Aleu Taralom (AniuCrystal)
Gender: 2
Race: Human/Elf
Height: 5'6
Age: 16
Family: None, Except her wolves.
Animals: Wolves
Weapons: A long sword, knives
Personality: She is very untrusting of people for a long time even after meeting. Gets depressed a lot but is the type that will cheer you up with a smile. Very clumsy and loud, loves the forest and wolves.
Appearance: Hair is very messy is a red bloodish color. Eyes are normally grey but in times of great stress they turn an eerie yellow. If she's wearing her hood up you cant tell her race or gender. Wears a black cloak, tank top shirt and black pants that are overly long. Never wears shoes. Has a silver anklet, and a shiny black stone on a chain for a neclace.
Was a ranger type person from around Bree. Her family was killed in a bad accident when she was about six. wolves then protected her while she grew up.