Élrôhirim Tón Eönwë (Daedalus)
Race: Elf of Lothlorien
Height: 5 foot 9
Age: 2999
Family: Aria Tiwele (wife), Leelonanaen (Long lost Brother) Rest of Family died in ambush.
Animals: Horse: Eärandir
Weapons: Lothlorien bow (Primary), Two small swords (Secondary), Elven Hunting Knife, Wooden Staff (Non magical)
Personality: Cheeky, Well trained warrior. Exellent with a bow, and good with his swords. He likes to go travelling with his friend Legyndir and his wife Aria. He belongs to the Warriors of Ithillien, as an Elite Elven Captain. And aslo serves to Rivendell and Lothlorien both where he lives with Aria.
Appearance: Élrôhirim Tón Eönwë, Elf of Lothlorien, Loyal to the Warriors of Ithil. With brunette/blonde hair reaching 1/4 of the way down his back. With blueish/greenish eyes. Clad in a green tunic with hood. Held up by green and brown robes. He is young, handsome and charming, and will protect anything of which he cares for in battle, and will die for it.
He carrys a bow, placed upon his back, given to him by Lady Galadriel and Lord Celeborn for his service and loyality. Two small elven swords placed either side of his quiver full of bows, and an elven-hunting knife, of which was the last remains of his dad. When found them; after they were amushed on their way back to Lothlorien from visiting Lord Elrond, it is also in a sheath in a pocket on the inside of his tunic. He has a horse named Eärandir, a white horse that gleams in the moonlight.
He got married to Aria Tiwele after meeting her in Minas Tirith, and after having many meetings together after that, Elrohirim swore to never leave her again and got together with her at the Mid-Summer Festival of Rivendell on year.