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Chapter 10. Moving on (in Fanfiction)

…to gulp cheap ale after sharing good Gondorean wine with the Jarl. “The Jarl gave me a promotion,” said Griss, wondering whether Algeirr still had enough wits left to understand…

Chapter 6. Surest way to Njamo (in Fanfiction)

…and Kvigr noticed a number of small mounds, marked by stones, all around him. “Get down and pick your place, laddie – the ground is cheap here,” Sterki grinned again….

Chapter 5. Plotting and suffering (in Fanfiction)

…he looked in doubt at the dirty little man who was peering at them owlishly, obviously just out of his bedroll. Moreover, the shaman was reeking of cheap ale and…

Gimli’s Workshop (in Fanfiction)

…been told that materials and labor were cheap, and there was plenty of coal. Gimli had planned big, envisioning multiple shops, storage sheds and bunkhouses. These had gone up quickly,…

They Were in other Places Too! (in Fanfiction)

…drew Andúril from under his cloak, saying, “How dare you slander my acting ability? So what if I played a cheap cowboy character in a low-quality flick where I almost…

20 things you should NEVER EVER tell Legolas (in Fanfiction)

…That cloak says one thing – cheap! 6. Elves suck. 5. You’re OLD! 4. Dwarves rock! 3. Your breath stinks. 2. The ranger knows you’re stalking him. 1. You snore….

Part II: The Two Towers (in Fanfiction)

…But I pity her own unsightliness.” I snorted. And flipped the bird. “Pity that, you cheap tart.” Ouch. Maybe I was a little harsh. Nah. Morwenna was not amused. In…

It’s Leggy to the Rescue! (in Fanfiction)

…her face into a most unlovely expression. “Go AWAY, you stupid pooey-head!” she shrieked. “You’re not Leggy-chan; you’re just a cheap brunette rip-off.” Legolas’s backbone stiffened, and a stern look…

Pelican Stop Market (in Fanfiction)

…short notice. I can’t just magic things up you know.” “Well, Mithrandir, actually-” The White Wizard interrupted him. “I had to import cheap Uruk-Hai made products from Isengard.” They were…

Lord of the Lampshades Chptr. 9 (in Fanfiction)

…his finger up the blade and cuts himself. Well what did he expect? Boromir: Udûn!* He sees Aragorn, who is watching him. Boromir: But no more than cheap merchandise! He…