REDJET (Stridlas)
Gender: 2
Race: Raven
Height: 1'2
Age: 14
Family: unknown
Animals: it is a bird, how can it own animals?
Weapons: Beak and talons
Personality: quiet, yet it doesn't like most people. If you piss it off, you better watch out.
Appearance: All a jet black except for a red stripe down each of its wings. The red is not a bright red, it is a dark red. Pretty much a blood red.
it is unknown to any being this unique creatures history and it is also unknown how it came to have it’s unique coloration andmagical powers. The powers most people believe have something to do with the red stripes on its wings and somepeople think the red on his wings came from a long ago battle it had and both its wing were stained with its enemies blood. This is not true however.