Looks like Faramir is taking a drink from his brother. He looks so happy here. He really loves his brother.
he’s smiling!Pretty smile
Oh…my! A smiling Faramir. *pauses then breaks into tears* Yay! He’s HAPPY!
Com’n Faramir! All the cool kids are doing it!
I think he looks sorta silly here. But I like it. *lol* 🙂
yay Faramir’s happy!!Denethor stupid freak spoils everything!*angry growl*
I’m so glad they put this scene in the DVD.
yo ho yo ho..a rangers life for me! lol..just thought i’d say that.who knows what he could be drinking.rum?
Didn’t Boromir say “Break out the ale”?
Ah, a happy moment!
really loves hi brother, and really loves his ale
yay!!!!! faramir’s acctually happy! *hugs whoever made him smile*
haa! he is smilling
I liked this scene a lot:)
Aww! I’ve never really seen him smile before! (Hang on, I’ve seen ROTK!) I love the way they love each other!
Seeing this made me grin so much! Seeing him happy is enough to make anyone smile.
…so THAT’S where the rum went…
Yes! Denethorhas ruined Faramir’s day yet! It’s so nice2 see him smile! Good 1, silverdeath.
Whoa there, made a rather large mistake. I meant Denethor hasn’t ruiend his day yet!
cheeery cheers! 😉
he kind of looks a bit like Boromir in this shot..well, he *is* his brother..so why not…
Yes, great smile! and i liked that they put this scene in the EE, shows the relationship between bros & dad
Way cool pic! Next time Faramir is shown with an ale in his hand Eomer should be invited to the celebration!
I loved seeing this part in the RotK EE. It was cool too see Faramir and Boromir interacting w/ each other…
…you didn’t get to see a lot of that in the regular edition.
Did someone slip something in the drink? 😉 Yikes…look so much like ole Boromir in this shot…
Nice face |-)
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Looks like Faramir is taking a drink from his brother. He looks so happy here. He really loves his brother.
he’s smiling!Pretty smile
Oh…my! A smiling Faramir. *pauses then breaks into tears* Yay! He’s HAPPY!
Com’n Faramir! All the cool kids are doing it!
I think he looks sorta silly here. But I like it. *lol* 🙂
yay Faramir’s happy!!Denethor stupid freak spoils everything!*angry growl*
I’m so glad they put this scene in the DVD.
yo ho yo ho..a rangers life for me! lol..just thought i’d say that.who knows what he could be drinking.rum?
Didn’t Boromir say “Break out the ale”?
Ah, a happy moment!
really loves hi brother, and really loves his ale
yay!!!!! faramir’s acctually happy! *hugs whoever made him smile*
haa! he is smilling
I liked this scene a lot:)
Aww! I’ve never really seen him smile before! (Hang on, I’ve seen ROTK!) I love the way they love each other!
Seeing this made me grin so much! Seeing him happy is enough to make anyone smile.
…so THAT’S where the rum went…
Yes! Denethorhas ruined Faramir’s day yet! It’s so nice2 see him smile! Good 1, silverdeath.
Whoa there, made a rather large mistake. I meant Denethor hasn’t ruiend his day yet!
cheeery cheers! 😉
he kind of looks a bit like Boromir in this shot..well, he *is* his brother..so why not…
Yes, great smile! and i liked that they put this scene in the EE, shows the relationship between bros & dad
Way cool pic! Next time Faramir is shown with an ale in his hand Eomer should be invited to the celebration!
I loved seeing this part in the RotK EE. It was cool too see Faramir and Boromir interacting w/ each other…
…you didn’t get to see a lot of that in the regular edition.
Did someone slip something in the drink? 😉 Yikes…look so much like ole Boromir in this shot…
Nice face |-)