Gender: 2
Race: Human
Height: 5'9
Age: 28
Family: Mother, Athena, living in edoras, but he doesn't keep in contact with her. Son, Halmanil, But baret doesn't know he exsits. Sister and brother died on
Animals: horse named celbranaine
Weapons: sword named Elenti

Personality: witty, quick temper, genorous. Doesn't easily get off task, determined.

Appearance: Black hair almost down to sholders, brown eyes. Dark green traveling cloak


Baret was born in edoras and his father died in battle when he was 7. When he was 19 he met Ilantiel and they fell in love, when barets sister and brother died on the same day, his 22nd birthday, he ran away from edoras and has never been heard from since.

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