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Trust to Hope – Chapter Thirteen (in Fanfiction)

…her hand. “I had forgotten that book was in there. Here,” he said, offering her the book he had carried in. “I was bringing you this.” He placed the book

18: Brothers (in Fanfiction)

…from his book. When he saw it was his father, he quickly slipped the book behind a pillow. “What are you doing?!” Denether boomed. “What are you talking about, Father?”…

Éowyn (in Movies vs. Books)

…then leaves with the Rohirrim for Helm’s Deep. Who is Éowyn in the book? Éowyn is the niece of King Théoden and sister to Éomer, a noble lady from the…

The Road Goes Ever On (in Fanfiction)

…looked at BilboÂ’s book. It had been some time since his hand had written anything within its pages. Sam took the book in his hands and held it close to…

Boromir of Gondor (in Movies vs. Books)

…the prop department sticking to the books this closely. – On Caradhras, Boromir and Aragorn each carry two Hobbits up the mountain, whilst in the books they each carry two…

1.10. Strider (in Movies vs. Books)

…character. – Finally, the difference between the Ringwraith in the movie and the book becomes very clear when one compares there two chapters: in the book they are more like…

Random Elves (Elrond, Haldir, Galadriel & Celeborn) (in Movies vs. Books)

The “other” elves – Elrond, Galadriel, Haldir and Celeborn – have startlingly different roles in film and book. Celeborn is mentioned in the book but not the film; Haldir is…

Lord of the Things: Chapter Ten (in Fanfiction)

…“IÂ’m sure it is,” Araforn lifted the rock over PoppinÂ’s head. “Hey, check it out!” Grandalk skipped over to where a large, dusty book lay, “COOL! I always wanted to…

Ch. 15 A Little Black Book (in Fanfiction)

…toss the book back simultaneously. She missed. It bounced off the side and into her boat. “Oh, very well. Somebody wants me to have it apparently. Cast off!” As the…

2.05.*b The Bridge of Khazad-dûm (in Movies vs. Books)

…Howe – The Bridge of Khazad-dûm How did it happen in the book? After the Fellowship shakes off an attack in the Chamber of Mazarbul, they make an escape through…