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CoE Announcements, Rules, & Feedback
Where CoE staff announce important information. Also, if you have suggestions, give them here!
Topics: 98
Last post by NenyaGold in Re: CoE con? on December 18, 2023 05:34
For people new to the site to say hi, or for anyone to ask questions on how things work here at CoE.
Moderators: gondolinian,
Subforums: Newbie Archives,
Topics: 51
Last post by gondolinian in Re: NEWBIES INTRODUCTION THREAD - Please introduce yourself here!! on December 18, 2023 06:53
Many Meetings
For CoE members to meet others from their corner of the world.
Topics: 29
Last post by Hanasian in Re: Anyone from the USA? on December 08, 2023 12:07
Test Forum
Test your sig file, new avatar, bbcode, etc. in here.
Moderators: gwendeth,
Topics: 24
Last post by Elfeawen Lomiondil in Re: Active Members? on March 14, 2024 03:54
Movies Discussion
Music Discussion
For discussion of the music in the movies.
Moderators: tarcolan,
Topics: 38
Last post by Blaze in Re: Eowyn's chant in TTT EE on June 29, 2024 02:28
The Casting Forum
For discussion of the actors in the films. Swoon all you want in here.
Topics: 61
Last post by Elfeawen Lomiondil in Re: Galadriel on March 15, 2024 03:55
Discuss the Movies
For discussion of the Lord of the Rings movies, and The Hobbit.
Moderators: tarcolan,
Topics: 230
Last post by starofdunedain in Re: Extended Edition in Theaters! on June 14, 2024 02:19
Books Discussion
Discuss the Books
Have questions or comments about the books? Bring it up in here.
Moderators: PotbellyHairyfoot,
Topics: 338
Last post by starofdunedain in Re: Lore in The Letters of J.R.R. Tolkien on June 08, 2024 12:32
Book Club
The Book Club is now reading and discussing The Silmarillion.
Moderators: PotbellyHairyfoot,
Topics: 37
Last post by starofdunedain in Re: Annual LotR reading on September 02, 2022 05:21
Sindarin Discussion
Group discussion and study of Sindarin.
Moderators: gwendeth,
Topics: 1257
Last post by GSO in Re: the word Uncle on February 02, 2024 02:13
Quenya Discussion
For questions and discussion relating to Quenya.
Moderators: Malinornë,
Topics: 511
Last post by dirk_math in Re: the word Uncle on February 05, 2024 06:46
Other Languages & General Elvish Discussion
For all discussion of Tolkien's languages that doesn't fit into the other language forums, including the often asked question of what form of Elvish you should study.
Moderators: Malinornë,gwendeth,
Topics: 69
Last post by Hanasian in Re: language map of Middle Earth on June 10, 2023 02:56
Tolkien Related Discussion
The Green Dragon Inn
For discussions of weapons, plays, art, exhibitions, Tolkien himself, and any other LotR/Tolkien topics that don't fit elsewhere. Please put any movie or book specific topics in the appropriate forum.
Topics: 48
Last post by Elfeawen Lomiondil in Re: Tolkien’s Likes/Dislikes on June 02, 2024 12:06
For discussion of collectible items.
Moderators: Keterai,
Topics: 279
Last post by Hanasian in Re: Middle Earth Clothing on December 25, 2021 10:33
Creations Forum
For discussion of fan art, fanfiction, crafts, and anything else related to creative endeavors by our members.
Moderators: ~nólemë~,
Topics: 67
Last post by Hanasian in Re: NEW Photography Thread!! on January 01, 2024 01:08
Fanfiction & Poetry
Moderators: ~nólemë~,
Topics: 40
Last post by Hanasian in Re: Writing Fanfiction on CoE - An Easy Newbie's Guide on March 02, 2024 12:25
Games Forum
For discussion of the various LotR games, as well as for thread/forum games.
Moderators: Evil~Shieldmaiden,
Topics: 19
Last post by tarcolan in Re: Tolkienverse 21 Questions - Part 16 on June 11, 2024 04:14
Console/Computer/Board Games
Moderators: Evil~Shieldmaiden,
Topics: 19
Last post by Hanasian in Re: LOTRO on May 27, 2023 12:08
Off Topic
The Prancing Pony
General, off-topic discussion. All off-topic books, movies, TV, and other media discussion should be taken to The Palantír.
Moderators: BelleBayard,awelyn418,
Topics: 338
Last post by Hanasian in Re: Oldie Newbie on June 14, 2024 03:29
Facts About Us
For all those "What/where/who are you?" threads.
Moderators: BelleBayard,awelyn418,
Topics: 125
Last post by Hanasian in Re: Favorite Beverage? on June 05, 2023 01:29
The Palantí­r
To discuss non-LotR movies, television, books, and other media.
Moderators: Keterai,
Topics: 524
Last post by Hanasian in Re: Star Trek on October 10, 2022 08:47
General Realms Discussion
This forum is for asking questions, organizing cross-Realm events, and for any other general Realm discussion.
Moderators: Dolwen,
Topics: 12
Last post by Dolwen in Re: The Great Realm Reboot on November 04, 2018 11:01
Vaults Of Valinor: Realms Archive
Storage for Realm stuff.
Moderators: Dolwen,
Topics: 22
Last post by NenyaGold in Re: Realm Sceptre Contest #4 and the winner is... on February 02, 2015 06:13
Grab a pint in the Green Dragon, and join the crowd!
Moderators: PotbellyHairyfoot,
Topics: 58
Last post by Hanasian in Re: Favorite Lord of the Rings Male Character. on July 21, 2023 10:38
Totally Tolkien
For threads 100% Tolkien, based in Tolkien's world with races, powers and locations from Tolkien's works. There is to be no Godmodding.
Moderators: PotbellyHairyfoot,
Topics: 38
Last post by Hanasian in Re: The Siege of Gondor on March 02, 2024 12:31
Tolkien Related
For threads that are based in Tolkien's world but contain changes in characters and/or plot not found in Tolkien's works.
Moderators: PotbellyHairyfoot,
Topics: 107
Last post by Hanasian in Re: 'Darkest of Days' - (See OOC to join) on May 19, 2023 03:02
For threads that are not Tolkien related or are only loosely based on his works.
Moderators: PotbellyHairyfoot,
Topics: 284
Last post by R.J.J Tolkien in Re: Knights of honor 2 on November 08, 2021 08:55
Out of Character Discussion
For OOC discussion related to roleplaying.
Moderators: PotbellyHairyfoot,
Topics: 108
Last post by Eldarion in Re: Darkest of Days on November 28, 2023 04:55
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