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Something Scary (in Fanfiction)

…EVEN MORE SOUTH SCENE: The Fellowship of the Thing are trekking through the Misty Mountains. Snow is falling. Oh, this is boring. Cut to BOROMIR blowing his war-horn. HORN: HAROOOOOOOM!!!…

Is there any limit to the number of photos I can submit to the gallery? (in FAQs)


What is the limit on the number of Private Messages stored on COE? (in FAQs)

Once your private messages reach 75, you will be unable to receive any more until you delete some.

Fair Battles and Situations in an RPG (in Subject Articles)

…~ Endurance If you want to make encounters more random, you could also do a Charisma stat. Now then, roll your die or put your graphing calculator on random with…

The Lady of Dol Amroth (chapter number unknown yet!) (in Fanfiction)

…At length, he calmed himself and sat down once more. “The tale of Lothlorien and its attacks is much more bitter.” Legolas whispered. “Attacks? There was more than one, then?”…

To Overcome the Shadow – Chapter Six (in Fanfiction)

…boots off and dangling his feet in the water. Something was different, though. He had lost something. Or was it that he had gained something? It was so hard to…

An audience with Andy Serkis (in Posts)

…in King Kong with more digital roles on the way. Speaking about the event, Andy has said “I am absolutely thrilled to be hosting this event to raise money for…

Chapter two;The Carousel and Pretty Brass Rings (in Fanfiction)

…we have more tickets?Â’ Strider fished around in his pockets, and produced six more tickets. ‘All right, but this is the last time IÂ’m paying for you.Â’ The hobbits nodded…

The Tenth Member (in Fanfiction)

…high school track coach was desperate for runners… but that’s another story). What surprised most people who had never met Kylie before was her clumsiness. Yes, the Varsity tennis star…

Chapter 20: Many Meetings (in Fanfiction)

…him before he was rescued by President Ronald. Now, Fred was watching the door. He didnÂ’t have long to wait. Soon, they opened, and a man stepped through them. He…