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Chapter II (in Fanfiction)

…to his shoulders he fastened a long black cloak. On his head he put his helm, with wings like those of great seabirds. Lastly he buckled on his sword-belt, and…

Chapter 10 (in Fanfiction)

…as fast as they could. Strider had caught up with them and was now ran with the hobbits away from the Black Rider and his horse. The animalÂ’s snorting and…


…he looked around at those present, he saw the reason for the gaiety. Frodo was now up on the dance floor, amidst a large number of other hobbits, merrily dancing…

The Time We Rise (in Fanfiction)

…Elf that stood as still as a statue. “It has been nigh on a month since you last lay eyes on him, and well over a week since Faramir last…

Interview with: Nelson Couto (Ncouto) (in Subject Articles)

number the rows. And going across on the top, number the columns or vise versa. You basically want it to resemble a chess board. Then, on a separate sheet of…

LOTR: The Lost Scrolls (And a Shame We Ever Found Them!) – Fellowship of the Ring (in Subject Articles)

…Mongrel! Gimli: Fairy! Legolas: Gnome! Gimli: You can hardly tell your women apart from your men! Legolas: At least our women don’t have beards! Gimli: *GASP* Take that back! (Legolas

The Fellowship (and some) Road Trip (in Fanfiction)

…to play it. Legolas slowly read the title, “Blow Aragorn’s head off of Middle Earth and win 7,000 tickets.” “I want tickets!” said Legolas. Eomer dragged Legolas away. “We have…

The Lord of the Stars (in Fanfiction)

…held out his hand toward Obi-Wan. “Hi! My name is Legolas.” “Leglas?” “No, Legolas.” “Legolos? What kind of a name is Lego-” “NO! Leg-o-las!” “Oh! Legolas, why didn’t you say…

NIAMD 5 A Collective Sigh Of Relief (in Fanfiction)

…I believe.” The twins nodded easily, but Legolas hesitated a fraction of a secondÂ… long enough for Elrond to notice. “Where are you hurt, Legolas? And do not tell me…

Big Bother Day 2 (in Fanfiction)

…living room. And Legolas, will you please report to the dairy room immediately. Legolas; *stumbles into the diary room cursing as he sleepily stubbed his toe on the door* Big…