Zedo(twilight children) (Brayaden2007)
Gender: 1
Race: Human-ish
Height: umm...tall...
Age: unknown, looks 15 or 16
Family: none
Animals: none yet
Weapons: Twilight Blade
Personality: Zedo is a really kind and gentle person most of the time, but if you fight with him, you won't be the last one standing. A good quote to describe him is: "The less you have the harder you fight for it"
Appearance: He has maroon eyes and hair, and usually wears some kind of cloth to cover his mouth (like cloud from kingdom hearts) his hair is never really neat, and he has a scar on the upper part of his arm, but below his shoulder.
And he wears a long cape that is also maroon and also ripped at the bottom that cav cover his whole body.
He was a twilight child, but for some reason he desn’t remember being one. He doesn’t even know how he got the scar on his arm, but he doesn’t see that as very important; but it very well could be.