Bunny
on: September 22, 2003 06:47
((I do Stitch's voice as well... 'Bor man jebish' -- 'Ah... leave my mother out of this!!' ))

Jeanne walked up and placed a hand on Fosh's shoulder. "I know... but that's a dangerous concept my friend. We leave the bunny in the cage... period!" She looked around at the others who nodded in agreence to her. She looked back over at Gollum who was waving them frantically to follow...


[Edited on 23/9/2003 by Happy_Hobbit]
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Post RE: The One Bunny
on: September 23, 2003 12:50
((STITCH! Yet another think I can do with my voice. Except when I do it for too long my throat starts to hurt. It's not fun that way.))

"Fosh, we can't let this thing out. If it does and we can't get it back in, imagine what will happen then?" Nimeneth came to stand next to Rosie. "We would use this to do good, but through us it would do great evil." blinking, Nimeneth twitched. "I just sounded like Gandalf, didn't I?"

((Seriously, I pretty much quoted him!))
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Post RE: The One Bunny
on: September 23, 2003 07:45
Nuav stood to one side, eye brow raised and deep in thought. She suddenly drawed her bow, pointing at the bunny.

"Ack, you can't kill it!" Eneth said. "I'm not, just making sure it doens't pull anything." Nuav replied, following Gollum, but keeping a eye on the bunny. "Remember when the ring tempts people by calling them? Well I think this evil plot bunny tempts us with cuteness." she stepped backwards, nearly tripping over a rock.

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Post RE: The One Bunny
on: September 23, 2003 08:31
Nimeneth twitched again at Nuav's reasoning. "I hate it when you're right." she muttered. Slouching her shoulders and looking directly at her feet, Nimeneth followed the rest of the group, not noticing the wall until she had walked smack into it. "Owwww.... stupid wall. Why would anyone put it where someone could walk into it." Nimeneth glared at the wall while rubbing her head.
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Post RE: The One Bunny
on: September 23, 2003 09:26
Rosie walked along pretty much silently. She could do more than two things at once, but keeping an eye on Fosh, walking, and pondering the amazing likeness Nimeneth's little mini-speech had had to Gandalf's....well, let's just say that Rosie couldn't do more than three things at once.

When Nimeneth ran into the wall, Rosie started laughing, therefore (Because she was still walking and pondering) taking her eyes off of Fosh, which led to a very bad thing....

((Oh, Foshie! That's a wide opening for you to try something with the bunny cage! heeheehee...I can't stand it when nothing interesting (other than being led around by a furry Gollum in some underground tunnel) is happening :love: ))
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Post RE: The One Bunny
on: September 23, 2003 11:38
Galadria walked quietly behind the cage and made sure no one was watching. she mutterd softly to herself, "yes you are a cute little bunny yes you are preciousss... I bet you want out don't you?" she reached as if mezmerized (think Frodo in two towers) toward the latch.....
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Post RE: The One Bunny
on: September 23, 2003 11:51
Siona, freaked out by the silence, started to whistle but that was only worse,for the sound bounced off the walls eerily like echoing, haunting screams in the deep.

She thought she could hear the muttering of one of the group...it sounded like Galadria. "Yo, Galadria, what are you talking about, can't hear ya!"
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Post RE: The One Bunny
on: September 23, 2003 01:14
Fosh noticed Galadria just in time... before she could open the bunny cage instead of her. She slid the cage away before Galadria could get it open, and took a moment to stare at the bunny. So cute... it reminded her of a furry little kitten. It's eyes shone in the flickering torchlight, and it looked so soft... just one touch. She flicked open the latch and without a moment's hesitation took the bunny out... it was indeed soft. She instantly began cuddling it, overwhelmed by the cuteness...

Suddenly there was a giant flash of blue light. She slid the bunny back in the cage and latched it while they were blinded by the light, stood up, and stepped over by Siona. When the smoke had cleared, there was a giant hole in the roof of the tunnel, with a hanging rope ladder. The bunny sat by itself in it's cage on the ground, looking adoribly innocent. Fosh attempted to do the same herself, and waited for someone to say something before she did.
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Post RE: The One Bunny
on: September 23, 2003 05:23
Nuav was blinded for a moment from the light. "Ahhhh, my eyessss!!! It's burnssss..." he fell on her knees. Covering her face with a hand, she opened one eye and looked around, then up, seeing the rope and hole. "Oh." she stood up, regaining her dignity. She looked at Fosh, who was most predictably trying to look innocent for something. Nuav looked at the bunny, then at Fosh, then at the bunny, then at fosh, etc, etc, etc (you get the idea). After a minute she said, "Touched it, didn't you?" she kept calm and cool. "DO HAVE ANY IDEA WHAT IT WILL DO TO YOU!!!" she screeched. Throwing her hands in the air and moving them as she talked.

"Uh, we have the cure stuff, don't we?" someone said. "Uh....right." Nuav shut up.

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Post RE: The One Bunny
on: September 23, 2003 06:16
"You don't change or anything unless it bites you!" Fosh screached back. "I know! I found it out when I touched the bunny... it just kind of came to me, like the bunny said it," she muttered. "Did I say that out loud?" she said, covering her mouth and hitting herself on the head. "Well at least we can get out now."

((Of course, the exit of the tunnel leads to a random plot-bunny picked place... hehehe... :evil: Lets say it puts them on the top of Caradhras if they take it. The veeeeeery tippy-top. lol...))


[Edited on 24/9/2003 by Happy_Hobbit]
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Post RE: The One Bunny
on: September 24, 2003 12:50
((Guys, what about the horses? We need the horses!))

"GUYS!" Nimeneth screeched herself, out screeching the others. "NEVER, NEVER OPEN THE BUNNY'S CAGE! NEVER!" she took a deep breath and calmed down. "Number one, don't we need the horses, and number two, DOES ANYONE KNOW WHERE THIS THING LEADS TO!"
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Post RE: The One Bunny
on: September 24, 2003 07:12
Jeanne looked at the bunny in discust. She then turned to the others pondering aloud, "Who knows where this thing leads to... but its either this way or heading back." Jeanne thought a bit more and then said, "What if one of us goes up and then after seeing where it leads comes back and tells the others where it goes?" She looked around at the others wondering what they thought...
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Post RE: The One Bunny
on: September 24, 2003 08:31
"Hmmm... Jeanne, you have a good point, but what if we run into more bunnies and that one person doesn't make it down before they turn into a plot bunny themselves. Or, what if, heaven forbid, we run into a band of waltzing Orcs or something equally as foul." Nimeneth brought up a good point. "And HOW are we supposed toget the horses?!"


[Edited on 24/9/2003 by Happy_Hobbit]
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Post RE: The One Bunny
on: September 24, 2003 10:03
Nuav grinned. "Anyone got rope?" she asked, taking out her small bundle of rope and unraveling it. "We need the horses, they got our food too! I think we can maybe, somehow, lower them down, that tis if we are all heavy enough to hold on so they don't fall. But how does one get back up?" Nuav ran back to the hole where they had jumped down. Looking up it, she could not see any grips.

Ooc- Maybe the horses got turned into bunnies? And we can give them some of the water?
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Post RE: The One Bunny
on: September 24, 2003 11:57
((Let's suppose we let them go, like TFoTR did Bill. Problem solved!! ))

"Nuav, we got the food right here!" Siona said, holding up a few bags. "Don't worry about it, they're Elvish; they ain't gonna go and get eaten or something. So..what now? Do we go up the plot bunny's ladder?"
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Post RE: The One Bunny
on: September 24, 2003 01:08
Galadria's face went scary (think Blibo's in FOTR) when the bunny was taken from her. "Mine!!!" she screeched.

(((what's with us and screeching? oh no, the bunny has attacked again! It made us all screech!!! lol j/k)))

She stayed quiet trying to get herself under control again, until someone mentioned leaving teh horses behind. 'I AM NOT LEAVING MY SHADOWFAX!!!!!" she yelled.

Everyone stared at her, like she was insane or sprouting bunny ears.

(((yeah let's have them be attacked by evil plot bunnies, nad be turned into bunnyies themselves? then they could fall and follow us up and then we could keep them! Oh and I had a very fun mental picture of the waltzing orcs )))
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Post RE: The One Bunny
on: September 24, 2003 01:13
((Waltzing Yrch? Oh, bugger, now that image will be in my mind all day making me laugh! And people will think I'm insane!!.....oh, wait, I am insane...:evil: ))

"Look, we can't exactly get up TO the horses, and I think that Shadowfax will be fine on his own." Rosie rolled her eyes. "Besides, he's a smart horse maybe he'll find us!" she smiled, and everyone looked at her with a weird expression. "What? Why does everyone always look at me like that?" :dizzy:
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Post RE: The One Bunny
on: September 24, 2003 05:50
Nuav sighed. "Waita minute....the plot has struck again, but nothing major...Shadowfax doesn't come until, like, the second movie." she recieved weird expressions from the others. "Just noticed." she shurgged, taking a piece of lemba that she had stuck in her pocket awhile ago and started munching on it, thinking deeply.

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Post RE: The One Bunny
on: September 24, 2003 05:51
Fosh rolled her eyes. Someone had to take charge. She climbed the ladder while the others were arguing... only to be nearly blasted away by an icy gust of wind.

"Where...?" she muttered, looking. All she could see was that it was cloudy... and snowing... and cold. She took a few steps forward... only to nearly fall off an ice-covered cliff. She pulled herself back up in time and looked around again. Caradhras. She was on top of Caradhras. She quickly jumped back down the whole.

"Erm... guys... you should see this."
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Post RE: The One Bunny
on: September 24, 2003 06:07
Jeanne shook her head and rolled her eyes at the lot of them and then watched as Fosh went up the rope. She waited till she got back down to approach her. "Erm... guys... you should see this.", she said. "What is it?", Jeanne asked as Fosh nodded towards the rope and Jeanne without second guessing herself or anything else began to climb... Until she found herself on Caradhras...
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Post RE: The One Bunny
on: September 25, 2003 08:08
Rosie popped her head up after climbing the rope ladder.

"Oh, bugger...." She looked around. They were most definately on top of Caradhras. Which was not good, considering that it was a reeeaaallly tall mountain and Rosie was reeeaaallly afraid of heights.

"AHHHH!!!!!" Rosie freaked out and grabbed on to the nearest rock, not caring that she was getting soaked from the snow. "GET ME DOWN GET ME DOWN GET ME DOWN!!!!"


[Edited on 25/9/2003 by Happy_Hobbit]
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Post RE: The One Bunny
on: September 25, 2003 11:26
Galadria looked up into the hole, upset that they couldn't take shadowfax. She shrugged trying not to be dramatic or emotional like people always said she was. "Fine I'll go up." she climbed up the rope, luggint the One Bunny up with her, "This...is ...heavy....." she muttered. She finally got to the top and suddenly she went from cold, to extremely hot.

((((the plot bunny has struck again! Caradhas is turned into a DESSERT!!!! eerrr.....DESERT!!! ))))
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Post RE: The One Bunny
on: September 25, 2003 11:31
Rosie stopped screaming only when Fosh and the others got her attention with the fact that she was no longer clutching a snow-covered rock.

She was clutching a mound of sand.

"Well, at least it's not high up..." she muttered as they all looked around in confusion.
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Post RE: The One Bunny
on: September 25, 2003 12:41
Siona had ALWAYS hated the cold, having lived in Texas and then Utah all her life, but being stuck in a desert wasn't exactly her cup of tea either! "Damn plot bunny," she said and stuck out a foot to kick it...only to find she couldn't. It was too cute...too fluffy...too...sweeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeet...
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Post RE: The One Bunny
on: September 25, 2003 01:10
Nuav climbed up behind them. Once at the top, she shivered, and looked around, nearly screaming. She was deathly afraid of heights also. But was somewhat glad it turned into a desert. She eyed the plot bunnie, maybe it was so evil after all, besides...it was cute...fluffy...and so hugable looking. Nuav started inching her way towards the cage, tempted to open the cage, but she reminded herself of what it had done to the others. She jumped away. "So what do we do now? We're on a desert, complete with sand, hot sun, lizards, castus, and rattle snakes...." she froze, "r-r-r-rattle snakes..." she looked around fiercely.

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Post RE: The One Bunny
on: September 25, 2003 01:25
Fosh sighed. "The only way we could have ended up here, was if we hiked all the way down Caradhras, and had ended up going drastically too far south. The bunny must have pulled a time-jump on us. Darn it!" she shouted, kicking the sand. It blew back in her face, and she coughed on a mouthful of sand.

"How are we going to get back?" Siona asked.

"The way I see it we are beyond lost. I have no clue," she said, looking once again to the bunny.
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Post RE: The One Bunny
on: September 25, 2003 01:56
Galadria shook her head. "It was either time-jump, or he just turned Caradhas into a desert. Both are possible thoguh I was hoping that the latter was large enough to not be affected."
she shivered. "Gah I just sounded like Galadriel. Scary."

(((you lived in Texas Siona? Me too!!!)))
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Post RE: The One Bunny
on: September 25, 2003 06:42
Jeanne struck out on her own and climbed the top of a huge mound of sand. She smiled and yelled for the others to come up. As they reached the top, Jeanne point to a massive wall with a eeire lake in front of it. "Is that what I think it is... is that Moria?"

[Edited on 26/9/2003 by PotbellyHairyfoot]
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Post RE: The One Bunny
on: September 26, 2003 02:53
Foshpickle followed Jeanne and smiled- perhaps they wouldn't have to use the bunny after all.

"I believe it is," she siad quietly. There was uneasy silence for a moment. "So... are we going to go in?"
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Post RE: The One Bunny
on: September 26, 2003 07:49
Nuav laughed a bit, "Uh, how are we suppose to 'go in'?" she personally loved water and being in it, but she couldn't swim. "I can't swim or duck my head underwater." she said, sighing.

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Post RE: The One Bunny
on: September 26, 2003 08:10
"There... we can walk on that little bit of earth that lines the wall and the lake.", Jeanne said pointing as they group headed into Moria...


[Edited on 26/9/2003 by Happy_Hobbit]
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Post RE: The One Bunny
on: September 26, 2003 11:49
Galadria crept up the mountain and veiwed teh lake. "Holy cow guys. This just gets creepier and creepier...."

She walked a little closer to the lake and peered in. She stifled a scream. "The...the...swamp....you..you know.....in...near...MORDOR!!!" she practically screamed.
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Post RE: The One Bunny
on: September 26, 2003 11:59
Jeanne went over to Galadriel and tried to calm her down. "Calm down... now what is it?"
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Post RE: The One Bunny
on: September 26, 2003 12:03
"Loo...look!!!" she stuttered pointing to the water without looking in it. "No wait, DON'T Look!!!"

(((I can't remeber the anme of the swamp that Golum took frodo and sam through!!!)))
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