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The World Was Young In Durin’s Day: Analysis of the Dwarvish Hymn for Durin the Deathless (in Subject Articles)

…But in the case of Khuzdul, for instance, we notice that something else is at work here too. The language of the Dwarves is kept a secret from all, except…

The Shaping of Samwise Chapter 3 Sam’s Great Idea (in Fanfiction)

…if it worked at Bag End, maybe the Gaffer would let him install it in the Gamgee strawberry patch as well. The irrigated garden in Greenholm was flourishing, in contrast…

Mornie Alantie (in Fanfiction)

…exasperation, “Just what we needed.” “I will tend to him–” said Elrohir. Elladan sensed the orcs an instant to late. “Elrohir, move!” The younger twin had been twisted in his…

The Patient – Part Two (in Fanfiction)

…an instant. Eve knew she would be hearing the woman’s tears for quite some time. It was not the first time Eve had been required to perform such a task…

Chapter X: The Hunt Is On (in Fanfiction)

…ground with trembling legs, let out a loud yelp. Instantly, the black shape moved. Its hairy legs shot out, revealing the spider in her full, terrifying size, and huge, lightless…

Interrogation (in Fanfiction)

…you were from lunch this afternoon until about three o’clock. I want the reports brought straight to me the instant you have them written. I have had my chambers moved…

Chapter 27 (in Fanfiction)

…and Sanosuke instantly heard the women and children’s plight from where they were. “It doesn’t look good, Aragorn,” said Sanosuke, “if the Uruks break through, they’ll get the women and…

RKLoTR: Kenshin and the Two Towers (in Fanfiction)

…over a ledge and was instantly spotted by one of Sauron’s agents, a Black Rider, where for the first time, Frodo began to come under the influence of the ring….

Chapter 20 (in Fanfiction)

…with a sorrowful look on his face, ‘was really unnecessary, that it was. Judging by how it was carried in chains by the Orcs, I could instantly tell that it…

Thorongil II (in Fanfiction)

…boy looked shy, and shrank behind his father’s seat. Thengel chuckled. “Welcome, Thorongil!” he said, smiling. “What brings you to Rohan?” Thorongil instantly sobered. He looked around once before speaking….