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Post RE: The One Bunny
on: September 29, 2003 04:13

Jeanne looked at the jello with distaste and distrust. She had an odd feeling about all this... "Guys.. we really should get moving..."
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Post RE: The One Bunny
on: September 29, 2003 09:22
Nuav moves quickly away from Jeanne. Slightly surprised the glowing rocks are jello, she picks up a handful and inspects it. Laughing when Jeanne says 'Mouth of light'. Nuav pokes the jello, then stuffs it in her pocket. "It might come in handy, foodwise and lightwise." she says, filling her pockets with jello before stepping inside, she notices that Fosh is now glowing. "Cooool, human glow stick!" she exclaims. "I think Fosh should lead us in, she's the one that provides more light. Then I'll go behind the rest of you, so incase I'm kid napped, you people will notice because it will be come darker in here." Nuav made out a small plan.

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Post RE: The One Bunny
on: September 29, 2003 11:43
Siona, whether or not she despised jello ((due to a BAD practical joke in middle school...don't ask. :dizzy )), put a few of the stickly, edible globs of gooey-ness ((NEW WORD! )) in her pockets and followed the others. "Lessee...so, right about now, we should be finding a load of dead dwarves and such now, right?"

"You never know," answered someone in the dark; from the glow, it must have been Fosh. "This whole plot bunny thing has got all of Middle Earth turned upside down; for all we know, we might find man-eating penguins!"

"Oh, YOU'RE optimisitic...!"
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Post RE: The One Bunny
on: September 29, 2003 12:26
((So.... why not penguins? Any objections? Another funny and twisted twist to the plot. Did that make sense to anyone? Besides myself?))
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Post RE: The One Bunny
on: September 29, 2003 12:38
Rosie grabbed large handfuls of the glowing jello, after hearing it was lime-flavored. By the time she looked up, the group was quite a ways ahead of her, being led by Fosh the human Glo-stick.

"Hey, wait up!" she called, stuffing more jello in her pockets. She caught up with them, and they stared at her for a sec. "Why does everyone always look at me like that?" she asked, flustered.

"Well, now we have TWO glowsticks." Siona sighed. Rosie looked down at herself.

"Hey, I'm glowing! Cool!"
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Post RE: The One Bunny
on: September 29, 2003 12:53
Fosh suddenly stopped, makingn everyone behind her bump into her. She shhh-ed them and looked around.

"I think... I think there's something here," Fosh said, terrified. She looked around. And all over the floors were...

Squirrels. Hundreds of thousands of squirrel skeletons. They were scattered everywhere. She fell to the floor, sobbing.

"Poor, poor squirrels," she said through tears. "It's the penguiins!" she shotued, getting up. Her voice echoed throughout the squishy caverns, making the very walls shake. "Let's go!" she led them onward.

((If you're wondering about the squirrels, see my site. And... you guessed it... the penguins are going to be the goblin/orc soldiers. http://www.freewebs.com/pickle_of_the_fosh ))
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Post RE: The One Bunny
on: September 29, 2003 12:56
Quite the contrast to Fosh, Siona found it funny that all the squirrels happened to be dwarf-sized and dressed in their armor...along with the beards. "I see why squirrels stay in TREES now!!"

"It's not funny!" Fosh cried, chucking a squirrel femur at her. Siona ducked and it slammed into the wall, the blow echoing off the cavern halls.

((hey, that rhymed! O_O' ))
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Post RE: The One Bunny
on: September 29, 2003 01:00
Jeanne looks at Rosie with a look of 'behave yourself' and then down at all of the squirrels and pulls out something from of the bodies... "Very sharp iciles?", she asked as she examined it. She looked around and kept her ears and eyes out for the peguins. She turns back to Fosh, "Fosh... try not to yell again. It will draw attention to ourselves. Lets go!" She took the lead with Roise.
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Post RE: The One Bunny
on: September 29, 2003 01:03
(((good job!!! Oh and falling into the pit? I'm sur eyou just wanted to meet the Balrog!!! )))

Galadria picked up a clump of the jello rocks. "Yum. Glow good." she said.

She followed the others until they reached the dead squirrels. "YAY!! ALL THE EVIL SQUIRRELS ARE DEAD!!!" she blushed. "Uh, sry bad memories."
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Post RE: The One Bunny
on: September 29, 2003 02:10
"And to think how pitiful they look when they're dwarf size and dead." Nimeneth said, absently rubbing the top of her left index finger((seriously, about a year ago, I was bitten there by a squirrel)). Her lower lip trembled slightly. "JIMMY!" she cried, ignoring the other girls' signals to be quiet. Glancing at an icesicle sticking out of a squirrel, she frowned. "Penguins are evil, but I like them. How does that work?"

((Sorry, the Jimmy is an inside joke with a few of my friends.))
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Post RE: The One Bunny
on: September 29, 2003 02:25
Ooc- Crazy-make-no-sense thought: Jeanne falls off the bridge and falls into a giant pool of........(1) pudding (2) fuzzy stuff (3) pink lemonade (4) whipped cream *lol, that's nuts*

Nuav blinks, looking at the body of spuwfs (squirrel-dwarfs). She shivered, taking out jello and tasting it, she ate one pocketful. But she didn't glow, only her mouth when she talked now. "If that bunny did this to the dwarfs, I'm going to laugh my head off when I see what it did to the balrog." she said, giggles at the thought of a two feet high pink and bunny tailed balrog. She walks ahead, grinning at the two human glow sticks. "Let's find that tomb, then we'll be back on track." she said, walking ahead. And because I want to read that book Nuav grinned wickedly to herself.

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Post RE: The One Bunny
on: September 29, 2003 02:26
"PEGUINS STOLE MY SANITY!!!" Fosh screamed at the top her lungs. She then covered her mouth. "They are completely evil. Show them no mercy. Honestly... haven't you ever been to my site?"
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Post RE: The One Bunny
on: September 29, 2003 02:32
"Um....not yet. Maybe we can use fire against them..." she had a flash back of watching Shierk, "then again, maybe not." she said, dreading.

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Post RE: The One Bunny
on: September 29, 2003 05:13
Jeanne shook her head as they headed on through the tunnels replying to Fosh's question, "Yes... fortunate for me because I know why you feel and act the way you do..." She continued on and then the 'human lights' revealed the steep stairs that headed to the three doors...


[Edited on 30/9/2003 by PotbellyHairyfoot]
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Post RE: The One Bunny
on: September 30, 2003 12:27
((Lol... sanity stealing penguins. I have sanity stealing bunnies, and this is called The One Bunny, so why not some of both? Heh... the three doors. Reminds me of Three Doors Down for some reason.))

Nimeneth followed the human Glow sticks, still pouting over the probable loss of Jimmy and the squirrels. She glanced around and tried to picture what the balrog looked like. She gave up and laughed silently.

((So why doesn't the balrog be something that we didn't expect? Something big.))
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Post RE: The One Bunny
on: September 30, 2003 05:55
Ooc- Ack! I actually had a dream about this RPG, we were just meeting the Balrog and as it started to attack, it grew short and shorter and shorter until it was like only a few inches tall....*sweatdrops*

Nuav raised a eye brow, three doors. She wondered which one they would, shivering at the thought of what might be behind them.

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Post RE: The One Bunny
on: September 30, 2003 01:34
"Okay... so which one should we chose? Is it the same one in the movie or what?", Jeanne asked looking at the others...

((I don't mind if its whip cream... ))
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Post RE: The One Bunny
on: September 30, 2003 02:24
(((OO!! Cookie dough ice cream with whip cream!! And then we can all eat it!!! and the balrog could be a tee tiny kitten!! {Kurama's Girl gave me this idea. She knows all about this forum, but she's not as LOTR crazy as we are.} and b/f we see it we would hear a great giant roar, and tehn round the corner and see a tiny kitten!!!)))

"I want this one!!!" Galadria yelled. She ahd been queit up til now and it surprised everyone when she yelled.
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Post RE: The One Bunny
on: September 30, 2003 05:24
Nuav sits down and thinks, and thinks, and thinks, staring at the three ways. Her stare hard and showing no emotion. At last she comes up with a answer, She stands up and says. "I wish I had paid more attention to the book when reading and the movie too, I have no clue at all." Nuav jumps a little as Galadria yells. "We-ll, I think it was the middle one, it smells better." Nuav noted with a gesture of the smell coming from the dead squirwfs (sp?).

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Post RE: The One Bunny
on: September 30, 2003 06:34
Jeanne stood up and walked over to the door to her left and the middle one and begins to sniff the air. She suddenly jerks her head to the door on the left and gestures the others to follow...
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Post RE: The One Bunny
on: October 01, 2003 05:52
Nuav gives Jeanne a thumbs up as she follows, feeling jitterish about being in the dark around dead.

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Post RE: The One Bunny
on: October 01, 2003 08:40
"Why do they always rely on the sense of smell?" Nimeneth frowned. "It makes no sense!" smacking herself in the forehead, she added on a bit. "No pun intended." Following the others with a shrug, she pondered it in her head.
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Post RE: The One Bunny
on: October 01, 2003 09:48
Nuav smirked. "Imagine this, there's two rooms infront of you, you don't know which way is the way out. What's the chance of a Room that smells of rotting corpses being the way out?" she said, looking around. She froze, "Uh, Eneth, did you just see that?" she said, "I thought I saw a fuzzy white tail dash behind those rocks over there...." she herded closer to Fosh.

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Post RE: The One Bunny
on: October 01, 2003 10:01
Jeanne turned and looked over at the rock Eneth indicated. She quickly pulled out one of her swords turning to the others, "Get ready ladies... we might have to face this balrog sooner than we expected..."
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Post RE: The One Bunny
on: October 01, 2003 11:37
Rosie pulled out her sword with some difficulty and held it awkwardly.

"Um...I'm not sure if this is the time to mention this, but I'm afraid of blood. I faint when I see blood."
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Post RE: The One Bunny
on: October 01, 2003 12:21
Siona tightened her grip on the hilt of her ax and said to Rosie, "No big; just close your eyes and swing!"

"But what if I hit someone?"

"Guess they should move then."

"You wouldn't think that if she hit you," Nuav pointed out.

Siona laughed and took up a fighting stance. "Oh, well, I guess being nailed by Rose would be better than being smoked by a Balrog...!"
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Post RE: The One Bunny
on: October 01, 2003 12:28
A rumbling sound came from around the corner, a grating roar that echoed through the room, hurting Rosie's ears.

"Oh, bugger, here it comes!" she shouted, dropping her sword and covering her eyes with her hands, peeking between her fingers every couple of seconds. A huge shadow was growing on the wall opposite the source of the noise. The girls cowered in fear, but they stood resolute...well, except Rosie. Then, the balrog came into sight.

"A kitten?" Rosie screeched, thoroughly fed up with the changes in the plot. "The balrog is a bloody KITTEN?" The kitten was a calico, and tottered along the floor unsteadily. "Not only that, but it's a GIRL kitten."

"How do you know?" Naur asked.

"Only girl cats can be Calicos. Don't know why, just know."
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Post RE: The One Bunny
on: October 01, 2003 12:59
Galadria rushed over to the little kitten and scooped it up. "Oh you are soo cute!!!"

The toerhs stared at her. "What I always wanted a kitten!"
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Post RE: The One Bunny
on: October 01, 2003 02:17
"Galadriel... look out!!", Jeanne yelled as the kitten reared its head and within its tiny mouth smoke and fire of great magnitude ventured towards its opened mouth. Jeanne grabbed Galadriel causing her to drop the kitten. Jeanne pushed her and the others out of the way just as the 'balrog kitty' released its firey fury. As the girls peeked out of their hiding place that looked along the path the fire had taken... everything that was in its path was reduced to nothing but melted rock and ash. "COME ON!!", Jeanne yelled leading the others through the halls of Moria... to the bridge of Khaz-A-Dum...
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Post RE: The One Bunny
on: October 01, 2003 02:28
"But...but...but..." Galadria whined aas Jeanne pulled her down the huge hall.

The kitten's firey fury was unleashed. We're heading toward Kasad-Doom. I just hope no one here become's our Gandalf....
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Post RE: The One Bunny
on: October 01, 2003 04:56
Fosh watched with horror as the jello around them began melting. Then she ran. "Erm... what if we have to face the troll, too?" she asked, the others didn't answer, as apparently no one wanted to think of that possibility now.

It was then that she saw them. She stopped dead in her tracks, and as soon as they had noticed she was misisng, the others stopped too. Siona took her shoulders and shook her, but she merely pointed ahead.

"P... P... PPPENGUINS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" she shouted, her voice filled with terror. They were near the bridge, but on ledges high above was an army of penguins, all armed with fish that they were apparently planning to throw. She found herself unable to move, and stood rooted to the spot, watching with horror as a penguin smiled at her evilly and lifted it's arm to throw a fish...
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Post RE: The One Bunny
on: October 01, 2003 06:16
OT: Must...breath...air! *falls off chair form laughing so hard*

Nuav high tailed with the others girls towards the bridge, skidding to a stop, seeing the birds. "WE'RE GUNNA DIE!" she yelled, dodging a fish. The kitten had caught up behind them, she looked at the Balrog-Kitten, then the Penguins. "Er, what happens if one of those fish hit us?' she pulled Foshpickle over to the side, holding up her shield in which fishies were bouncing off. Nuav took out her sling, putting a rock in it and swinging it, then letting one string loose. The rock flew across the air and hit a penguin in the head, it toppled over dead. "Oh great, just like Legolas. I hope none of us get to be the Gandalf." she muttered, secertly cheering to herself at her sucess with the sling.

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Post RE: The One Bunny
on: October 01, 2003 06:20
Jeanne grabbed Fosh and threw her back into movement. "Lets GO!!", Jeanne yelled as they headed on towards the bridge. She knew she wasn't suppose to but it was time to use the gift that was given to her by Elrond... Gandalf's staff. She would really have to explain this one to the others later but not now. They began to cross the bridge.. Jeanne the last one to follow when she stopped mid way and pulling off her cape with gracefulness and ease like that of an angel, she revealed a long staff strapped her her back... she pulled it out and stood her ground as the 'balrog kitten' showed itself...

[Edited on 2/10/2003 by PotbellyHairyfoot]
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Post RE: The One Bunny
on: October 02, 2003 08:14
Rosie turned around just as Jeanne stopped on the bridge and pulled Gandalf's staff from inside her cloak.

"OH, BUGGER IT ALL, JEANNE! KEEP COMING!" she shouted back. Jeanne paid no attention to her. Great, she's gonna pull a Gandalf on us... Rosie thought. And she was the only semi-sane one among us!
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Post RE: The One Bunny
on: October 02, 2003 11:33
Galadria was shooting a bunch of penguins with her bow when Jeanne threw off her cloak, pulling off a very Gandalf look. "You are INSANEEEE!!!" she screeched running towards the area inbtween the kitten and 'Gandalf Jeanne' " BAD JEANNE-GANDALF DON'T EAT THE KITTY!!!"

She paused for a moment as the whole time seemed to stop as everyone stared at her. "Ooops, wrong movie. DON'T KILL THE KITTY!"

(((and teh movie is...... *drum rolls*)))
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