He is soooo fine! The third Martix movie sucked, but it was definatley worth seeing it to see hundreds of him!
wow! Brand new shoes! Cool!
Mighteh mighteh!!!!!!!
“Welcome to Rivendell, Mr. Anderson.” teeheehee
All I want for Christmas is just one Smith clone. Just one! Is that too much to ask?
One Smith.. one smith for all of us 🙂 there were plenty of them *sighes happily*
*kicks Neo behind a bush* Um…nope…haven’t seen im’ Mr. Smith. Why? 😀 Lol!
I didnt see the last matrix movie but I saw the movietrailer… now I know why he never laughs.. I get chills
every time I hear and see him laughing in that movietrailer..
This is such a cool pic. i love it it’s so WOW.His laugh is excellent but scary,it would make me run a mile
oh the eyes, dontcha love it when he takes the shades off!
Does Arwen know this?
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He is soooo fine! The third Martix movie sucked, but it was definatley worth seeing it to see hundreds of him!
wow! Brand new shoes! Cool!
Mighteh mighteh!!!!!!!
“Welcome to Rivendell, Mr. Anderson.” teeheehee
All I want for Christmas is just one Smith clone. Just one! Is that too much to ask?
One Smith.. one smith for all of us 🙂 there were plenty of them *sighes happily*
*kicks Neo behind a bush* Um…nope…haven’t seen im’ Mr. Smith. Why? 😀 Lol!
I didnt see the last matrix movie but I saw the movietrailer… now I know why he never laughs.. I get chills
every time I hear and see him laughing in that movietrailer..
This is such a cool pic. i love it it’s so WOW.His laugh is excellent but scary,it would make me run a mile
oh the eyes, dontcha love it when he takes the shades off!
Does Arwen know this?