Tusneldë Feänmelië (Eressëa)
Gender: 2
Race: Half Valinorrean Elf (most lik
Height: Short compared to other Elves
Age: The time of the Two Trees, when Elves first came t
Family: Unknown
Personality: Rotten all the way through. Tusneldë has a way of seeming nice and all, mainly because of her looks and manours of speaking and acting, but on the inside she is pure evil and has gone slightly insane. Tusneldë is incredibly smart -even wise, she has learned great things from both the Valar and all the races of Elves. However she was corrupted by Morgoth, because of a weakness towards Feänor. It is thought that her insanity in reality sprung out when she left Aman, which she had not felt a want to leave.
Tusneldë can show both compassion, understanding and pity, values she learned from Nienna, these abilities she has later cursed, because they make her soft-hearted at the most unlikely times. To Tusneldë the worst thing is to die, and she always tries to avoid killing anything, neither plant, animal or being. She therefore never walks with any weapons, but brings several herbs -both healing and poisonous.
First appearence will show a soft and melodic voiced, innocent young maiden but in reality she is pure hatred and venom.
A part of her though, is also weary of all Evil and of Middle Earth, but she fears to take a boat to aman, where she is sure judgement will be hard on her. In Middle Earth no one has yet found out that she is an ill-doer. She has lost passion for life, though she does not want death. When Feänor died, the weariness of the world in her heart began and the joy in her heart were unlit. It is thought that her continuing of doing bad things, is in fact her search for passion, but since she is also quite reserved and does not have any friends, in fact she walks mostly solitary, it is unknown. A part of her has already died and she does not know, why she has not yet faded away.
Why this great Elf who was born with so much potential now wanders about doing evil for no reason at all, spilling away her life for no real reason, has been the question of many....
Appearance: Tusneldë always wears a deep red gown and a black hooded cloak, which she never really uses. Her hair is blonde and shiny and her skin is pale white. She has great blue and innocent-looking eyes and rosy cheeks and a pouchy mouth. Her teeths are gleamingly white. Her whole look is that of innocence, kind of doll-like and sweet. Her eyes shows consideration and pity -there's nothing to imply that inside her is a black and venomous pit.
Together with the seemingly innocent, there is something queenlike and respectimposing in herappearence. She seems to be very wise and helpful and charming.
Tusneldë’s parentage is a blend of Maia and Vanya, but who the begetters were is unknown. Tusneldë was found in the garden of Lórien in Aman by one of the servants of Irmo, Lord of Lórien.
He saw in her the plain streaks of Maia, but since the Elven part of her was even the more obvious, she was raised by the Vanyar -most acquainted with the Valar. She wandered often in the gardens of Lórien, where she searched for hints of her past. She tried also to learn wisdom from Nienna, the Vala of pity. Later she lived with both the Teleri and the Noldor, and while there, she was fascinated by Feänor and his great abilities and skill. When Feänor wnet in his first exile, Tusneldë followed him, but he seemed to care more for his wife and smithing than her. However Melkor, later known as Morgoth, noticed her and found in her a potential to do Evil. He came to her, pretending to seek her council as in how to gain the confidence of her master, but it was mostly her that gained knowledge from this.
When Feänor decided to leave for Middle Earth, Tusneldë despaired for she did not wish to leave Aman but she was even less keen on loosing Feänor, whom she had come to adore and admire, nay idolize and in the end decided to leave with him, though her acquaintances tried to persuade her to stay. Many of the Valar and Maiar saw that her soul and heart was getting corrupted, and feared how she would fare in Middle Earth.
Tusneldë did not join in the kinslaying -her loyalty toward the Valar was at that point still too strong. However she came to ME with Feänor and his sons, because they considered a great friend and support.
In Middle Earth Tusneldë felt hurt when she was not allowed to enter the realm of Doriath, especially due to her Maia-blood.
After the death of Feänor, Tusneldë’s heart was chilled. She took the name of Feänmelië from that time, to show that he was in her heart never forgotten, though he had not loved her like she him.
She began her nomad life, spending times with both the sons of her beloved lord, but also with a darker and grimmer Lord, who taught her very well the arts of Evil. She began her Evil ways then, continuing them ever since. The greatest point in her life, was however when she met Sauron, who combined the virtues of order and malice with insanity and evil. The mix in him was so perfect, that she saw in him the reincarnation of pure evil itself -a thing she hadn’t seen in Melkor in his end.