Discord (willowluvstara13)
Gender: 2
Race: elf
Height: 7'
Age: 3,000
Family: none
Animals: hawk named Tobias
Weapons: scimitar, bow and arrow
Personality: Kind of quiet and reserved, unless you make her mad. She is nice, but you must be willing to return the favor.
Appearance: Tall, pale skinned and black haired with chameleon eyes(color changing)
Eye Color Guide:
Ice Blue-nuetral
Ice Blue w/ golden glint-mischievious
Blue-sad or upset
Stormy Gray-agitated
Blood Red-angry
Blood Red W/ flames-extremily angry
Black-Lets just say so angry that laying waste to all of Mid.Earth wouldn't even begin to satisfy her wrath
She is an elven bounty hunter looking for an elven criminal from Mirkwood. She is living in Gondor now, having received a tip-off that her bounty is hiding there. As of now, she poses as a Guard of the Citadel trying to find him.