Mirendë (ancalimeofnumenor)
Gender: 2
Race: men
Height: about 5 foot 3'
Age: 20
Family: Erëtindë- sister, mother
Animals: none
Weapons: none
Personality: gorgeous, flattering, picky, outgoing, friendly, funny, takes just about everything lightly whom all the men swoon over and long to hold her heart, yet she is somewhat indifferent towards them, the "seen it all, can't you do anything to really impress me" kinda attitude
Appearance: almost flawless, she has a perfectly smooth rounded face with a dainty nose and a georgeous smile. She almost always holds a smile on her face. Her eyes are blue-green and shimmer like water. Her hair is very light brown, or dark blonde, whichever you want. It is long and silky cradleing her face elegently.
her father died when she was young, I don’t know much else.