Race: Human- Rohirrim/Dunadan
Height: 5' 10
Age: 27
Family: Revenhelm- a Rohirrim captain, her mother, Ioren of the Dunedain, and four older brothers. Cousin of Eomer and Eowyn on their father's side.
Animals: Arien, her Rohirrim horse.
Weapons: sword, bow, spear, daggers

Personality: Revenwyn tends to be a little too trusting of others. She can get depressed easily, and has been the target of many injustices. She is a good fighter, but if something happens to her family, she is weakened. Otherwise, she is known to be a good and caring leader, yet firm as need be.

Appearance: Revenwyn is tall for a woman, but short for a shieldmaiden. She has a somewhat angular face and thinks of herself as ugly, but in reality, she is of a pretty sort, her reddish blonde hair falls in cascades of waves around her face, or is pulled back into a ponytail, or half of it may be pulled back and half of it left down. Her emerald green eyes contrast with her pale skin, and there is a slight blush in her cheeks at all times. The red tint in her hair is somewhat accentuated by the dark green tunic she most often wears, along with her light brown leather leggings and leather sword belt, covered by the grey cloak of Lothlórien, which she acquired on her travels. Her bow is on her back, along with the quiver of arrows. Her sword is at her side, and two small knives as well. Her shield is slung over her back. Sometimes she wears different color clothing, just for variety. She may be seen at social functions or in royal courts in a long, white dress with a high neckline, slim against her torso and hips but flowing outward as it gets longer, with a silver girdle around her waist, and a green mantle covering it and ending in a train on the ground. The sleeves are long and full, covering her hands. She wears a circlet on her head, with a blue sapphire in the middle of it, matching the stone of the clasp of her mantle. Special Posessions: She has a mithril mail coat, given to her by a half-elven friend, and mithril blade, with the names of all its bearers inscribed on it, including her name when she disguised herself as an elf; Sangahyando, the Throng-Cleaver. She also wears a gold and sapphire ring given to her by her late husband, Annaner Dorian Dunadan. She also carries a shield on her back.


Revenwyn was born to Revenhelm, the brother of Éomund, the father of Éomer and Éowyn, and to Ioren of the Dunedain, a healeress, who was the third cousin of Aragorn. When she was fifteen, she rode with her four older brothers across the plains of Rohan. They were training to become Riders of the Mark, and Revenwyn was secretly training with them, under the name Revenwine. It was an interesting situation, and she often had to sneak away to deal with personal issues of which I will not detail. After one of these trips away, she met up with Annaner Dorian Dunadan, a Ranger of the North, who saw through her disguise and marveled at the courage of this young woman.

Dorian told her that he knew about her disguise, and she trembled, thinking he would tell. This would have brought shame upon the éored, and she would have been sent home and severely punished. He said that he would not tell her secret, and she was glad for that.

She didn’t see Dorian at all during the next year, and had almost forgotten him entirely when all of a sudden he showed up again. “So we meet again. Have you been discovered yet?” he asked her. She said no, she hadn’t been, thanks to him.

Dorian stayed around the area for almost that entire year. A relationship developed between him and Revenwyn. A year later, he asked her to marry him. She accepted. In secret, he brought her to meet his parents. They approved the relationship, and gave Dorian their blessing, for she was half Dunadan. Dorian’s parents said that they must wait another two years because most of the Dunedain didn’t marry until they were fifty, and Dorian was not even half that age.

Revenwyn was now seventeen, and she rode with the King’s host. She participated in the battle of Helm’s deep, and it was there that she was discovered to be a woman.

An arrow had gotten stuck in her chest, and after it had been taken out, her wound had to be cleaned. Fortunately, it was a healeress who discovered it, and knew she had to be the missing daughter of Revenhelm. “So, you managed to hide for two years? I thought my daughter had just run away.” Her father scolded her severely, saying that her life would fall apart if she continued to be a warrior. She would not heed him.

During this time, her father pledged her to Haraldon, a man of Gondor, and the two were wed immediately. She did not love the man, and the man did not love her. The man beat her and verbally abused her. She would not abuse him back. She often told Dorian of how her husband mistreated her. He seethed with anger towards Haraldon.

As soon as she was healed, she was back on her horse, under another name and another disguise. Éowyn was not the only woman to ride in the Battle of Pelennor Fields, Revenwyn rode as well, but was not thought to be a woman until a couple months later when she began to show signs of being pregnant. It was Dorian who discovered it, and discreetly told her that she wouldn’t be able to hide her secret any longer.

She left the éored, and hid in her grandmother’s home near Minas Tirith until she had her baby, a boy, whom she named Lóravarnion. Haraldon somehow got wind of her whereabouts, and came directly for her, but as soon as he saw his son he decided to leave her. This was the best thing that had happened to Revenwyn since her marriage. Now she was rid of him. Or so she thought.

Dorian came for her, and they were semi-secretly wed. His parents were there, and his brother, Halbarad, the standard-bearer of Aragorn, was there as well. None of Revenwyn’s family was there, and only her brothers knew about the new marriage, and they had been sworn to secrecy by Revenwyn. They loved their sister, and wanted the best for her, so they kept quiet.

Revenwyn’s parents knew that Haraldon had divorced Revenwyn, and divorce was allowable, but extremely rare, and only under the worst circumstances, and the family hushed it up, although they did take their new grandson into their care.

Dorian took Revenwyn with him when he roamed the countryside, but they took great caution to split up when they reached Rohan. He had a gold and sapphire ring that he had given her, but she never wore it except when she was around his family. Indeed, none of the companies that they ever traveled with knew about the marriage.

A year into their marriage, Dorian was going on a new quest, of an extremely dangerous sort, so he told Revenwyn that this time, she must remain in Minas Tirith. She was pregnant again, and it looked like she would have twins. Dorian came back from the adventure a day before Revenwyn went into labor.

She did indeed have twins, a boy, whom they named Roquen Revenhelm, and a girl, Miranda Lossefalme. Soon after, Dorian went on another dangerous quest. Revenwyn raised the twins until they were five years old, and left them in the care of their grandparents.

Dorian met up with her and took her on another quest. This time, they were both disguised as elves. She got to visit with the elves, who put the finishing touches on her disguise, turning her into an elvish archer. They gave her a new name, and called her “Sangahyando.” One of Revenwyn’s new friends, a half elf half hobbit named Lalaithanna, traveled with her for a while. Revenwyn tried to keep up this friendship, but Lalaithanna’s heart was bent on the sea.

Suddenly, Revenwyn was called by King Elessar to search for the Lost Palantiri. She traveled to Bree, where Dorian joined her as well. Soon a small company was formed, and it grew as the quest lengthened.

More recently, her husband Dorian was killed, and she fell in love with Shadow, a half elf. She soon married him.

(Drawing is of Revenwyn and Shadow. If you want to see more of Revenwyn, go here: http://www.geocities.com/revenwyn_of_rohan/Guild/Revenwyn.html )

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