Nimrod (RoseCottonSam)
Gender: 2
Race: elf
Height: 6 ft 0
Age: Unknown
Family: One brother called Lor. He does not know where his Mother is but his Dad is in Rivendell
Animals: none
Weapons: Bow and arrow. knives
Personality: He is a very immature and child-like charecter who loves to play tricks on his friends, Lessien Elensar and Elruwen. He loves singing and can sit in a tree with a book for hourse on end.
Appearance: He has long black hair which is usually tied in a ponytail. His face is weather beaten and serious but is also very cheerful.
While he was small he lived in Rivendell where he was under the care of Haldir. He was forever playing tricks on Haldir who later resigned so he was taught by Estel and Legolas. When his chilhood friend Uinaerien left he was clouded in grief and the only time he came out he was captured. He did not return til 10 years later when Elrond found him lying in Rivendell. He then became a servant and later headservant o Rivendell.