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Post RE: The One Bunny
on: September 26, 2003 12:06
((The Dead Marshes... ))

Jeanne looked but then trying to look away but couldn't. She kept walking to the water's edge not caring about the others...
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Post RE: The One Bunny
on: September 26, 2003 12:10
((yes!! thank you!!))

Galadria felt Jeanne falling toward the lake and pushed her back, both of them falling backwards and then rolling down the hill straight into the lake...Image

[Edited on 27/9/2003 by PotbellyHairyfoot]
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Post RE: The One Bunny
on: September 26, 2003 04:29
Siona screamed and started towards Jeanne and Galadria only to lose her footing and fall in herself.

The water was more like mist than anything and it was heavier, much heavier than the chlorine-filled pool back home!

She clutched her nose ((I can't swim without plugs; go figure. :dizzy )) and tried to paddle to the surface when...

An arm! An arm had reached up and grabbed her by the leg!!
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Post RE: The One Bunny
on: September 26, 2003 04:33
Jeanne tried to swim back up but couldn't... it was like she was floating in one space and the water was not like the water she was use to. Suddenly she looked down and saw the others going down. She grabbed the two girls just as a ghostly creature floated up towards her reaching out with his decayed, gnarled hand to take her to her final resting place...
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Post RE: The One Bunny
on: September 26, 2003 04:33
She was drowning. Galadria flailed about trying to get herself back to the surface, somewhere, she felt the splash of someone else falling in as well!! They were all clumsy bakas.

(((pardon my use of Japanese their. baka means idiot if I'm not mistaken.)))
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Post RE: The One Bunny
on: September 26, 2003 04:39
Siona screamed out for help but no sound came from her mouth, only bubbles...and then her air was gone in that vain attempt for aid and her vision went suddenly fuzzy and dim. She began to sink, away from her friends and the plot-bunny, away from the sun...away from the air...


[Edited on 27/9/2003 by Happy_Hobbit]
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Post RE: The One Bunny
on: September 26, 2003 07:45
((I thought they were at the lake in front of Moria, not the Dead Marshes...? :dizzy: Oy, confused. Too much homecoming.))
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Post RE: The One Bunny
on: September 27, 2003 03:13
Panting in the heat, Nimeneth reached the rise to see her companions disappear into the Dead Marshes. "I don't think that that was supposed to happen." Nimeneth ran around in circles frantically. "What do I do what do I do what do I do!" she screamed. Suddenly, she knew that she had to go save her friends. Shrugging off her weapons, she dove into the water, only to find that it wasn't like water. Striking out towards the forms of her friends, she managed to grab onto Siona and motioned Jeanne to keep a grip on Galadria. Swiming up towards the surface, Nimeneth found that it was nearly impossible to keep going. What a great time to drown. she found herself thinking.
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Post RE: The One Bunny
on: September 27, 2003 08:07
Jeanne looked up to see that Nimeneth was falling now. 'Great..', she thought to herself wondering if any one could save them now...
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Post RE: The One Bunny
on: September 27, 2003 08:17
Nuav mouth dropped open, she started to panick. "Oh great oh great oh great, whatta do whatta do!" she paced back forth, running actually. Before she calmed down and got a idea. She stole Eneth's rope (I hope you have one....) and tossed it into the lake for them to grab onto. She held the otehr end of the rope. Wailing because she knew she wasn't strong enough, "WHAT I WOULD GIVE FOR HELP!!!" then she saw Foshpickle. "Fosh, here..." tied the end of the rope around a rock and told Fosh to help her pull them out. Nuav strained and 'unnggghh'ed, trying to pull her companions out.



[Edited on 27/9/2003 by Happy_Hobbit]
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Post RE: The One Bunny
on: September 27, 2003 08:46
Siona gasped as she was dragged back up the bank and into her friends' arms. "Damn!" she cursed, "I HATE ZOMBIES!"

"I thought we were at the lake in front of Moria, like in the movie...?" Fosh said curiously.

"Me too, but I'm guessing we're at the Dead Marshes or somethin'!" said Nuav. "Well, last time I checked, there weren't any dead people in the Moria lake..."

"Maybe the bunny, like, teleported us here?" Siona suggested after an unsuccesful attempt at getting all the foul water out of her stomach.
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Post RE: The One Bunny
on: September 27, 2003 08:51
Jeanne climbed up dragging the other two up. She coughed and spitted all the water out. She laid on her back heaving for air to enter her lungs. She got up and looked around... sure enough it was the Dead Marshes. She looked back at the wall and then back to the marshes. "Guys.. I think the bunny moved the marshes here in front of the walls of Moria..."
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Post RE: The One Bunny
on: September 27, 2003 08:59
Nimeneth coughed and shook the water out of her hair. Trying to glare at the bunny, she found it hard. "Damn bunny. Eeeeeevil...." suddenly, it started to rain. "I have to stop doing that. Will someone slap me the next time I say evil like that?" she asked her companions, putting her weapons back on. Suddenly realizing that Vornfanyar was no longer there, she sniffled. "I WANT MY HORSE!"
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Post RE: The One Bunny
on: September 27, 2003 10:02
Galadria coughed and sputtered unhappily coughing up losts of water. "Thank you." she said to Nuav.

"I want my horse!!" Nimeneth cried.

"I waant shadowfax!!!" Galadria bawled.
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Post RE: The One Bunny
on: September 27, 2003 10:14
Jeanne heaved on her weapons and sighed, "Come on guys... lets go..", she said as she made her way on... not wanting to talk to anyone after what she had caused...
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Post RE: The One Bunny
on: September 27, 2003 10:23
Siona felt sorry for Jeanne but decided that the girl needed her space. Freaking cold, she reached into her pocket and pulled out a damp but still readable map of CoE.

"Damn!" she cussed. "He didn't move us...we're still on Caradhas...he moved all of the Death Marshes here."
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Post RE: The One Bunny
on: September 27, 2003 05:20
Nuav smiled. "Your welcome." she told them. Looking at the dead marshes. "Either we go through it, or around it...what I wouldn't give for a pail of holy water, that'd fix those zombies." she looked at the bunny. Smiling when it started to rain, she didn't feel so icky anymore. Following the others, she felt sorry for Jeanne, it really wasn't her fault. But frowned when Galadria and Eneth started crying for their horses. "I wish Moralata was here, but they're proubly safe and sound back at Rivendell." Nuav noticed it was getting darker into night time.

She suddenly felt more alive and aware, bounding along, skipping, she crouched in the moss, then sprung forward like a frog. Recieving weird looks form everyone. "What? I'm nocturnal outside at night, I can't help it!" she sighed and started walking normally.

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Post RE: The One Bunny
on: September 27, 2003 08:21
Fosh sighed. "I am never, ever ever ever opening that cage again." She eyed the bunny, but fortunately it's cage was covered with a blanket so that the cuteness couldn't take anyone's mind over. "It seems that the bunny has changed nearly all the important characters, put us on top of Caradhras, and now it moves the Dead Marshes in front of Moria. Great...." she said, rolling her eyes and following Nuav.


[Edited on 28/9/2003 by Happy_Hobbit]
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Post RE: The One Bunny
on: September 28, 2003 07:19
Putting up her hood, Nimeneth sent a pool of water pouring down on her head. "What I wouldn't give right now for something to kill those zombies, a hairdryer, some dry clothes, warm shelter, a roaring fire, and a cup of hot chocolate." she muttered, glaring up at the sky. Suddenly, she realized that she was feeling very energized and grinned demonically. The sun had gone down, and Nimeneth liked the nighttime. Even if she hated the rain.
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Post RE: The One Bunny
on: September 28, 2003 07:41
Jeanne had walked quite a ways ahead of the others. She finally got tired and sat up against the wall. She heaved a heavy sigh kicking her mentally for doing what she did. 'How could I've been so stupid...', she thought to herself. She looked down at the ground and then at the wall next to her. She ran her finger along a line.... suddenly she realized that the line she was running across wasn't a crack but a carved line...
She stood up quickly and ran her hand over the line and followed up to the top and all over a good portion of the wall. She roughly translated the words on the wall, "... with starlight and moonlight's aid..." Suddenly a marvelous design and doors appeared in front of her... "Hey Girls!! I found the doors. The Doors to Moria!"
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Post RE: The One Bunny
on: September 28, 2003 08:12
Hearing Jeanne's cry, Siona and the others ran ahead until they joined up with her. Sure enough, they were overtowered by the massive doors and the moonlight revealed the doors' letters. "Well, what now? Do you think the password is still the same?" Siona asked.
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Post RE: The One Bunny
on: September 28, 2003 08:17
"Well, it couldn't hurt to try...." Rosie stood up straight and cleared her throat.


Nothing happened.
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Post RE: The One Bunny
on: September 28, 2003 08:40
"Oh, bloody GREAT!" Siona yelled, suddenly unable to put up with it all. Between being pulled out of her own dimension into the Internet, bitten by a plot bunny who's venom might have been working as they spoke, and then nearly drowned by the dead in a stinky marsh, she'd had ENOIUGH. "Now what?!"
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Post RE: The One Bunny
on: September 28, 2003 09:06
Jeanne tried to translate it but it was pretty hard... she never studied the this type of text but it seemed familiar. Suddenly she spoke aloud, "Who so ever enters these halls, speak enemy and enter??" She looked at the others wondering if one of them also knew elvish...
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Post RE: The One Bunny
on: September 28, 2003 09:10
((So...who's gonna get offa their duff and go translate?

*crickets chirp*

SIIIIIIIIIIGH...FINE. *runs off*))
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Post RE: The One Bunny
on: September 28, 2003 09:21
Fosh attempted not to cry... but it was rather hard.

"CURSES!" she shotued. "I never got past lesson four in my elvish workbook," she sobbed. Then a familiar shape caught her eye. So square and mysterious under it's green cloth... but wait! A corner of it had fallen away, reavealing a small nose, and shiny little eyes...

Get ahold of yourself, girl! she thought. This is the bunny your thinking of! It's pure evil! But still... she sighed and stepped away to sit on one of the holly trees near the entrance.
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Post RE: The One Bunny
on: September 28, 2003 09:33
((FOUND IT!!))

Siona walked up to the door. What an uncouth piece of s--...wait...

"I got it! Coth!"

Nothing happened and Siona had begun to feel like an idiot until the doors slowly creaked and allowed them to enter.

Siona grinned. "I SO rock."
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Post RE: The One Bunny
on: September 28, 2003 09:53
Fosh looked behind her warily.

"Should something with giant slimy arms be trying to get us?" she said.

"No... not if that's the marshes," Jeanne said. Fosh sighed and followed the others inside. It was dark... and they didn't have flashlights. Or torches. Or anything.

"What are we going to do? It's completely dark," Fosh asked.
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Post RE: The One Bunny
on: September 28, 2003 10:56
Tripping over her own feet and a rather large rock, Nimeneth landed unceremouniously on the ground. "Stupid dark." raising herself onto one elbow, her hand hit something and she picked it up to study it. It was a large piece of rock that seemed to glow with it's own inner light. "Guys, I think I found a solution to our problem." she held up the rock and gestured around her at the many others like it that were strewn around. "Grab some, they provide a light."
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Post RE: The One Bunny
on: September 28, 2003 10:59
"I don't remember any of those being in Moria..." Galadria said slowy. "They could be alive."
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Post RE: The One Bunny
on: September 28, 2003 02:32
Nuav raised a eye brow, picking up a Rock and eyeing it. "Galadria's right, these things could be alive." she poked a hole in the rock, and dropped it as it seemingly twitch. She ran inside and hid behind Jeanne.

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Post RE: The One Bunny
on: September 28, 2003 03:26
Fosh picked up a rock and studied it. "Strange... I doubt these are rocks." As she studied it, she realized it wasn't hard, but rather, quite soft and squishy. She used it to study the walls, and the floor, until she realized something. It certainly wasn't rock.

"Guys... this sounds crazy, but I think this is jello," she said, looking at the rock again. "Strange glowing jello that is a bit hard, yes, but still jello." She took a small tase and the opened her mouth, revealing how it made her tongue glow. "Lime, my favorite," she said, smiling.
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Post RE: The One Bunny
on: September 28, 2003 03:47
Jeanne 'yucked' at the sight of Fosh tasting it. She looked behind her to Nuav and eyed her oddly. Nuav quickly moved away as Jeanne shook her head and looked over at Fosh, "Okay, Mouth of Light... lets roll..." She pointed in the direction to head through Moria...

((Hey guys I was thinking when we come to the bridge of Khaz-a-dum, can I be the one to fall... you know like Gandalf did?))
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Post RE: The One Bunny
on: September 29, 2003 12:44
Nimeneth dropped it and quickly wiped her hands off. "I hate Jello." she eyed is with distaste. Shrugging, she forgot her pride and scooped up some more for them to give to Fosh. Seeing the others eye her strangely, she shrugged. "What?"
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Post RE: The One Bunny
on: September 29, 2003 03:10
((Sure... if you want to fall go ahead. You could just bounce right back up. lol... whatever you want to do. ))

"Yummy," Fosh said, eating more of the jello. "This is good. You really should try some." She looked at her hand and noticed it had begun to glow the same color as the jello. "EEP!" she shotued, throwing down her handful of jello. "I'm glowing!"

[Edited on 29/9/2003 by PotbellyHairyfoot]
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