Race: Angel
Height: 5'11" in Natural Form
Age: 578 years
Family: None
Animals: None
Weapons: Dagger

Personality: Very focused, Eman does not like to dawdle for too long. He gets impatient quickly, which is what got him banished from the celestial realms. He is, however, normally in a very agreable temperment and easy to get along with.

Appearance: With long golden hair and prismatic (color-changing) eyes, Eman is a beautiful creature. His voice is light and reassuring when he's happy; it's dark and commanding when angry. His appearence changes often, due to his shape-shifting abilities.


Until 200 years ago, Eman was known as The White Rider, the rider of the Pale Horse, or Death. The Lord sent Eman through Egypt when the pharoah did not heed his commands. However, Eman was the Arch-angel of Retribution, exacting righteous revenge on evil-doers. 200 years ago, there was another rebellion in the celestial realms. A band of angels, led by one of Eman’s dear friends, tried to leave the celestial realms in order to join Satan. They were drawn by his promise of power, and the Lord let them. He said it was their choice, whether they would live eternally or be subject to the second death. Eman wanted revenge, so he went after them. A bloody battle took place on earth, and Eman was able to defeat most of the rebels. When he came to his old friend, he could not muster the will to save her. She acted in his hesitation and wounded him. Then she fled. He went back to the celestial realms to find that he would not be admitted into the Holy City. He acted against the will of the Lord, and because of this, his wings were forcefully and painfully removed and he was banished.

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