Race: Elf
Height: 5'7
Age: a millenium, give or take
Family: None she wishes to discuss
Animals: Wolf Nadu, War Gelding Celcamer
Weapons: Sword, Mace, Bow, Crossbow, Daggers, Wristblades

Personality: Axeia is a cold, calulating assassin who does nothing without being well-compensated for it. She is the General of an Army of Golohd over five thousand strong, and hires them out to whomever can afford them. She is cruel, remorseless and shrewd, and looks down upon most everyone. She rarely speaks unless spoken to, is quick to anger and to retort, usually with an off-color pun. She prides honor and manners above all things, which is unusual for a mercenary. She has her own code, and does not deviate from it. She would just as soon kill a rude innocent as a guilty gentleman. She enjoys swordplay, battle and destruction. She is not one to suffer fools or be crossed. She is a beautiful as she is deadly.

Appearance: Axeia is tall, slender and athletic. She is very quick and strong despite appearances. Her hair is waist-length and black, though long hours in the sun without a helm has lightened the ends of her hair considerably. She has piercing emerald green eyes that speak volumes about her mood. She rarely smiles, but when she does it never touches her eyes.


Axeia has a long history of loss, grief, lonliness and heartbreak. She rarely, if ever, lets anyone close to her, and chooses to isolate herself from everyone save her Army. Polodren, Elethian, and Integra are those who know this mercenary best, and even they do not know the whole of her past. Axeia has a long memory, and doesn’t forget…or forgive.

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